6 easy steps to overcome anxiety instantly

  • 4 years ago
6 very simple steps that we can follow to lower the Anxiety in few seconds, it is very important to follow these step by step.
Be aware of the body responses. Remember the body responds and shows some of the mentioned symptoms whenever you experience Anxiety. Just be aware and catch these symptoms when given by your body.
Leave the space. If you are sitting on a chair, then change the position or sit on another chair. If you in a room, then go to another room. It is very important to change the space. Move from that area. That is step 2 which is very important. Leaving the space immediately.
The third is go in the Kitchen, take a glass of water and sip the water. Sipping the water is important here. We don’t have to gulp the water we have to SIP the water. So, sip the water, have one glass of water and after that move out to an open space that is step 4.
Moving out in an open space where you can experience, you can feel the open air, light, nature and plants. And I’ll say if you have plants and greenery around then sit there for some time and do the step 5.
The step 5 is very important again. Step 5 is remembering 5 happy memories of your life. Just think 5 happy memories of your life and that person who has contributed to those happy memories without whom these memories wouldn’t have completed. And thank those people.
The 6th step which is again very important when after counting on your happy memories and thanking the person who has contributed to the happy memories the step 6 is hugging yourself. Give yourself a hug. Hold yourself and give yourself a hug. And say thrice that “I’m Enough”, “I’m Enough”, “I’m Enough”. As I’ve already told you in my last video this is a very beautiful way of reassuring and creating a sense of security. This will immediately lower down the anxious state you are having and when you go back home hug your friends, hug your mother, hug your parents, hug your kids, loved ones I mean that will further lead to reassurance and validation and lower down the Anxiety immediately. Talk to them. Try to talk to them about how you are feeling.
And still friends if you feel that I’m doing this, and Anxiety is somewhere it helps me at that point and I permanently want a solution, then take a professional help. They will help you deal with your belief system and they help through various techniques. There are many tools to overcome anxiety so the professional will teach you those tools and will help you to deal with Anxiety permanently.
So, I hope these 6 very simple steps helps you to overcome Anxiety. You can share this with your friends and family members who are feeling at this point when people are scared and very fearful. These are 6 very simple steps that will help them.
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