Passed | 1h 1min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 12 January 1947 (USA)
Johnny Randall, a young race-car driver, falls in love with Tony Bradley, who hates racing because her brother was killed in a midget car-race, To compound that, his mother also objects because his father was killed while racing in the Indianapolis 500. But he continues racing, even though he narrowly escapes death when a rival-and-jealous racer schemes to get rid of him. Then, after these narrow escapes, he loses his nerve, but enters one last race. Is there a gas-station ownership in his future?
Director: Edward L. Cahn
Writers: Robert B. Churchill, Crane Wilbur, Scott Darling
Stars: Johnny Sands, Vivian Austin, Don Castle
Johnny Randall, a young race-car driver, falls in love with Tony Bradley, who hates racing because her brother was killed in a midget car-race, To compound that, his mother also objects because his father was killed while racing in the Indianapolis 500. But he continues racing, even though he narrowly escapes death when a rival-and-jealous racer schemes to get rid of him. Then, after these narrow escapes, he loses his nerve, but enters one last race. Is there a gas-station ownership in his future?
Director: Edward L. Cahn
Writers: Robert B. Churchill, Crane Wilbur, Scott Darling
Stars: Johnny Sands, Vivian Austin, Don Castle
Short filmTranscript
02:05Up pretty early, aren't you, son?
02:08Hello, Mom. What are you doing here?
02:10You know, I was about to ask you the same thing.
02:12Well, I thought I'd see what the old eggbeater could do.
02:15I thought it did all right.
02:17Not bad.
02:19What are you doing out here?
02:21Oh, I often come out here at daylight.
02:23I pick daisies in the field.
02:26I'm getting hungry. How about some breakfast?
02:28Okay, Ma.
02:35You love racing as much as your father did.
02:38He loved it, and it killed him.
02:40But cars are safe these days.
02:42He might never have had that accident if...
02:44He was one of the greatest racing drivers in the game, Johnny.
02:47And yet he crashed.
02:49Do you think you could be better than your father?
02:53You're right, Mother. Let's forget it.
02:56I broke my promise talking about racing.
02:58It's a promise that won't work, Johnny.
03:00You'd always have regrets.
03:03And you'd never forgive me.
03:06Well, I'll try one more thing.
03:09Say, this seems to be something about racing.
03:12Yes. Auto racing.
03:15Are you ready?
03:17All set.
03:19Let's go.
04:04Your father was in that car.
04:06That's how he died.
04:08I wouldn't have let you see it, Johnny,
04:10but I wanted you to know why I've been so afraid.
04:15That film is my last argument.
04:18I promise you'll never hear about it anymore.
04:35This was taken the morning of the accident.
04:37That's Breezy Bradley, Dad's mechanic.
04:40He was almost killed in another accident.
04:42Your father and I were as close as two people could be.
04:46For years, we barnstormed the dirt tracks together.
04:49You were born in Chillicothe, Ohio.
04:52It was a nice town,
04:54but we had to move on in a couple of weeks.
04:57Guess I was too young to appreciate Chillicothe.
05:01Breezy loved your father.
05:03He'd do anything in the world for you, Johnny.
05:07Johnny, Breezy killed himself.
05:10Johnny, Breezy has a garage in Los Angeles.
05:41You looking for somebody?
05:43Yeah, is Mr. Bradley here?
05:45No, he's on the ground right now.
05:47Mr. Bradley build this?
05:49Yeah, that's the new job for Mike Conroy.
05:51I guess you heard of him.
05:52I guess I have.
05:53Yeah, nice little speed package there.
05:55I'll say.
05:56Breezy does most of the work on Conroy's string of midgets.
05:59He'll be back pretty soon.
06:00Why don't you ask the girl in the office?
06:02Okay, thanks.
06:06Oh, excuse me.
06:09Uh, sit down, please.
06:16Can you spell perpendicular?
06:18Of course.
06:20Oh, no, that's not right.
06:21I thought of that version myself.
06:24Oh, I thought of that one too.
06:34Oh, I thought of that one too.
06:36Damn it, I thought I had a dictionary here someplace.
06:42Must you say perpendicular?
06:44Why can't you say straight up and down?
06:46No, and I can't say horizontal either.
06:48I got it.
06:54Oh, that's right.
06:55Thanks so much.
06:56You're smart.
06:57I'm willing.
07:05Now, what can I do for you?
07:07I'm looking for Mr. Bradley.
07:08So am I.
07:09I've been phoning all over town trying to find him.
07:11He's always missing when things begin to pile up around here.
07:19Roy Miller was in about those bearings.
