How to Stop Sugar Craving Food? The #1 Cause: Leptin Resistance

  • 4 years ago
How to Stop Sugar Craving Food? The #1 Cause: Leptin Resistance
One way to target leptin resistance is with a product called Leptitox, a blend of 22 all-natural ingredients that work with your body to reverse leptin resistance and its effects.

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When leptin resistance occurs in our body we have a malfunctioning system. This malfunction will produce troublesome symptoms. Not only does leptin resistance increase hunger but it creates cravings! That’s a recipe for disaster! Not only will you be hungry but you’ll be hankering after the worst foods imaginable…

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Press Release:
“Before we understood the role of leptin resistance in obesity and the inability to lose weight we had no other choice but to attack body fat in all the wrong ways,” says Sonya Rhodes, co-founder of Leptitox. “With the discovery of leptin, and the phenomenon of leptin resistance we finally know the right way to target the obesity epidemic we’re facing. And that’s what we’ve done with the Leptitox supplements; combined our awareness of leptin resistance with the desperation and despair people feel around their inability to lose weight when they’re doing everything they can.”

Determined to end the heartache of those who are overweight, and who don’t know how to combat it, Sonya Rhodes has taken it on herself to manufacture a product— Leptitox — which addresses the problem of leptin resistance as well as the initiating, underlying cause, breaking the weight gain cycle once and for all. As Sonya explains: “It was important that we not just treat the symptoms of weight gain, thereby managing the issue, but that we zero-in on the actual cause. We weren’t looking for superficial results, leaving people confused and feeding into the yo-yo trajectory diets are known for. Without addressing the cause we knew it wouldn’t be enough to really help people, and that was our mission.”

According to the extensive research Sonya Rhodes stands behind, leptin resistance stems from a source few people would acknowledge as a risk. This is why, according to Rhodes, the obesity epidemic has been able to spread as much as it has—we have blamed the wrong things and allowed the real cause to remain a normal staple of our lives. “This is how any problem proliferates, by not being stopped early on.” Sonya Rhodes continues, clearly passionate about the subject, “We didn’t nip the problem in the bud when we saw the initial spike of obesity and by that point, it was too late anyway. If we had known what was making people gain weight we could have done something, but all we can do now is reverse it. Thankfully, that is what our supplements do. It’s not too late if we target the right things.”

Ideal for anyone who has struggled with seemingly stubborn and unresponsive body fat, leptitox attacks weight gain
