【ENG SUB】《画心师》The Soul Stitcher EP13 众人求助青城子为四喜去尸毒 | Caravan中文剧场

  • 4年前
The painter Cen Huan came to Cangcheng because of all the changes, and was rescued by Ning Weiyu and Sima Kongkong from the Chinese medicine shop. The three came to Lu Zhai and met Miss Lu Xiaoman and the Daoist Jiu Si. Finally, the five embarked on a journey of transforming one's obsession with others. After going through a series of stories showing the love, love, and friendship in the world, they finally realized that living in the world and obeying their original intentions are the right way, and the evil demon will be defeated by justice.
02:55No monster can ran away from this tactical deployment of troops
03:23Master, my people are all legit and good, just like you
04:00Help me find Doctor Ning
04:04Boss still needs money
04:05Tell me if something happened
04:15How is the girl now
04:18Not hurt but scared
04:20His lord gave her some money and sent her home
04:23That thing is not hurtful, it should be fine
04:26Doctor Ning, you don’t know about this
04:28Many people have seen it in town
04:31It’s said to have green face and huge sharp teeth, not friendly at all
04:34Where have they seen it
04:36Chen the candy seller, the cripple that sells buns and in my flour jar
04:43It’s a hungry one
04:44Has it hurt anybody so far
04:46Not yet
04:47But several chicken were sucked up blood and dead in the house
04:52His lord is worried that it may come out and hurt people
04:55So we’d like to invite Miss Cen and Doctor Ning over to check it out
04:59If you can catch it, it’ll be a good thing for all
05:01If you can’t, please leave us some spellings, just in case
05:07Miss Cen
05:09She is out
05:10Out where
05:12What about me
05:18I am the second master of your Miss
05:21Enough money can make me go hunting monsters
05:31They are Spelling of Five Thunders, Spelling of Exorcising, Spelling of Birth
05:36Sorry, wrong ones
05:39This is Jar of Seven Stars, fresh sticky rice and hoof of black donkey
05:48Will they work
05:52Rest assure. Keep your doors and windows closed tonight
05:59If the monster dare show up, I won’t let it go back
06:16Boss Xiaoman
06:19You are bullying on me
06:20That’s my chicken leg
06:24Doctor Kongkong
06:31Evil one, take this
06:32You Take the sword away
06:36What are you doing here
06:37My lord said that the monster won’t come out tonight
06:43You just go home rest
06:45Let Doctor Ning leave us some spellings tomorrow
06:50No, how can I let go
06:55I mean
06:57I have to keep my promises
07:00I’m staying up till tomorrow
07:05What are you doing
07:07It’s the wind that blew up the candle
07:08I’ll light it up
07:24Doctor Kong
07:38You can’t see me
08:27Black inside and purple outside
08:28Melt with sticky rice
08:30The patient has asthenic fever and white eyes
08:32It’s ptomaine as the old books said
08:34What to do now
08:37How did she get hurt
08:39Last night we just went to bed when we heard something in yard
08:43She insisted on going out to check
08:44It should be wild cat
08:46Not long after she went out did I hear she screaming
08:48And she was like this when I went out
08:51Did you see who did this to her
08:53It was too dark to see clearly
08:57It seemed to be a child
09:04She is not deeply poisoned yet
09:05Go wash her wounds with sticky rice water everyday
09:08And keep feeding her sticky rice
09:10Remember don’t give her any meat or fish
09:12When the wound becomes scar
09:13Give her three showers per day with viper galls water until her white eyes are gone
09:19Something is wrong
09:23Didn’t you go to hunt monsters
09:24Don’t mention that
09:25The monster is too strong for me to fight
09:30What happened
09:32Little zombie showed up last night
09:34Little zombie
09:39What are you doing now
09:40I’ll go talk to Mr.Lu
09:41If it was not for me, they’d be bitten by that little zombie now
09:44I’ll ask for money
09:54Good, he finally began to hurt people
09:58What do you say now, my Taoist priest
10:01Isn’t he your favorite little apprentice
10:04Look, he is neither a person nor a monster now
