20 Dollar Chef - Pig Ass Chili

  • 4 years ago
Today on 20 Dollar Chef, I went with a strong ass pork chili. I was sitting around the bonfire with my friends Todd McComas and Marnee Miller (hosts of the 4 Life Podcast). Time went by, and we started getting hungry. Chili and pork ideas came out, so we combined the two, and here we are. We made a pig ass chili over an open fire while hanging out, drinking beers, and enjoying the outdoors. We sat around the fire for like an hour or so while it cooked. You could always pull the pot to the side and take it off direct heat to let it simmer as needed.

This can fit in the budget. The sausage was $5 a pack, thick cut bacon was $5 a pack, and it was $5 for the lb. of pork meat. I went with two lbs. of pork but after eating this you can 100% get away with one lb. of pork. The other ingredients which were beef broth, kidney beans, black beans, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, poblano, an onion, and a jalapeño are all super cheap and staples in most kitchens.

Three of us each ate a bowl, and there was still half a pot leftover.


1 lb. Pork meat

1 pack of mild or hot sausage

1 pack of thick cut bacon

2 onions

2 jalapeño’s

1 poblano


a shallot

2 can of kidney beans

1 can of black beans


Chili powder