07:21And Frank Hansen called.
07:22He needs a new rear axle assembly.
07:24And Mike Conroy's been trying to get you.
07:26You told me you'd be back in half an hour.
07:28Oh, sorry, honey.
07:29I was out on a big deal.
07:30Made it all the way in from Riverside in 38 minutes.
07:33Not bad driving, is it?
07:34Well, I won the first place.
07:35It happens to be 55 miles from Riverside.
07:38And in that traffic, you couldn't make it in an hour.
07:40And in the second place, I happen to know that you were
07:42inhaling beer at Kelly's Bar.
07:44I wasn't in anybody's bar.
07:46Well, how do you expect me to run this place by myself?
07:48So help me, Uncle Breezy, if you don't stay on the job,
07:51I'm going to leave you high and dry.
07:52Oh, yeah.
07:53And you're a kind cook.
07:56This man's been waiting to see you.
07:58I'm Johnny Randall.
08:00You sure are.
08:02It's like meeting your old man all over again.
08:05He was my best friend.
08:06So I heard.
08:07We had some tough times together.
08:09And we had some good ones, too.
08:12How's your mother?
08:13She's fine, thanks.
08:15I got a letter from her.
08:16I know.
08:19I haven't seen her in a long while,
08:21but I've never forgotten her.
08:23Come on in here, son.
08:25Hey, this is Johnny Randall.
08:27Son of the greatest driver that ever stopped a throttle.
08:29Johnny and I have met.
08:31I understand you're going to stay at our house.
08:33Am I?
08:34Of course you are.
08:35We've got a spare room over there.
08:36You don't suppose I'd let you live anywhere else, do you?
08:38You don't know how grateful I am.
08:40Oh, Tony and I'll be delighted to have you with us,
08:42won't we, Tony?
08:45Hello, Mike.
08:46Hello, Breezy.
08:47Mike, I'd like to have you meet...
08:49Well, have you made up your mind about tonight?
08:51Not yet.
08:52You'd better.
08:53I don't want to get tough with you.
08:54What did you say, Breezy?
08:55Mike, I'd like you to meet Johnny Randall.
08:56He's just come to work for me.
08:57Johnny, this is Mike Conroy.
08:59Hello, Johnny.
09:00I've read about you, Mr. Conroy.
09:02This is Speed Randall's boy.
09:03I guess I don't have to tell you who he was.
09:05Well, I should say you don't.
09:06I never saw your father race, Johnny.
09:07That was before my time.
09:08But everybody in the game knows about Speed Randall.
09:11I'm glad to meet his son.
09:13His mother writes me and says he knows the insides of an engine
09:16the same as his old man did.
09:17Well, then you should know something about racing, too.
09:19Well, I've never done it professionally.
09:21But you're interested, huh?
09:22Oh, you bet I am.
09:23Yeah, that's natural.
09:24Tony tells me number 74's ready.
09:25That's right.
09:26That's a special job I had built.
09:28Mrs. McCutkin's going to try her out this afternoon.
09:30Would you like to go over to the track?
09:31Oh, I'd like nothing better.
09:32Come on.
09:33I want you to meet Duke.
09:35Come on.
09:36I'll drive you out.
09:38How about you staying here running
09:39the business for five minutes?
09:40Well, 74's my business, too.
09:42I got to go and see if she runs right, don't I?
09:45I'll only be gone about a half an hour, honey.
09:48Oh, I don't mean that.
09:49But I don't want you to forget what Mrs. Randall said
09:52in her letter about Johnny.
09:53Well, she wants him to get his full of the racing game,
09:55don't she?
09:56But she begged you not to encourage him to drive.
09:58That's the last thing I'd ever think of doing.
10:00Oh, don't you put on an act for me.
10:03You're as crazy about racing as he is.
10:06Ever since you gave it up, you get a kick
10:08out of developing new talent.
10:09You're always hunting for it.
10:11You make me feel like an old vampire or something.
10:14I got to go out to the track and see that Johnny
10:16don't get any ideas.
10:17Because if he gets any, I'm going
10:18to nip him right in the butt.
10:26Look, Angel, I told you I have a table
10:28to go to tonight.
10:29Well, I'm afraid I can't go, Mike.
10:30You see, Johnny Randall just reached town
10:32and he's staying with us.
10:33And, well, I couldn't very well run out on him
10:36the very first night he's here.
10:37Sounds like a lot of good reasons.
10:39Are there any you're holding back?
10:41Oh, no.
10:42Why doesn't Randall stay in a hotel?
10:44Well, just try and find one where he can get a room.
10:46You've got me there.
