Family Members Try to Guess Unborn Baby's Name on Video Call During Lockdown

  • 4 years ago
These ladies tried to guess what would the baby girl be named when her mom revealed that she was pregnant via video call during the coronavirus lockdown. They could not find the exact name but had fun with each other trying to guess. They were excited to know her name when her mom announced it.
00:00Jordan, Vlada, it's the back half of the alphabet, so it means it has to be after K.
00:05Yeah. Correct. Yep. And it's American history.
00:11Who are all of the... Rosie, the Riveter!
00:18It starts with that letter, though. We'll give you that.
00:20Oh, Vlada said Ruth. That's a good clue!
00:24That's a good clue. Vlada said Ruth.
00:26Even Val didn't get that clue. Not Ruth.
00:30Okay, so we know it's an R. Yeah, Vicky, it starts with an R.
00:36And it can't be Jordan, so it probably has one syllable.
00:41No. Rose?
00:45No, not Rose. Okay.
00:49And it's American history. Yeah.
00:51It's not Rose. Like, wife of a president, American history?
00:59Or like... Wait, what did you say?
01:01Wait, what about Ruth? Wait, what did you say?
01:03Vicky, you're getting close. I said wife of a president,
01:07American history? Yeah, I would say yes.
01:13You're good at this. Yeah, you're getting really good.
01:15Yeah. Keep going, keep going, keep going.
01:18Okay, okay. Wife of a president, American history.
01:28Roosevelt? No.
01:30No. Close. Getting closer.
01:34Are we thinking in that time era of Roosevelt? No, you're about four decades before.
01:42Four decades before Roosevelt, okay. Four decades after.
01:47Okay, so we're thinking, like, what is that, the 80s or 90s?
01:52Roosevelt was the 40s? Yeah, I know.
01:57Chris knows it. Chris, you told him?
02:00Well, no, I never told him. One guess.
02:02Reagan. That's it.
02:07Reagan. That's such a cute name.
02:10I love it. That is so great.
02:13Her middle name is going to be Cruz after my grandpa.
02:17Reagan Cruz. Her Reagan Cruz sale.
02:20That is such a cool name. Erin's dad's name is Ron,
02:25so we're going to call her Ronnie for short. That's why we said Ronald Reagan.
02:35I love that. That is going to be such a cool name to go through middle school with.
02:41Okay, but can we just say that I really, if I had a boy,
02:45I really wanted Cruz as the first name, because that's so cool.
02:51And Darren was like, that is not a cool name. He's not going to be cool.
02:55We don't want him to be a Chippendales guy.
03:07Yeah, you did really good, Cruz.
03:09I would have never picked that Chris with Justin.
03:13You were right there, though, Vicki.
03:14You were right there, Vicki. You laid that out for him.
03:18I was right there. Vlada says, when do you leave? Will we never say goodbye?
03:25We leave on May 15th.
03:29Oh, so you still got some time. You got like three weeks.
03:32We should do a drive-by.
03:39Claire and I have like a sixth sense because we keep running into each other at the same time.
03:46It's crazy.
03:57Claire, do you know that I officially adopted the kitty?
04:00Did you?
04:02Yep, Simba, Astral, Neruda.
04:07Simba for my childhood love, Astral for the astral plane and connection to the cosmos,
04:14and Neruda, obviously, poetry in motion.
04:19Oh, I love it.
04:28Her name's her Val Cuomo. I'm going to have this thing for the next 15 years.
04:32It's got to represent more than a pandemic. Sorry, Vlad.
04:37Vlada, how many cats do you have now?
04:40She has two.
04:45Val, did we capture what you needed?
04:49Yes, hang on.
