• 5 years ago
30min | Comedy, Crime, Drama, TV Series | Episode aired 25 February 1954

McGraw, a private eye, is hired by Lila Lamont to protect her from her threatening husband Louis.

Director: Frank McDonald

Writers: Gwen Bagni, John Bagni

Stars: Frank Lovejoy, Audrey Totter, Ellen Corby
00:00Singer Four Star Playhouse presents Dick Powell, Charles Boyer, David Niven, Frank Lovejoy.
00:20Brought to you by your neighborhood Singer Sewing Centers from coast to coast,
00:26and the more than 32,000 members of the Singer organization who make, sell, and service Singer sewing machines for both industry and the home.
00:36Remember, Singer sells its products and services only through the Singer Sewing Centers, identified by the famous red S trademark on the window.
00:56Meet McGraw. Don't ask me what his first name is. I never did find out. Oh, not that we didn't get to be very good friends.
01:16I'd heard about him, a lot of things about him. That he was honest as the day is long, but then he always worked short days.
01:28That he was tough on the outside. Some called him a hood. Some put a robin in front of him. But if you wanted something done, something special, you just looked him up.
01:48He was usually available for a price. And I had the price.
02:00You sent for me? You're McGraw. I'm McGraw.
02:12How was the plane ride from Chicago? Bumpy, and it was a bus ride.
02:18I sent you a plane ticket. I cashed it in. That way, if I don't like the proposition, I've made carfare hand.
02:24You're McGraw, all right. And you, after I whistle, what do I call you?
02:28Lila. Just Lila. You mention that in your telegram, I might have taken the plane.
02:34Ah, too many calories. I'm glad you came, McGraw.
02:42Looks like it might be mutual. Well, shall we go?
02:45Where? My place is cozier there.
02:47That's a fast. Oh, of course. Your retainer.
02:52It's a lot. You'll earn it. Unless, of course, you don't like the idea of working for me.
02:57Well, that might be developed. It's what I might have to do for this. It curls my eyebrows.
03:01They say you do things for people. All kinds of things.
03:04Anything short of murder and physical labor.
03:07You'll like this job. It's easy. Yeah.
03:10All you have to do is stick with me. Stay close. Never leave my side.
03:14Just a gigolo? With muscles. I need a bodyguard.
03:18I imagine there are a lot of dames who'd like to see you dead.
03:23Okay. Who do we guard the body from?
03:27My husband.
03:30You want the court of human relations, not me. I don't look good in a triangle.
03:34It's not that way at all. We're separated.
03:37He doesn't want me to divorce him. Has threatened to kill me if I do.
03:40And he will. I know that he will. You really are afraid.
03:44Please, McGraw, you've got to help me. There's no one I can turn to.
03:49You said your place? My car's outside.
03:53Incidentally, what's the name of your ever-loving husband?
03:56Louis. Louis Lamont.
04:03Just send me my unemployment insurance. Don't tell me you're afraid.
04:07Of Louis Lamont with a torch in one hand and a gun in the other? Yeah.
04:11They said you were tough, but you were afraid of nothing.
04:15Did they also mention I like to stay alive?
04:19Did they also mention I like to stay alive?
04:48The name's Smith.
04:51It's as good a name as any. What might your name be?
04:55Might be Smith, too. Very common name, Smith.
04:58I've always had a lot of trouble with it, even when I was pounding a beat.
05:02Never sounded like much. It wasn't until they put Lieutenant in front of it that it got any distinction.
05:07You know what I mean? Lieutenant Smith.
05:10So you tell me you're a cop. Now, you can tell me something.
05:14Like what? Oh, like who you are, what you're doing in town.
05:18I'm a tourist. I came for the winter sports. In August?
05:22I like to be the first one. It's a weakness of mine.
05:25Well, if you're doing any skating with Lila Lamont, watch out for the thin ice.
05:29Thank you for your interest. Any friend of Lila Lamont's is of interest to me.
05:33I didn't say we were friends. Owen McGraw.
05:37Thought you didn't know my name. It's on the register.