10:48All right, Angel, but don't give him any ideas, huh?
10:52Dude, you ought to beat anything on wheels
10:54with this new job.
10:56With me driving your assist to win a Lacey Grand this evening.
10:59All right, let's get her out of here.
11:18Yeah, I think she's got it, Breezy.
11:20Leave it to Duke to pull it out of her.
11:22That guy's tops.
11:24Won 14 main events last season.
11:26How would you like to pilot one of those crates?
11:28Oh, I'd like to try it once.
11:30Hop in a number four and take her on the track
11:32a couple of times.
11:33Oh, boy, thanks.
11:34You better not, Johnny.
11:35Why not?
11:36Let's see what he's got.
11:37Maybe he's a chip off the old block.
11:38Maybe he is, but I'm not going to let him
11:40risk breaking his neck.
11:41Well, I've had some experience, Mr. Bradley.
11:43I'm with a real racer, but...
11:44Oh, give the kid a chance, Breezy.
11:45Come on, Johnny.
11:51This baby's a has-been, a dog.
11:53So whatever you do, keep out of Duke's way.
11:55Get me?
11:56I got you, Mr. Conroy.
11:57All right.
11:58OK, fellas, take him out.
11:59All right.
12:00Remember, Johnny, I'm against it.
12:02Let's go, fellas.
12:20Let's go.
12:50What's he trying to do?
12:56That was close.
12:58I'm glad he got out of that one.
13:21He's his old man all over again.
13:23He just can't stay behind.
13:36Hey, Phil, pull him in.
13:38Hey, Phil, pull him in.
14:09Thought you said that crate was a dog.
14:11What's the idea of trying to get me erased?
14:13I ought to hang one on your eye.
14:16I told you to stay away from Duke.
14:18He did stay away from him about five lengths.
14:20That new job cost around 5,000 bucks.
14:22If you'd smashed it up, I'd have...
14:24I didn't smash it.
14:25Trying to show me up.
14:26I'm not trying to show anybody up.
14:28I just couldn't help it.
14:29It's your own idea, Mike.
14:30I didn't want the kid to get into the car in the first place.
14:33Oh, well, forget it.
14:34Don't let it go to your head, Johnny.
14:36I haven't got all the bugs out of number 74 yet.
14:38I'll say we haven't.
14:39You might be a pretty good driver
14:40if you learn how to take orders.
14:41I could use another man.
14:42You mean you want me to drive for you?
14:45Oh, not a chance in the world.
14:47But, Mr. Bradley...
14:48Oh, do you want to break your poor mother's heart?
14:50But my mother said...
14:51What's his mother got to do with it?
14:52What's his mother got to do with it?
14:54Mrs. Randall and I have been friends for a great many years,
14:56and I'm not gonna let her down.
14:58Thank you, Mr. Conroy.
15:03I know you can drive, son.
15:05I saw you out the track there today.
15:07Mike Conroy saw you, too.
15:09He said I might become pretty good.
15:11Oh, he did, did he?
15:12That's awful nice of him, isn't it?
15:14He knows darn well you could become great.
15:17It's born in you, son.
15:19You're a natural.
15:23Then why shouldn't I?
15:26Because you have to forget the whole thing, son.
15:28Leave it all behind you.
15:30Ooh, I know it's quite a sacrifice.
15:33I went through the same thing myself.
15:38Picture of your father, son.
15:40I know.
15:42That was taken up in San Francisco,
15:44but now in, uh, Seattle.
15:46That is one of the very few times he was ever beaten.
15:50May I have it?
15:58Who's this, you?
16:03It's over, son.
16:11Oh, that's not me.
16:12That's Toni.
16:14Cute, eh?
16:16She's a panic.
16:17Who's a panic?
16:19You are.
16:21Before and after.
16:30Uncle Breezy, I told you never to show this picture to anyone.
16:32I didn't show it to him.
16:33He found it himself.
16:34I keep hiding it, and he keeps finding it.
16:39All set.
16:40Let's go.
16:43Conroy seems like a nice guy.
16:45Very nice.
16:47I suppose he's what you'd call a man of the world.
16:50That's right.
16:52Weren't you supposed to have a date with him tonight?
16:54Uh, there's the Grounds Club Theater,
16:57and off in that direction is Beverly Hills,
16:59and further off is the ocean.
17:01Weren't you?
17:02How did you know?
17:04I heard what he said when he came in the office.
17:06Of course, it's none of my business.
17:08None whatever.
17:10But are you?
17:11I mean, is he?
17:13You aren't engaged, are you?
17:14Not quite.
17:16He's still a nice guy.