10:08With your influence, it won’t be long before he loses his humanity
10:14And becomes a total killing monster. Are you satisfied now
10:19Hall of Jishi without the soul stitcher is like a tiger without teeth
10:25No matter how powerful Ning Weiyu is, he can’t perform his abilities and he is nothing now
10:52How is it
10:53I’ve been to Pavilion of Soul Stitch. She was not there
10:59No way
11:00She should’ve been there, unless something went wrong
11:04Don’t worry
11:06Every member of Pavilion of Soul Stitch has a tablet of life in the pavilion
11:11Cen Huan’s is still fine, which means she is still fine
11:16Don’t you worry too much
11:18Jiusi didn’t do any harm when he was here for that long of time
11:21That means he was still limited. And Cen Huan is not that weak of a person
11:26But how can you know so much about Pavilion of Soul Stitch
11:29I’ve been there with Cen Huan before
11:36I saw a notice in front of the government office
11:38Anyone that can catch the zombie will get 100 teals of gold
11:40What zombie
11:43She is so over. Doesn’t she care about that 100 reals of gold
11:49She is the daughter of Lu’s, that money means nothing to her
11:53Even little mosquito is meat, not to mention it’s a huge meat
11:57You might lose your life before you get to eat the meat
12:01I just want to see if the zombie looks the same as the books said, or I wouldn’t come at all
12:08Dragons in mountains have directions
12:09Dragons in sea have gates to water
12:10Show up
12:15I feel safer with Sixi
12:19Long time no see
12:21Good boy. Behave well and I’ll buy you candy after we catch the zombie
12:29Good boy, let’s go
12:30Let’s get to work now
12:45Keep moving, what are you doing
13:02Boss, help
13:08What are you doing
13:16The mouth is fine
13:19Did we see it wrong
13:22Good thing that you’re not hurt. Let’s go
13:28No way
13:29The weather is dry, be careful of the fire
13:33Sixi, please. I’m not tasty at all
13:39Please, Sixi
13:50Sixi, don’t scare me
13:53Good boy
14:02I saw it
14:03Cover it now
14:10Weiyu your clothes are stink
14:11Why are you covering me
14:15There is terrifying monster outside, go hide yourself
14:19Come on, let’s go
14:25Are you saying that little zombie that’s been causing chaos in town
14:28Is Sixi
14:31See it yourself
14:49Cut it out
14:51But Sixi is monster of wood, how can he suck blood
14:55No idea
14:56But there is ptomaine in their wounds
14:59Is it possible that Sixi was not monster before, just like Gu Zheng
15:04But someone made them monsters
15:06But Sixi is so adorable, who’d do this to him
15:09God knows
15:14Sixi, do you still remember the days when you were little
15:17No. I only remember that I’ve been in West Valley these years
15:21Before Kongkong and Weiyu called me here
15:30Moonlight is yin
15:31Ancient books said that going crazy under moonlight means the toxin of yin is in the body
15:36People with ptomaine also go crazy with moonlight
15:41But Sixi is a monster
15:43How can he get ptomaine
15:46Maybe Sixi was turned from a person to a monster, just like Gu Zheng
15:51So the ptomaine in him was caught when he was still a person
15:55And it was under control after Sixi turned into a monster
16:02Sixi couldn’t be sucked into the spelling symbol
16:06It might be because of the ptomaine
16:09Then the spelling went out of work
16:11It’s highly possible that the evilness was beaten down by the ptomaine and the spelling went out of work
16:18But it can’t burst like this
16:20It should not
16:22It’s either god, or people
16:34No matter what happens later, don’t you ask nor talk about to others
16:38Especially not to Weiyu and Kongkong
17:01Open your mouth
17:04The teeth are not back
17:06I’m not powerful enough, miss violence
17:08How do you know about magic arts
17:09Didn’t I tell you to not ask questions
17:14Miss violence
17:20Who taught you to call me like this
17:25Sima Kongkong
17:35The panacea left by my master in Mountain Kunlun can only put down the ptomaine for now but not take it out
17:40And it can not put the teeth out
