White House, CDC, FDA personnel quarantined

Arirang News

: Arirang News

55 조회
미 봉쇄령 완화, '백악관발 코로나' 우려...미 CDC•FDA 수장, 집에 격리

U.S. President Donald Trump said COVID-19 will "go away without a vaccine" as he lays out his roadmap out of the lockdown.
Unemployment in the U.S. has spiked with some 20 million people losing jobs in April.
Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary tested positive for the coronavirus.
Katie Miller's Covid-19 contraction again brought the danger of the virus to the White House inner circle.
One of Trump's personal valets tested positive as well.
Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "had a low-risk exposure" to "a person at the White House who has COVID-19."
FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn, began self-quarantining after being exposed to an individual who tested positive for the coronavirus.