17:18He offered me a job.
17:20As a racing driver?
17:23I think I'll take it, too.
17:26Oh, I see.
17:32I hate to tell you this, Mike,
17:35but Johnny Randall is determined to become a racer.
17:40If you feel the same way about it,
17:42make that offer all over again, will you?
17:46Goodbye, Mike.
17:50Honest, I don't care about the crowds
17:52or having my name on a poster.
17:54I'll tell you what it is.
17:56Ask a pilot who loves to fly a jet plane
17:59at 500 miles an hour.
18:01He can't tell you either.
18:03But whatever it is that drives him
18:06is what drives me.
18:10Isn't she something?
18:12Slick as a little blonde.
18:14Just imagine, a 3 1⁄2-inch stroke
18:16develops 90 horsepower at 6,500 RPMs.
18:19She's good.
18:20She knows what makes them tick.
18:22Just like his old man.
18:24Hello, fellas.
18:25Hello, Mike.
18:26Just a grease monkey, huh?
18:28All these 60s are made like watches.
18:30It's a kick to take them apart.
18:32Come on in, Johnny.
18:33I want to talk to you.
18:35Johnny, the other day, Duke Hudson's share of the purse
18:38was 1,500 bucks.
18:39He got that for a ride of 7 1⁄2 miles
18:41on the feature event.
18:42Roughly 200 bucks a mile.
18:44Less your percentage, eh, Mike?
18:45That's right.
18:46So that netted Duke 100 bucks a mile.
18:48Not bad, huh?
18:49750 bucks for one ride?
18:51You can make that kind of dough.
18:52Not right away, of course, but you can work up to it.
18:54I'm willing to give you a chance.
18:56Here it is in black and white.
18:57Read it.
19:00Get a lawyer to put this all on one sheet of paper, Mike.
19:02I didn't.
19:03I dictated it myself.
19:04I'm giving you a weekly guarantee
19:05during your training period.
19:06Twice as much as this guy pays you,
19:08and you'll get a regular cut of any purse you might win.
19:10That's saying something for you,
19:12because you usually take a guy's right eye.
19:16Mister, you've got a deal.
19:19Here you are.
19:21Uh, hello, Tony.
19:22Well, I'm surprised to find you here.
19:27What goes on?
19:28I'm signing a contract with Mr. Conroy.
19:31I'm gonna make a star out of him.
19:33I'm sure you are.
19:35After all I tried to do.
19:39Oh, well.
19:41Like father, like son.
19:43Well, I gotta go see a man.
19:45Just a minute.
19:46You're going to see a woman first.
19:47You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
19:49I tried everything I knew.
19:50I even got down on my knees.
19:52I know.
19:53In reverse.
19:54How can you get down on your knees in reverse?
19:56You listen to me.
19:58You keep this one, Johnny.
19:59Couldn't stop his old man,
20:00and the kid's got the same kind of stuff in him.
20:02I tell you, gal, you cannot buck faith.
20:04Can't I?
20:06You just watch me.
20:07Good luck in the world.
20:08Thanks, Tony.
20:11You too, Mike.
20:13You've made more names than any promoter in the game.
20:16What should we do to celebrate?
20:18How's about throwing a party for him?
20:20I'd like nothing better.
20:21How about tonight?
20:23Take us out to dinner someplace,
20:24and then we'll all go to your apartment.
20:27You'll love Mike's place, Johnny.
20:29I do.
20:30He has an exquisite taste.
20:34I've been saving this for a special occasion, Johnny.
20:37This is it.
20:38That's why a man should drink, Johnny,
20:40and women are all of them.
20:42Uncle Breezy.
20:43Oh, honey, you're my niece,
20:44and you're an exception.
20:46Well, they always launch ships with this stuff.
20:48They'll launch your career the same way, Johnny.
20:50Thanks, Mike.
20:51Hope I can live up to your expectations.
20:52You've done all right so far.
20:57Mmm, good.
20:59In fact, it's good all the way down.
21:01I'm glad you like it, Tony.
21:02I'll get another bottle.
21:04You know, it isn't often a beginner
21:06has a chance to train with a man like Mike Conroy.
21:09You think a lot of him, don't you?
21:12Any objections?
21:14I feel a dance coming on.
21:16Play some music for me, Uncle Breezy.
21:18You don't have to say that a half a time.
21:20Reinforcement's coming up.
21:23Make it sweet, Uncle Breezy.
21:26Mmm, that music, it does sing to me.
21:30Don't worry, honey, my intentions are strictly...
21:45Is this the thing you were looking for?
21:47Oh, yes.
