【ENG SUB】《画心师》The Soul Stitcher EP5 是非黑白善恶难辨,师门兄弟情深遭利用 | Caravan中文剧场

  • 4年前
The painter Cen Huan came to Cangcheng because of all the changes, and was rescued by Ning Weiyu and Sima Kongkong from the Chinese medicine shop. The three came to Lu Zhai and met Miss Lu Xiaoman and the Daoist Jiu Si. Finally, the five embarked on a journey of transforming one's obsession with others. After going through a series of stories showing the love, love, and friendship in the world, they finally realized that living in the world and obeying their original intentions are the right way, and the evil demon will be defeated by justice.
02:54Sir sir
03:04-Are you sure it’s Sima Kongkong? -Yes
03:07I saw with my own eyes that the monster appearance came up on the Sant Originator’s face
03:11Sant Originator, I finally found you
03:29What are you doing in middle of the night? Are you trying to scare me to death
03:36Have you seen my boss
03:38Mr.Ning was taken away by the crazy boy of alcohol
03:41-The crazy boy of alcohol? -The one that has taken you before
03:50Go find Miss Cen Huan to come help
03:58-You can’t come through -Move away
04:01Why can all of you go to the mountain, leaving me here
04:04There are too many patients to this freaking hall, I’m exhausted to death
04:08No, I’m coming with you
04:11Not until you defeat me
04:17I wouldn’t have talked so much to you if I had knew it was that easy
04:24Come back
04:48Why did you arrest me
04:49I arrested you because you helped them
04:56There is no doctor that doesn’t help his patient
04:58You should arrest all of the doctors in the world then
05:27Let me out
05:35Father mother
05:47How is it now
05:52Why hasn’t they come
05:55There they are
06:02You are so slow, the boss has been taken captured
06:05I knew you’d come for me
06:09As long as you are good
06:12I was sick worried about you
06:16You are finally back
06:23Cen Huan what are you doing? Are you crazy
06:42What are you doing then
06:44I heard your stomach growl before, you must be hungry
06:54You didn’t put any poison in it, did you
06:56What did I put poison for
07:00So you keep me here just to feed me
07:04Go to Hall of Jishi and pick up my partners
07:07I can’t live well without them
07:14I kept you here, I
07:21-What’s wrong? -Headache. It’s killing me
07:24What am I doing
07:28I am a doctor, I can help you
07:35What are you doing now
07:37Why did I capture you
08:01I knew you’d come for me
08:16How dare you capture my boss
08:23You have sick skin
08:35Who made you this, sir
08:52Finally you are awake, sir
08:54Are you alright
08:57I was worried about you
08:58-Don’t touch me -I thought you were
09:00It hurts
09:01As long as you are awake. Are you alright
09:04Yes. I was brought by Ouyang Lan to a cave
09:09Where there were many wall paintings and kids
09:16Many kids
09:19I heard about their conversations
09:21They must’ve been brought there by the crazy boy of alcohol
09:25And the paintings have to be related to his life experience
09:29We have to save them
09:33Don’t you have to ask me about the reasons
09:36It’s just who you are. No need to ask more
09:54What’s this for
10:08What deployment is it
10:10Hundreds infants crying at night
10:15Call Sixi here
10:16Show up
10:19In ancient times there was an evil monster
10:21Who was fed by infants’ flesh
10:23And soul stitchers invented this tactical deployment of troops
10:26Called Hundreds infants crying at night
10:29Which means in middle of the night
10:30We make up crying of infants
10:32To lure out the evil monster to take it down
10:35Incense and red lines are the spells to call up the spirits
10:38They can make paper dolls look like real people
10:41I can learn so much from you
10:47You take it from here
11:19I knew there’s something with them
11:26Find a way before we get spotted
11:31They want the truth, let’s just give it to them
11:34Not good
11:35-Light it on fire -Fine
11:44Props for pretending to be the crazy boy of alcohol
11:51What's this?
