Global economy could suffer as much as US$ 8.8 tril. in losses due to COVID-19 impact: ADB

  • 4 years ago
아시아개발은행, 코로나19로 세계 경제 손실 최대 1경 넘을 듯

A new report says COVID-19 is likely to cost the global economy up to 8-point-8 trillion U.S. dollars.
According to the Asian Development Bank, the range will be from 5-point-8 trillion to 8-point-8 trillion, which is equivalent to six to almost 10 percent of the global GDP.
That's a sharp increase from last month's report,... which projected a cost of 2 trillion to 4-point-1 trillion dollars.
The report says China alone could lose as much as 1-point-6 trillion.
The ADB, however, said governments around the world can take measures to reduce these losses to a little over 5 trillion dollars.