21:49Oh, it's an old one, isn't it?
21:52Is this the one you were looking for?
21:54It's no place for me getting out of here don't be a sucker she's giving you the business
22:10what for I wish I knew she's got something up her sleeve I can tell you that how oh when
22:21you know women the way I know how well do you know them how well I've made alimony three times
22:31Johnny don't you love this place I do you should I had it done by a decorator but Tony didn't give
22:37him a chance she selected a color scheme picked out the drapes and half the furniture
22:41I wanted her to be satisfied I expected to live here one of these days Johnny might
22:46misunderstand a lot of things I don't understand around here you're right Johnny besides it's
22:52quarter to one we better get home get some sleep well we didn't even finish one dance
22:55yet oh enough is enough well I uh I hate to see you boys go but if you think you must why uh
23:01I'll take Tony home well they can't go I was just going to fix some ham and eggs you were I don't
23:07want any ham and eggs then you go get some sleep and Johnny will see me home won't you Johnny
23:13please ask Mike I take orders from him now well you sound like you don't like the idea of working
23:20for me now you boys argued out among yourself as to who's going to take Tony home but be sure
23:25she gets home I had a good time Mike it's okay I'll dig up the Maggie good night breezy good night
23:32get my hat for me will you
23:46what are you trying to cook up between Johnny and Mike if you must know I'm the fly on the
23:51ointment I'm going to see to it that Johnny breaks his contract with Mike honey you're crazy am I
23:57Johnny's already mad at Mike oh gosh darn you niece or no niece you'd make any man start drinking
24:03you can't do that to Johnny I'm only trying to do what you should have done
24:08steer Johnny away from the racing game as his mother asked you to do good night
24:27enjoying yourself yeah
24:36I can't remember when I've had a better time maybe this will make up for it let me go
24:46Tony everything's ready no sense me staying around here Conroy night Tony one thing before I go
24:56could I see that contract yeah sure
25:04what's the idea I'm not working for you I'm through I made you an offer in good faith you're
25:10going through with it what do you do sue me I promise you'll never drive for anybody else
25:15that's all right with me chip off the old block you're not even a splinter listen chump you're
25:26Johnny Mike
26:13I didn't expect this to happen
26:28well your mice are pretty near all gone aren't they very seldom you see a guy with one of those
26:33on each eye Conroy's thorough in more ways than one he's blacklisted me breezy what there's an
26:39owner in town give me a chance to drive his car but he can't lick me not again don't you worry son
26:47you've got a new manager you're going to drive for me yeah yeah but we got to keep it quiet
26:53got to keep it away from Tony or she'll gab it all over the place you can't keep anything from
26:58Tony we have to and the starter she'll gum the whole thing up but am I going to drive drive
27:06come here I'll show you
27:17there she is
27:21I designed her myself put her together with my own hands who took her apart
27:27well Tommy Swain was my driver he was huh yeah he drove her all season he won six main events
27:33with her where is he now well Tommy took a little trip I haven't seen him in quite some time
27:43oh she's sensitive and temperamental she's got a great big heart in her here
27:51in your head she'll be dynamite thought you were so worried about my mother I still am
27:57but I got that all figured out look we'll put a mask on you and call you the mass driver that's
28:02Buck's office son we'll barnstorm a little while race in the sticks and keep building you up and
28:06teasing these sports writers you know they'll say who is this mass driver and then when we're
28:12all set we'll go to town and cop all the big prizes that's my dream son you'll make it come true
28:22breezy you've got a deal
28:24Johnny yes what kind of vitamins are you feeding you oh me well something's happened to you who's
28:42running your books uncle breezy you are honey then why don't you tell me whose job this is
28:48I've been at you for weeks and all I get is double talk it's a special
28:54who are you building it for uh fella up in San Jose that right Johnny that's what he told me
29:02what's his name his name and why isn't it on the books because the man
29:06swore me to secrecy he's got a new twist on this baby it's revolutionary
29:11gonna do away with all the old traditions the man's a genius that's what he is
29:16hmm and what are you getting for it oh I haven't figured that out yet gotta figure the cost of
29:21parts and the time and the little profit when we get it all done Johnny and I are going to
29:26deliver it to the man we'll have to stay with it a little while to take the pumps out of it
29:31and uh who's going to drive it you heard me who's gonna drive it
29:38who's going to drive it a man from the east
29:45huh she's wise uh she's just groping soon she'll be griping yeah but we won't be here
31:47well back from the war hey Johnny boy will I be glad to sleep in my own bed
31:53I wonder where Tony is oh she's around someplace I hope she isn't sore she won't be when she sees
