ప్రమాదకరమైన వ్యాధులు Things Found Inside Of People ¦ Dangerous deseases in human in Telugu

  • 4 years ago
The human body is a pretty amazing thing. The average adult human has 640 muscles, 206 bones, 12 organs, and so much more that all grows from a tiny, microscopic blob inside someone else. But while the human body can grow some incredible things, including other humans, doctors occasionally find some very unexpected things growing in there as well. Below are just ten examples of some of the terrifying and unexpected things found growing inside of humans. There are a lot of different potential causes to a swollen eye: allergies, infection, getting a little too fresh with the wrong person. While a swollen eye is not the most worrying of symptoms, it can be quite annoying and inconvenient. So when a 17-year-old Peruvian boy noticed his eye had been slowly swelling for a few weeks, he went to the doctor to find out why. The cause of the boy’s swelling turned out to be a 3 cm (1.2 inch) botfly larva that was growing inside his eye.[1] Dermatobia hominis, or the human botfly, is implanted into humans by infected mosquitos, where it lives and grows for eight weeks before emerging. They are usually harmless but can occur essentially anywhere on the body, as it is our body heat that insulates them. In the case of the Peruvian boy, doctors were able to remove the whole larva by using basil leaves to tempt it to poke its head out, before seizing it with a pair of tweezers. The boy was awake for this uncomfortable procedure. As horrifying as the thought of a maggot wriggling around inside your body is, it pales in comparison to the thought of hundreds of maggots wriggling around inside you. That is the situation a man from India found himself in when he went to visit Dr. Vikram Yadav. The man, who remains unnamed, visited Dr. Yadav complaining of a buzzing sound in his ear. When Yadav looked inside, he saw a throbbing white mass, which he identified as a maggot infestation.