17:43How didn’t I know about the panacea from your master
17:46Shut up. Why would you know
17:50Gentlemen, Doctor Ning and Mr.Sima caught the zombie right here last night
17:57I saw it clearly with my own eyes
18:01I did what
18:02Doctor Ning, don’t be so humble now
18:04I was right there when you were fighting against the zombie. You were so cool
18:10We did it Gentlemen
18:12Thank you so much Doctoe Ning No no
18:15This is 100 teals of gold from magistrate, as the gift for protecting the people
18:22We did it
18:28Please what
18:29Magistrate’s order
18:30We have to burn the zombie dead in front of the people to calm them down
18:38Mr.officer, what’s going on
18:40You misunderstood
18:42Doctor Ning
18:43You said yourselves that you did catch the zombie
18:49Weiyu, Kongkong
18:52He is the monster
18:54Kong, are they talking about me
18:56Go back now
18:56Hang on
18:57You are the owners of the monster and you let it out to hurt people
18:58After the officers put out the reward, you put on this show to get the money
19:03That’s not true, sir
19:05Not true
19:06Witness and evidence are both here
19:08Somebody, take them liars back
19:10Yes sir
19:12Officer you misunderstood us
19:13Sixi was poisoned so he looks like this
19:17He has the same symptom as the woman that got bitten
19:19But he was bitten earlier so he looks like this. Look
19:24How can I lie to you
19:26He has to be burnt dead anyway
19:27I heard that if a person was bitten by zombies, he’d turn into zombie, too
19:30What if he comes out and hurt people. What do you say
19:34Burn him
19:36You can’t hurt him
19:37Doctor Ning, don’t put me into dilemma now
19:40Doctor has parents’ heart. You can’t kill a patient just because it’s hard to cure him
19:45If he was part of your family, do you still want to burn him dead
19:49Burn him
19:52Calm down, people, listen to me
19:55You all know that Doctor Ning has been helping us in town for years
20:03I’m sure he won’t hurt us
20:07But we can’t live with a scourge
20:09Don’t be so anxious
20:12Our lord has sent someone out
20:15In the Mountain Qingcheng out of the town for 100 miles,
20:18There is a Qingcheng Temple where lives a powerful one called Qingcheng Zi
20:22He is good at dealing with these kind of things
20:28We can send someone there to ask him for help
20:31Doctor Ning
20:32Why won’t you try it
20:37Doctor Ning, agree with it now before something goes wrong again
20:40And I’ve asked around, that Qingcheng Zi does have some abilities
20:44Go check there and maybe he can help you
20:50Well, rest assure now
20:51Doctor Ning has promised to go there in days
20:57OK now, leave,people
21:00Thank you
21:01Thank you Kongkong
21:05Send my appreciation to Lord Lu for me
21:07You’re welcome. I’ll leave now
21:09You might be cured now
21:23Come, careful
21:25Are you sure about going there
21:26Or what else
21:29I heard that Qingcheng Zi is a seriously legit person
21:33What if he hunt Sixi down for being a monster
21:36No way
21:38But we have no other ways
21:50Why are they coming here out of blue
22:03I’ll go
22:24The compass is broken. The pointer doesn’t move at all
22:29They say the gold mountain that has not been dug will affect compass
22:32Maybe there is gold here
22:39You could’ve hired a cow but not me to drag the car
22:43Hiring a cow means spending money
22:46I’ll give you some money, you drag me now
22:49Ten cents
22:58That woman is so heavy
23:05OK now
23:06Not that way. This way
23:16We can’t make to Qingcheng Temple today
23:19Why don’t we have some rest here
23:24I’m exhausting. I need to sleep now
23:35Anybody here
23:38Can’t you see the huge self-service over there
23:43Such a detached. Even charge is self-service
23:47Do you think someone’d live and run
24:00I don’t think anyone dare
24:05Let’s share a room tonight
24:10Isn’t it too soon
24:15I’m just paying for one room
24:22You are meaner than me
24:54I want to take a shower
24:56Go ahead, I won’t peak at all
25:05It’s improper for men and women to touch each other;’s hand in passing objects
25:08How do we sleep tonight
