Dirilis Ertugrul Season 1 Episode 22 in Urdu Dubbed HD

  • 4 years ago
Dirilis Ertugrul Season 1 Episode 22 in Urdu Dubbed HD
#DirilisErtugrul #ErtugrulGhazi #DirilisErtugrulUrdu

At the beginning of the 13th century Muslims by and large were facing a hard time in the meantime a new Empire started to spread on the globe when in the leadership of Genghis Khan a bloodthirsty Mongolian army attacked other areas to spread their Empire then on one side while passing through Eastern Europe they reached Central Europe while on the other side they proved their power in Siberia subcontinent China and Persian area very soon Mongol armies created a non-comparable history of cruelty and oppression all great empires were bowing their heads to Mongol cruelty on the other hand Corazon Empire conquered many areas of Khorasan Iran Syria and Iraq occupied by seljuqs at that time their power was at its peak Genghis Khan named tornado moved towards Corazon Empire with his all cruelties and tore it into pieces after the wrath of this Empire Turk tribes residing there started to migrate in search of a safe place most of the tribes were shepherds and Gypsy wherever they saw greenery and water they placed their tents there and started living most of these tribes reached Iran and Syria while some of them migrated towards Egypt one of these Turk tribes was named Chi a tribe kyyy tribe was relatively stronger and a little bit more populated than others this was a warrior tribe and its leader was Suleiman sha Chi II tribe in the leadership of Suleiman Shah left his homeland Khorasan and went to Syria on his way while crossing Euphrates River suleiman shah drowned and couldn't survive suleiman shah had four sons son ger talkin Gunda do or Ertugrul and done dar after the death of Suleiman shah KYI II tribe got separated son gu talkin and gunde doo went to a lot with his families and companions remainders chose her Ertugrul as their leader because of his valor and bravery earth Ertugrul Ghazi had a brave fearless and warrior personality he knew very well how to defend his tribe that's why he with his brother and his tribe which was consist of almost four hundred and twenty families headed towards Asia Minor and entered Seljuks Empire at that time seljuq throne belonged to Sultan Allah you Dean K quad who was very famous because of his justice when ur Ertugrul Ghazi was going to capital Konya with his tribe to seek refuge under Sultan Allah Dean on his way near Ankara Ertugrul Ghazi saw two armies fighting with each other Ertugrul Ghazi was familiar with none of the armies but he whilst watching that one of them is less crowded and the other one is a huge army he with his smallest army who were totally 420 only stood with the less crowded ones he attacked the opponent army with his these few soldiers suddenly and strongly opponents army got scared and thought that they might have got some help from somewhere this army whilst it was winning lost the battle .