11:57He’ll come back anyways
11:59I can leave now if you don’t want to say
12:02Miss Cen
12:07Something is wrong
12:09What’s wrong, why are you in such a rush
12:12Days before the government come to conscript
12:14They say that all the males above 12 must sign up
12:18And give them some money
12:20Have you been doing like this in past years
12:22Yes, but it doesn’t work this year
12:24All the youth in other villages are taken away
12:27Our families have only one male for generations
12:30We are ruined if anything bad happen to them
12:35So Qian made up this story of the crazy boy of alcohol
12:41And we three families hided up our sons
12:44When the officers came we’d tell them that our kids were taken away by the monster
12:48To make the story more reliable, we made the props to pretend it
12:55And asked someone to wear them out once in a while
13:00But then the real crazy boy of alcohol appeared
13:08He took away all the kids in village and made us stuck here
13:14It might be Qin that...
13:16Why didn’t you tell the truth
13:18I was afraid that once the villagers found out about us, they’d go furious on us
13:25You deserve it
13:26Miss Cen, please help us
13:35Li, if they know about Qin, you’ll die before you know
13:41-Well they -Shut up
13:44Mr.Qin is dead from picking up medicines
13:47-Which has nothing to do with us -Right
14:12Human is a selfish species
14:17For their own comfort, people are willing to do anything
14:20Even to ruin others’ life
14:24You are still young and innocent
14:27But you’ll be just like them when you grow up
14:35So it’s a good thing for you that you stop growing up
16:52Kong, hurry up and go
17:00I told you to not do it
17:03Now it’s our turn
17:08Shut up
17:19I was stupid
17:20I'll say it. I'll say it all as long as our kids and villagers can be saved
17:24-Li -Qian, you made such a huge mistake
17:29If it wasn’t for you, all of these wouldn’t be happening at all
17:34Three years ago, a Qin Taoist came to the village
17:38He opened a private school and teached kids knowledge
17:42Come with me
17:45-Man’s nature of birth is good -Man’s nature of birth is good
17:50Then the appreance of the crazy boy of alcohol stopped the kids from studying
17:57That’s why Mr.Qin decided to hunt the monster for us
18:04Then he found out about our plan
18:09Qian insisted on killing him
18:15You shouldn’t have cared too much
18:20Then it’s your time to die
18:26We buried Mr.Qin
18:28But the body was gone days after
18:32And since then came out the real crazy boy of alcohol
18:36The young people in village started to die out of blue
18:41Just like the curse said
18:43People are missing and dying and now there are only several old people left
18:49Everyone is meant to die
18:52-It might be our turn soon -Shut up. Don’t say upsetting things like this
18:58I don’t believe it
19:02Who are you
19:03I’m the only one in the world that can break the curse
19:07You mean
19:10I have a way to prevent you three from death
19:29What did you do
19:31He’ll die soon anyways, why can’t he spare his life to you
19:38You mean that you just gave his life to us
19:41-Yes -But he is also human being
19:45Anyway you won’t die, what’s bad about it
19:50Fine, they’ll die anyway, we are just helping them to get liberation
19:59Getting time from other people’s live to keep yourselves living
20:01It is so insidious, how could you
20:04We didn’t want it to happen either
20:06But once we started, we couldn’t stop at all
20:10At first we only aimed at kids of 13 or 14
20:15After all they were going to die in one year
20:18But gradually it didn’t work on us
20:22If there was no young people’s life in us
20:25We’d grow old very fast and it hurt very bad
20:30Absorbing others’ live is against natural principle
20:34You should pay for what you did
20:36Every time you absorbed other people’s life
20:39Your organs inside would be like sinking in poison
20:43If things continue this way
20:44Your so-called longevity is nothing but lie
20:51They pretended to be the crazy boy of alcohol
20:54Then who are the crazy boy of alcohol that we caught
20:58Did Mr.Qin become the monster after he died
21:02If a person still holds resentment after he dies
21:07In some conditions he might transfer into monster
21:09But it’s the kind that has no real figure nor wisdom
21:12It won’t directly hurt people
21:14The ones that can directly hurt people, like Yuyan
21:17Need hundreds years of practicing
21:20Powerful as the crazy boy of alcohol, it can’t be built from just resentment
21:28So, it’s not been a year since Mr. Qin passed away, he can’t be the crazy boy of alcohol
21:39This is the Taoist temple Li told us about
21:41Let’s go
21:58It’s warm
22:15Looks like a cave
22:21Hang on, it seems to be the cave where I was brought into the other time
22:25Who knows this room is connected to the cave
22:33Life is a journey, death is destination
22:38Life is too short, but death comforts me
22:44Living is suffering, dying is long living
22:49Why suffering, why suffering
22:52Sing along and you’ll lose the desire to live
22:54Like they continue singing like this
22:57Ning Weiyu
23:02Sima Kongkong
23:21Cen Huan, Jiusi, are you there
23:31Don’t fool around, my friends are coming for me
24:16Sir, are you alright
24:22This is strange, how did I come here in one second
24:27You are here
24:29Have you seen the kids
24:34Let’s spread to find them then
24:38I’ll go with Ning Weiyu
24:41I’ll go with boss
24:44This way
24:47Sir, do you think we will find Ouyang Lan?
