U.S. has shown "significant flexibility" on reaching defense cost sharing with S. Korea: Official

  • 4 years ago
미 국무부, "최근 몇주간 상당한 유연성 보여왔다,... 한국과 타협 기대"

Turning now to the seemingly endless negotiations between Seoul and Washington on a new defense cost sharing deal.
The U.S. State Department said Monday that it has shown "significant flexibility in recent weeks in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement," and it's looking for a "further compromise from South Korean government."
Speaking off the record,... the State Department official added the U.S. remains "committed to concluding a mutually acceptable agreement."
The two countries have failed to narrow their differences for months on a fresh Special Measures Agreement... as the Trump administration has demanded a significant rise in Seoul's financial contribution.


