"New FREE BOOK Shows 20+ Virtually UNKNOWN Secrets To Get Tons Of Traffic To *Any* Website or Funnel..."


بواسطة Ajx

3 مشاهدات
Inside Of This NEW Book... Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover For FREE!
Inside of Traffic Secrets I will be sharing with you 20 secrets to help you get more traffic into your funnels.

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside of your free copy of this new book:
Section #1: Your Dream Customer
Secret #1: Identify exactly WHO your “Dream Customer” is, and enter into the conversation that’s ALREADY taking place in their mind, so you know exactly how to serve them!
​Secret #2: Find exactly WHERE your dream customers are HIDING online, so you can find them and pull them into your funnels...
​Secret #3: How to get your Dream Customers to STOP dead in their tracks (even if they’re crazy busy, or scrolling through a sea of your competitors) and pay attention to your story, so they will take you up on your offer...
​Secret #4: The TWO ways you can get your message in front of your Dream Customers... so that you can turn them into your OWN traffic that you can message over and over again, for FREE!
​Secret #5: The BEST kind of traffic on the planet! (And the #1 way to SAFEGUARD your business against any kind of Google slaps, FB snaps, or algorithm changes that come our way!)
​Secret #6: The invisible second funnel that almost no one knows about. Only 19% of potential sales will happen the first time your customers go through your funnel! (The other 81% of your potential sales is determined by THIS…)
​Secret #7: The key to get partners to not only promote your products for you, but also quickly to return your calls, respond to your emails, and get EXCITED to send you their traffic for FREE... you need THIS first!
Section #2: Fill Your Funnel
Secret #8: How to get TONS of FREE traffic from other people’s platforms who already have your dream customers... and lead them like a “Pied Piper” STRAIGHT into your funnel!
​Secret #9: Get OFF the crazy traffic “roller-coaster”, and get more CONSISTENCY in your marketing... while sending streams of visitors to fill your funnel! (This is hands-down the BACKBONE for the ultra-fast growth of where ClickFunnels is today!)
​Secret #10: This quick 3-5 minute daily strategy helps you TAP INTO large pockets of your dream customers on social media that aren’t following you yet, (and discover the patterns that make them follow and engage with you!)
​Secret #11: How to use the biggest social party on planet Earth to funnel your dream customers into your world...
​Secret #12: How to leverage Google to get your customers to find YOU, instead of you chasing after them! (Even if they don’t know who you are, and aren’t actually searching for you...yet!)
​Secret #13: The 6-steps I use to create incredible content that serves my audience for the REST of their lives and beyond…(and our number of views will continue to rise every day!)
​Secret #14: The key to ‘weathering the storm’ and getting in FRONT of traffic trends... this is the exact BLUEPRINT we use as we look at every new traffic op