24:49If we find him and ask him to cure the kids
24:51Can we ask for more medical fees? But how much more?
24:54If we ask for too much
24:57Are you listening
24:58Listen to me
24:59If we ask for too much, they won’t be able to afford it
25:02If we ask for little, it won’t be fair to us, will it
25:14When did you find me
25:16The resentment qi from you is chocking me
25:18Break your curses on the kids and I may let you live
25:26No way
26:03Ouyang Lan, what would your junior fellow apprentice say if he saw you like this
26:07He is not dead yet
26:19I was once addicted to sexual pleasures and almost lost my pure heart
26:27And a soul builder almost got control of me
26:32It was my junior fellow that pulled me back from falling down
26:37Are you alright
26:41You’ll come find me one day, soon or later
26:48My junior fellow insisted on opening the private school to teach kids
26:53But he was lost soon after he left
27:15I said that you’d come to me
27:21We left each other on that day. Now my desire for revenge is on fire
27:25I’m willing to sacrifice myself for my dear friend
28:15I’ve become the horrible monster that the villagers talked about
28:20I was just trying to put karma on them
28:23But I couldn’t do it looking at the kids
28:28Why did the innocent kids have to take responsibilities of adults’ mistakes
28:33I wanted to take revenge for your junior fellow but you didn't want to hurt innocent people
28:38My resentment grows bigger with days passing
28:43So I decided to take them back and put them into wine
28:47So that they’d never grow up, which counted as a way of revenge
28:55Their six senses are sealed by magic
28:58And their mind may get hurt if we use violence to unseal them
29:02I gave my soul to that person
29:04When I get conscious again, I’ll lose my life
29:11And the curses on them will disappear
29:17But the influence of alcohol can’t be reversed
29:22They won’t be as before
29:26Fine. It’s their karma
29:30Qian and his partners used others’ lives to live on
29:34You changed them to kids with alcohol for your junior fellow
29:40This may be destiny
30:32Ning Weiyu, wake up
30:34What’s wrong with him
30:37I think he is
30:46What’s wrong with him
30:49My clothes are wet by my tears
30:55My heart got turbid because of my love and obsession
31:00I sit in the woods without music,
31:05Little brother, since you’re gone
31:11There is no one left in our Palace of Biyou
31:18since it only existed for you
31:23My affection won’t lose nor change
31:29I’ll go all over the world, just for you
31:50He saved my life, but it was out of appreciation
31:54I don’t have to feel guilty
31:57But he killed my master, I have to get my revenge back
32:10Stitch his soul and I'll know
32:33Who are you?
33:03Why do you know about arts of Pavilion of Soul Stitch
33:30I can't count on you
33:42Silly apprentice
33:47It seems fine by me
33:52Where are you going
33:53From today, you are our number one monster hunter
33:56I’m...not willing to
33:58Cen Huan doesn’t want to do it
34:00And our boss is not powerful enough
34:01You are the only one left
34:02Don’t play around now
34:03I’ll be glad if the monsters don’t hunt me
34:05Am I seriously going to hunt them
34:06Do I look stupid to you
34:07I can’t defeat Cen Huan but I can handle you
34:09Please, miss, stop joking around
34:13I’m serious
34:15Monster hunter is a good job
34:17You can make so much money within half a month
34:21How can there be monsters in this peaceful place
34:25Between you and me
34:27Aren’t there already two in our house
34:31You mean the two that can fly
34:35Real Dao can’t be explained
34:38That’s a way
34:40Let’s go make money
34:47Sweetie I’m back
34:52Sweetie, how do you feel now
35:04Here, sweetie
35:18No, grandma
35:20They’ll beat you to death if they find you
35:23Just eat, come on
35:28Eat and you’ll get better
35:35OK, I’ll go prepare dinner for you
35:39You go ahead and have some sleep
35:42Grandma will wake you up when dinner is ready