31:59all these pretty presents we got for her that's right probably over at the garage you know Tony
32:03always on the job perhaps we should have gone there first no no no that's the wrong technique
32:07always do that's what gets them why am I happy when I think of the way the fans went for you
32:14at those dirt tracks that mystery stuff pays off kid we'll kill them here in Los Angeles we'll
32:19kill them who are you going to kill this time uncle breezy oh hello honey we didn't know you
32:23were home but I had hopes I've missed you Tony have you how nice well you're both looking well
32:29all suntan and everything been out in the sun a lot haven't you huh hey what was that a kiss or
32:35a sock and a puss Christmas yeah presents what kind of a trip did you have I know you're dying
32:41to tell me all about it sure sure look at all the pretty things we brought you lovely I told you
32:45about the trip and the letters but you never answered one of them well how could I you move
32:49so fast San Jose Oakland Tacoma oh we were with Mr uh Dave Stevenson oh yeah good old Dave what a
32:57guy hey Johnny did you like him Johnny well to tell you the truth don't tell me the truth I
33:04couldn't bear it well Johnny and Dave were just that did he like the racer you built for him
33:08crazy over it wasn't he Johnny wasn't he Johnny just crazy and that wasn't by any chance the old
33:15Bradley Comet that you dug up and built all over again oh no oh the Bradley Comet you mean that
33:20old heap that I she's kidding this Johnny yeah why the Bradley Comet is locked up over in the
33:24garage you know that honey and I found the key you liar are you forgetting that I am your uncle
33:30you're a double-dealing two-timing liar both of you treating me as if I were a child a scheming
33:35old man and a lamb led to the slaughter did you tell him what the comet did to Tommy Swain she
33:40didn't do anything to Tommy no then where is he now how do I know I could never keep track of that
33:45guy and did you tell him she was a jinx to every man who ever took her out on the track she hasn't
33:49been a jinx to Johnny I don't believe in jinxes the mass drive kid stuff kid stuff oh is that what
33:57you think let me tell you young lady that kid stuff draws big crowds when you see Johnny at
34:02the finale track tomorrow I don't want to see him oh I can't drive my first race without you in
34:06this dance Tony you're my luck oh no I'm not not when you drive the Bradley Comet but she's
34:11different now oh don't be sore at me maybe you can't help risking your neck but you should have
34:17trusted me it's just like being in love with a drunk you know he can't help drinking but you
34:21hate to have him lie about it you mean you love me who said I did no no woman can talk to me like
34:29that niece or no niece I'm going up there and give her a piece of my mind and let me tell you
34:33something else I wouldn't marry any man whom I make me a widow six weeks after the wedding
34:38even if you asked me to marry you which you didn't and even if I loved you which I don't
34:42goodbye Tony what does she mean by all that double talk huh she meant goodbye
34:59in today's main event at the wheel of number 74 is your favorite thrill master Duke Hutkins
35:05and piloting number 70 a new star the mask driver
35:14famous mass marvel who do you guys think you're kidding just the customers that's all it counts
35:18right it's a sellout he didn't draw maybe that mask is a good idea I can't see how scared you
35:25besides it's better than trading on your old man's reputation of course he didn't have to
35:29wear one let him go I taught him a lesson once it'd be fun to do it again Duke will fix him
35:38he's razzing you Johnny trying to break your nerve are you nervous no I am look at my hands
35:45don't show me it might be catchy look Johnny number 70 won't let you down you do have faith
35:52don't worry we speak the same language good boy how's she standing up Duke you're not worried
35:59about the boy wonder are you driving a good car listen boss I've been saving this for you I got
36:05it from one of the guys in breezy's garage at number 70 that's the old Bradley special in a
36:10new suit of clothes are you sure that's what the fella told me there's something about that car
36:15I wonder Frantle knows sure he does he worked on it he's dumber than I thought he was
36:24Harry get out in front of number 70 and stay there okay Mike good luck to you
36:31the man in the mask faces a tough assignment in this race his opponents are veteran drivers
36:36who know all the tricks of the trade and they're bound to give him a batter we wish him luck he
36:41made it no use you're sitting way back there when I have all this room to myself that's very sweet
36:48of you Mike I know you're not supposed to be on my side I'm not on either side I'm neutral that's
36:53encouraging and here they come down the track looks like it might be a start it is a start
37:04and there they go
37:34Duke's used to that position and he'll fight to keep it the masked driver in number 70 seems to be holding up well but he's having a little trouble with number seven
38:20good boy
38:3574 is still in the lead
38:45sportswriters have played up the masked driver as a miracle man
38:48but this is the first time that he's raced in the metropolitan area so he still has a lot to prove
