Biofiton natural, herbal products production #3 fitosuppositories

  • 4 years ago
Biofiton phyto-suppositories are produced from thick medicinal plant extract and cacao butter, without any synthetic components and hydrogenated fats.

Such unique formulation distinguishes Biofiton phyto-suppositories from other marketed products.

They decrease the risk of allergic reaction and side effects, providing high pharmacological efficiency and safe application.

Biofiton phyto-suppository products are: anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, regenerating, immune-stimulating and, antioxidant effective.

They promote tissue resistance to pathogen floras by increasing antibodies.

Application of Biofiton phyto-suppositories significantly increases local immune protection and assists the body to fight against infections and inflammatory processes.

High pharmacological efficacy and safe use are the main criteria, met by all Biofiton products.