05:41It's room 468, seven bucks a night. Anything else you'd like to know?
05:45Now that you mention it, yes.
05:47You wouldn't be a new trigger man imported by Lila Lamont, would you?
05:50Try me again.
06:03I beg your pardon. I'm sorry, but I'm so confused.
06:07I thought she said the Royal Hotel, but she's not there.
06:10What? My sister, she said that...
06:12Oh, I think the hotel clerk can help you.
06:14Clerk? Oh, I don't know much about hotels.
06:17Come on, I'll take you over. Oh, thank you.
06:20I've just got to find her. She'll be worried about me.
06:23She wrote me to meet her, but I left the letter on my dresser,
06:26and now I don't know which hotel.
06:28This is awfully nice of you to go to this trouble.
06:31It's no trouble at all. No trouble at all. I just hope this is the hotel you want.
06:36Hey! Oh, my purse! Somebody stop him!
06:48Clerk! What's going on here?
06:51She's fainting. Get some water. Oh, yes, sir.
06:53Hurry, will you? Yes, indeed.
06:55Here we are, sir. Thank you.
07:06She's gone. Oh, my goodness.
07:09What do you suppose could have happened?
07:11You think we ought to call the police?
07:13You'll get your merit badge later. When's the next bus to Chicago?
07:16Oh, Chicago. Well, I think it's quite early in the morning.
07:19Let me see. Yes, here we are. 5.30.
07:23Okay, I'll pay my bill now. Certainly, sir. Just a moment.
07:26McGraw, McGraw, McGraw.
07:29Ah, here we are. There you are, sir.
07:32I do hope the little old lady's going to be all right.
07:35The helpless little old lady. Why? What's the matter, sir?
07:39My pocket's been picked. Picked?
07:42Picked. Robbed.
07:44Something bothering you, McGraw? No, no, no. Everything is great.
07:47A cop is in there, and I get my wallet lifted right in the middle of the lobby.
07:50How did it happen? It was a set-up.
07:52I brought her over to the counter. Her accomplice lifted the purse.
07:55She fainted. When I took her over to the chair, she must have lifted my wallet.
07:58Did you see any of this? Oh, no, sir. I didn't see a thing.
08:01What'd she look like? She's just an ordinary little old lady.
08:05An ordinary little old lady. I thought you were from the big city.
08:08That all you got to say?
08:10Aren't you going to an awful lot of trouble just to beat a hotel bill?
08:18I'll take my key. Huh?
08:21Oh. Oh, yes, sir. Your key.
08:32Close the door.
08:38You took your time. I've been waiting for you.
08:41Oh, yeah. What are you doing here?
08:43You want your wallet back, don't you?
08:45My wallet? What kind of a racket is this?
08:47You're supposed to come with me.
08:49Who says?
08:52I says.
08:54You got an impressive argument.
08:56All right, then. We go.
08:58Just a minute. Where?
09:00You'll see.
09:02What have I got to lose? I'm broke anyway.
09:05It's the back way.
09:20Good evening, sir. May I take your hat?
09:22Not with your talent.
09:24Why, thank you, sir.
09:26It's nice to know I've still got the touch.
09:28Yes, you've got the touch.
09:30Oh, I couldn't have done it all alone, sir.
09:32You were an awfully good subject.
09:34So trusting and kind.
09:36Well, thank you. Thank you.
09:38Now that we've exhausted the compliments, may I have my wallet?
09:40Oh, well, I'd like to, sir, but it's out of my hands.
09:44What's the play here?
09:46I haven't got a program. I can't follow this.
09:48Bring him in here.
09:50Well, this rounds out the crew of the Jolly Roger.
09:55You'll get your wallet when you cooperate.
09:57My wallet isn't worth anything.
09:59So used to being thin, I wouldn't know how to act with money.
10:02You weren't very polite tonight.
10:04You turned the lady down.
10:06When a lady offers you a proposition,
10:08it's not polite to turn her down.
10:10A lady? You mean Lila Lamont?
10:13Don't make no cracks about Lila.
10:15You know, I may be a little slow,
10:17but what's my wallet got to do with her?
