Thousands of People Are Willing to Be Exposed to COVID-19 for Science

  • 4 years ago
Thousands of People Are Willing to Be
Exposed to COVID-19 for Science 1 Day Sooner is an online registry
that allows people to sign up for a potential
human-challenge study related to COVID-19. To date, 16,000 people on the site
have checked a box declaring,
"I am interested in being exposed to the
coronavirus to speed up vaccine development." Most of those who have registered
for the site are young people. Should the controlled infection study
actually take place, 100 volunteers would
be infected with the virus, likely by nose drop. While controversial, bioethicists say
this kind of unconventional approach to
creating a vaccine for COVID-19 has merit. Nir Eyal, Rutgers University, via CNN The World Health Organization released
"key criteria for the ethical acceptability of
Covid-19 human challenge studies" on May 6. Abie Rohrig, Potential Volunteer, via CNN