25:14You say it
25:20I say
25:26I take the bed and you take the floor
25:41I’m doing it for you
25:43This roadhouse is not safe
25:49Not safe how
25:50Do you want the whole world to know how unsafe it is
25:57You’ll know it when time is up
26:01I’ll go tell the boss
26:03There is a little zombie in his room
26:04They don’t need you to worry about
26:09Sleep now
26:34Is this girl snoring
27:03Right. The boss will be in danger if Xisi is under the moonlight
27:23Where are you Xiaobao
27:43Did you see my kid
27:44He was going to the bathroom but it’s been an hour
27:49Calm down, madam, maybe he went to the wrong room
27:54Could you please help me
27:59What to do
28:06Let’s go
28:18They are too deeply into sleep
28:27Could the kid be hungry and go to the kitchen for food
28:32How did I not think about that
28:34Why don’t you come with me
28:37Let’s go
28:42Open the door
28:48I told you
29:21Aren’t they Qingcheng’s apprentices
29:23I’m so tired
29:25They might are, but now they are just monsters in Qingcheng’s name
29:32How do you know
29:37Even it’s changed the outside, it’s still Deyue Tower
29:41Are you saying this is Deyue Tower
29:48Come out and meet your old friend
29:51You are stronger than I thought to survive from the fire
29:59Are you sure the evil tower won’t follow us
30:02It’s called the evil tower, which means it can’t move as it wants
30:05Someone must’ve left it there for us
30:09You mean that you’ve already known it’s a monster but you still let us live inside
30:15How can we know the person behind it if we don’t live in
30:18But we still don’t know who is behind it
30:20At least now I know that there must be something wrong in Qingcheng Mountain
30:26Deyue Tower can keep monster in, but not people
30:30So it’s not a danger after the three monster leave
30:33That’s why the person behind this left the apprentices to stop us
30:39Are you saying that there is monster inside of Qingcheng Temple now
30:43We can only know when we get there
30:45Let’s go
30:54Boss, let’s go
31:02How do you know about magic arts of Pavilion of Soul Stitch
31:09Xiaoman, is Cen Huan’s spirit on you
31:15What do you mean
31:16Are you suspecting me
31:17It hurts
31:24Have I done any harm to you, to anyone from Hall of Jishi
31:37I’ll tell you the truth after we finish this thing with Sixi
31:55How can I suspect you
31:56Xiaoman, talk to me please
31:58I apologize. Please forgive me
32:08How do I sense monsters’ qi around
32:11I don’t
32:18Our four guests come from far. Please
32:21Little master, do you know us
32:23My master said that there are four honored guests today
32:26I’ve been waiting for you. Come with me, please
32:32This is amazing
32:33You are surprised too easily
32:35What Let’s go
32:53Wait for a second, I’ll go tell the master
33:05Is it popular sitting on tables in Qingcheng Temple
33:08What is this paper for
33:14Don’t be such a country mouse, alright
33:25You arrived sooner than I thought
33:32My god
33:33Mater, you seem have known about us coming
33:36There is mess caused by zombie in town, I had to do some calculating
33:44You must be here for this, too
33:49Do you mean you have the way to cure Xisi
34:19The ptomaine is deep in his bones, no normal ways can help
34:26Is there an unnormal way
34:30There is. But I can’t be sure that it’ll work
34:37Thank you anyway, master
34:39Human has human’s way and monster has monster’s way
34:42It’s a good thing for me too if I can help him back into human’s way
34:52Come with me Master
34:54Do you know about the Qingcheng Roadhouse down the mountain
34:59It’s where my apprentices practice and there are many inhibitions inside
35:06Have you seen anything
35:09No, I was just passing by and being curious
35:19Do you think these dishes are made by paper
35:22This is called vegetarian diet
35:26Kid, Sixi
35:28The master is curing you tonight so you can’t eat anything
35:36Are you excited to see your ex
35:47Master sent me to invite Sixi over
36:29Will my teeth get better
36:31Of course they’ll get better
36:35They’ll get bigger and sharper