39:04he's doing all right he's riding hard on Duke's engines fighting to get up there when it counts
39:09Duke's blocking him
39:15uh-oh there goes the masked driver in the fence but he kept on all four wheels and he's back on the track
39:23speeding ahead catching up catching up now they're together again
39:27locking wheels that's dangerous sport
39:39good heaven any luck gave him the wrong steer that time but keep your seats everybody don't
39:45go out on the speedway the race will be resumed as soon as the track is cleared of wreckage
39:50each driver will start from the same position he held at the time of the accident
39:54please keep your seats
40:53remember me hi mom where'd you get that hat don't you like it
41:00oh how you doing johnny i'm okay i'm glad you're here mom you expected me didn't you
41:08i knew you'd have to know about it breezy why are you no his niece phoned me
41:13tony she's a lovely girl john
41:22hospital nightgowns they tie in the back i know
41:25is your nurse good to you too good she gives me baths
41:30oh that was quite a little spill you had johnny went through a fence didn't you i wasn't hurt
41:36much i'm sorry i didn't let you know about it i didn't want to worry you thought you'd give it
41:43to me all in one joke well have you had enough time racing i mean don't you think it's time you
41:52came home and settled down always wanted to go in business for yourself the opportunity's still
41:56there i can't go home now mom why not i've got to drive one more race one more race now where have
42:04i heard that before maybe dad said it but he couldn't have had the same reason look mom that
42:11crack cup tore me in pieces i gave up now it'd be because i'm afraid are you afraid johnny yes
42:22that's why i'm gonna try it again forget about it come on now tell me all about tony
42:30will you stop picking on me i couldn't help it of course you can help it if you encouraged him
42:34to drive that jinxed comet of yours he wouldn't be where he is today oh there was a time when i
42:39just thank you good for talking like that to me oh well it's too late for that now
42:46how is he k is he all right yes he's going to race again
42:49what but you mustn't let him oh tony when i sent johnny to breezy i knew what would happen
42:54when you have a husband and perhaps a son you'll find out that the best way to handle them is let
42:58them do what they want that's what i always told her let them find out for themselves what's right
43:03and what's wrong but he shouldn't go back so soon it's dangerous oh that's a chance we have to take
43:09but johnny's is more afraid of a broken spirit than he is of broken bones of course you know
43:14he loves you sure she does she started working on him the minute he got here
43:18how can you say such a thing it's all right tony that's how i got his father
43:39oh that was swell tony you really like me like you
43:42holy smoke i didn't know you could dance like that all the girls are taking ballet
43:46lessons nowadays it keeps us in trim perfect trim i've worn out dozens of fans of these things
43:54what's the matter i aren't you feeling well tony i
44:06well so you finally did get around to it
44:11i'm crazy about you so your mother told me and i was waiting to hear it from you
44:17well i wanted to tell you well then why didn't you i never worked so hard for anything in my life
44:23look stop stalling will you marry me or won't you of course i will thank you i wanted to ask
44:30you but but you were waiting until you earned the money right oh you don't don't you know i
44:35wouldn't care if you didn't have a nickel in the world oh you wouldn't wouldn't you oh i have news
44:40for you i just proposed to johnny and he accepted me oh i'm so glad you proposed to us with your
44:46shoes off you ought to be ashamed of yourself he was worried about being able to support me
44:52well what about that super gas station you were going to have in our hometown i haven't enough
44:56money to build i have a little money and so is uncle breezy we could all be partners oh is that
45:02so well i got a little business of my own right here oh that reminds me who's looking after it
45:07i better get over there goodbye darling and you did say you'd have me didn't you you bet i did
45:13you heard him back out now i'll sue you be seeing you
45:18if i could only win the sweepstakes i'd be in the big dough that's just what i've been
45:22waiting to hear you say look johnny i got her fixed up all over again number 70 yes is that
45:27the car you drove in the last race oh she's okay sweet little buggy bob where phone me only this
45:32morning kate he wants to release a story of johnny a race for the cup none of that mess stuff he
45:37wants him to use his own name it bothers me yes and he said he'll give you a top billing what
45:42will i tell him what will i tell him kate tell him to go ahead good you won't discourage him
45:47will you kate huh johnny knows what he wants to do you bet johnny knows what he wants to do
45:52i'll go phone bob oh same old breezy well here we go again mom here we go again
46:05here it is the 30 lap gold cup sweepstakes some of the crack drivers in the country are
46:10competing in this event mike conroy drives his own number 74 for the first time this season
