Teeth Filling (720 mp4)

  • 4 years ago
Composite Restoration

Restoration is the procedure in which dentist alters a cavity in a tooth by removing caries with a bur as the first step.
A suitable material is chosen to restore the cavity.

This video shows a composite restoration with light curing.
To start the procedure 1st etchant is applied to the cavity and wait for 10 seconds. The cavity is rinsed and dried then bonding agent is applied and cured for 20 seconds. Then we select the composite material shade and applied to the cavity. It is shaped and the extra material is removed then it is cured for 40 seconds. Lastly we finish and polish the restoration with composite finishing kit.
Advantage of this material over silver amalgum is aesthetics.

Zähne Füllung
Remplissage des dents
दांत भरने
implere dentes,
നിറയ്ക്കുന്നത് പല്ലുകൾ
दाँत भर्ने

