20 important special periods of Holy Ramadan.

  • 4 years ago
20 important special periods of Holy Ramadan.

Year after year, Ramadan came again. There are 21 special periods in this Ramadan. That we can do along with other periods. And it is hoped that we will be able to achieve the full benefits of Ramadan, God willing.
When we see the moon of Ramadan, we will give thanks to Allah. And I will say, O Allah, accept this moon for my faith, deeds and blessings. Amen ----

After that I am fasting during the day Alhamdulillah. We will keep the fast as it is. At night we will do Qiyamul Lail.
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Perform the prayer at night. This prayer will be offered to Allah as intercession for you on the Day of Resurrection. It will then intercede for you with God. For this we should all read Qayamul Lail.
I will perform Tarabi's prayers, I will recite Tahajjud. We will break the fast and we will not be late for breaking the fast. Because if we do Iftar on time, welfare is inherent in it.
The Prophet. He said, as long as my nation is on the path of welfare, they will break their fast on time.
Iftar did not eat what I did not look at, the Messenger of God. He broke his fast with dates, water and milk. We are now running after food. The situation is such that Ramadan is like a food festival. Not really. Ramadan is the month of abandonment. You feed another without eating. We should not worry about eating so much.
Then comes Sahri. The Messenger of God. Said, eat sahri, there is blessing for you in this sahri. So if you want to get blessings, you have to eat sahri.
The Prophet. Then he said, prayers are accepted before Iftar. When we break our fast, we will pray to Allah to fulfill our desires.
The Prophet. He said that there are two happy times for a fasting person - one is the time of Iftar and the other is when he will meet Allah. So at that time we will pray more and more to Allah.
On the other hand, Irshad is to reject lies. I lied, I also fasted, this fast will not be of any use. I will protect my tongue from all kinds of wickedness, I will protect myself. I will survive the quarrel.
Try to make another iftar. If a person makes the fasting person break his fast, then Allah will give you the same reward that he will get by keeping the fast.
Then I will recite the Qur'an more and more, and I will give more and more charity.
It has been said about the charity of Rasulullah SAW that the wind blows in the same way as Rasulullah SAW. He used to donate so much. So we will all extend our hand of charity. Inshallah
The Prophet. Miswak used to. Every day we will introduce this habit. The Prophet. He said, "If we ummahs knew how useful this miswak is, they would have fallen for miswak." He further said that if it was not difficult for my ummah, I would have called Miswak a fard.