46:18duke hudkins is at the wheel of conroy's 123
46:21and today the masked driver rides unmasked johnny randall son of speed randall of indianapolis
46:33trouble is if he does win this race he'll never want to give it up
46:36that's the chance we have to take
46:40you gotta be a hero riding this bus brother you're on your way to st peter's rest home
46:46keep your head son pay no attention to what anybody says you're going to be okay i know i
46:51know i just want to get going that's all good luck duke every man for himself today just watch me
46:5970s my meat you recall that young randall crashed at this track several months ago
47:05but today he's driving the same car number 70 it's a rugged game but they all come back for more
47:13folks it looks like a real start this time every man's holding his position
47:17oh here they come it looks like a good start this time
47:25there's the flag this is it they're off
47:33mike conroy at 74 is out in front right from the beginning
47:54well number 27 nearly got it that time
48:05remember no tricks this time well at number 70 got off to a bad start
48:11but johnny's using his wits taking chances duke hudkins seems to be his nemesis
48:16no matter where johnny turns duke is there first
48:24apparently nobody's hurt the race goes on don't let it down baby
48:38conroy and 74 is still out front
48:47conroy's still in the lead mike's a great driver johnny's a better one
48:52don't let him pocket you johnny
49:00randall and hudkins are still at it now johnny's trying to bump duke out of his way
49:05that's bad medicine for both drivers
49:13don't let him clip you johnny randall in 70 and hudkins in 123 are still playing bumps a daisy
49:20now the two drivers are running neck and neck 70 and 123 randall and hudkins
49:31you're too close look out
49:41duke hudkins is cracked up in the middle of the track it looks bad the race will have to be
49:46erected keep your places don't go out on the track the race will be continued in a few minutes
50:03great drive another accident another smash-up he may be dead before he reaches the hospital
50:10oh it'll take more than a little crack up like that to kill a number like duke
50:14they had it coming forced him into it i didn't have to pass him
50:18oh sure you did you want to win don't you son don't let it get you down
50:29i can't go through with it are you nuts
50:34get in the jaw
50:38what do you want me to do tell him you lost your nerve tell him anything you like that's
50:41what they'll think a fine fade out for speed randall's son how's it going boys in reverse
50:46johnny's throwing in the towel he's quitting cold quitting yeah that's what you wanted isn't it to
50:51keep him off the track so he wouldn't get hurt well you've got your wish but by golly this is
50:56one thing you can't blame on me what's the matter johnny how you saw what happened when you couldn't
51:02help that reedy's right i was afraid for you but i gloried in the fact that you had the nerve to try
51:08it again why if you quit now you regret it all your life i can't help it tony you don't know oh
51:14i do know i know it took a lot of courage for you to race again and i know you've still got that
51:19courage if i thought you'd lost it i'd never marry you so you'd run out on me huh yes if you run i
51:26run but you're not going to you're going to finish what you're starting now get in that car and give
51:31them a fight johnny win or lose i don't care don't give up here's something for luck
51:40i'll say it's something come on breezy roll her out what happened what did tony say to you didn't
51:47so much what she said it's what she did well i don't know anything about women but maybe it's
51:53just as well you're now lining up on the track ready to resume the contest each driver in the
51:58place he held when the race was stopped in the 17th lap they still have 13 laps to go 13
52:06johnny's all right he'll finish the race and if johnny wins this race he'll overnight jump
52:12from track to track to sleep in the back of a sedan would you do that tony you did
52:19here they come and there's the flag and they're off again
52:33mike conroy is 74 in the lead and johnny randall is number 70 now in fifth position
52:39randall's trying to get up front but he finds it hard going a battle for every inch he gains
52:55number 99 is a spill but the front is still clear
53:35he's passing number seven
53:44he's leaving three other cars behind him not a boy johnny
53:55conroy at number 74 is still in the lead but randall's gaining on mike come on baby
54:06and he's gaining on mike conroy in 74
54:21come on he's catching him
54:4570 and 74 randall and conroy racing hub to hub
55:03something wrong here randall's in trouble of some sort
55:06watch his rear left wheel lady luck be good to him now
56:16he thinks a good man to catch conroy let alone pass him he's out in front
56:37off and randall one cross the finish line on the axle
56:45i'll never understand how you made it neither will i we did it kate johnny i'm so proud of you
56:50this is it mom we're going home oh wait a minute do you realize you just won the sweet steaks
56:54and money's going to buy our one-stop garage bradley and randall complete automotive service
56:59you mean that john of course i do would you mind stepping back i'd like to take a picture here
57:04johnny take that pose again