Gas leak at LG plant in India kills 11, hundreds hospitalized

  • 4 years ago
인도 LG화학공장 가스누출…새벽 잠든 주민 덮쳐 "11명 사망"

A gas leak from an LG chemical plant in southern India on Thursday left big groups of people gasping for air,... with some collapsing face down on the streets.
Once it was all over,... at least eleven people were dead and hundreds hospitalized but now there are reports that there's another leakage from the same factory.
Kim Dami has the details.
India woke up to a toxic gas leakage on Thursday, leaving at least 11 people dead, including an eight-year-old child, as well as hundreds more who were rushed to hospital.
The accident occurred in India's Andhra Pradesh state at a plant operated by LG Polymers, a unit of South Korea's biggest petrochemical maker LG Chemical.
Most of the victims lost consciousness while driving or standing on balconies outside their homes.
The leakage during the early hours of the morning also gassed people as they slept.
The toxic gas has been identified as Styrene, a flammable liquid that's heated into a gas to make industrial products like rubber and latex.
The gas reportedly leaked after being heated at the factory.
Around a thousand people were directly exposed and around 3-thosuand people in the contaminated area were evacuated.
The gas leak was later sealed and the air gradually cleared.
"And other measures to neutralize the entire chemical situation there is also being taken. So overall, the situation is under control."
No South Korean victims were reported.
In a statement released from Seoul, LG Chemical said the gas can cause nausea and dizziness when inhaled and it pledged to ensure the casualties receive treatment quickly.
Praying for safety for all affected, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said the government is reviewing rescue and relief operations.
The tragedy comes after the plant reopened following India's national lockdown that was imposed in late March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kim Dami, Arirang News.