10:20Lila said she wanted you.
10:22We're going to see she gets what she wants.
10:24You cooperate with her, or who knows?
10:27Your wallet might turn up just anyplace.
10:29At a hold-up.
10:31Or maybe on a stiff in the morgue.
10:35No, insurance.
10:37Well, the policy's lapsed. There's no more premium.
10:40I don't know what you're talking about.
10:43Give him his wallet back, Freddy.
10:45I haven't got it.
10:53I can imagine what you must be thinking about me.
10:56Thinking quite a few things about you, baby.
10:59Now go, all of you.
11:11Now go, all of you.
11:13You've caused me enough embarrassment.
11:19I don't know what to say.
11:22Well, you might begin by explaining the cast of characters.
11:26Martha's my maid. Gus drives the car.
11:28Gus is the, uh, the big one?
11:31The little one.
11:32Freddy, he does odd jobs.
11:34Yes, I should say he does.
11:36You get custody of the unholy three in the divorce.
11:39Don't hold this against them, will you?
11:41They're devoted to me.
11:43Imagine Martha breaking her parole just to bring you to me.
11:47You mean to tell me you didn't know anything about this pickpocket routine?
11:50You don't think I'd force you to work for me if you didn't want to, do you?
11:53I've got some craft.
11:55That's not all you've got, baby.
11:59Would you like a drink?
12:01You expecting someone?
12:03I was going to have a drink with Freddy.
12:05Not very particular who you drink with, are you?
12:07Yes, am I.
12:10It's very dry. You'll like it.
12:16It's been sweetened.
12:22As long as you're here, you, uh, might as well stay and make yourself comfortable.
12:27Not too comfortable.
12:29Just as you say.
12:38You forgot to turn down the lights.
12:44I like to see where I'm going.
12:50Yes, Gus, did you want something?
12:52Well, no, Lila, I...
12:55Go to your room, go to bed.
12:57I just want to be sure you're all right.
12:59I'm fine, Gus.
13:01I'm fine.
13:03Go to your room, go to bed.
13:05I just want to be sure you're all right.
13:07I'm fine. Good night, Gus.
13:13You need a bodyguard.
13:15I need a bodyguard with brains.
13:18Interesting little group you have around you.
13:20I like them.
13:23I like all the people around me.
13:26I've got to go.
13:28Why must you go?
13:30I've got a bus to catch.
13:32A man like you shouldn't be riding around on buses.
13:34A man like you should find a nice, comfortable spot and stay there.
13:39If a girl is afraid of her life, you're pretty relaxed.
13:42Let's not talk about it.
13:44I don't want to bore you with my troubles.
13:46Live, laugh, and be merry, because tomorrow we die.
13:49If you don't believe me, I'm going to kill you.
13:52Whatever gave you that idea?
13:54Don't go.
13:56I'll send you a postcard.
13:58I've got a postcard.
14:00Yes, that's the trouble.
14:02You've got a lot, and I can't afford any of it.
14:07If you must go, at least let me drive you.
14:09All right.
14:23Let's go somewhere for a nightcap.
14:26I've been to every place in town.
14:28What's left to see?
14:30Stick around, McGraw.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:36I've got a bus schedule to meet.
14:38I'm sorry.
14:40I've got a bus schedule to meet.
14:42I'm sorry.
14:44I've got a bus schedule to meet.
14:46I'm sorry.
14:48I've got a bus schedule to meet.
14:50I'm sorry.
14:52I've got a bus schedule to meet.
14:57Husband, Louis?
14:59I told you you wanted to kill me.
15:21What's the shooting about?
15:23Well, Johnny come lately.
15:25What are you doing in the alley?
15:27I took a shortcut home.
15:29I thought you'd gone to your room.
15:31I didn't know that I needed a pass to go out.
15:33What do you do? Haunt that hotel?
15:35Just thought I'd stick around.
15:37Didn't want you to walk out without paying your bill.
15:39What a great cop you are.
15:41You're worrying about a two-bit hotel bill
15:43and a girl's being shot at.
15:45Girl? What girl?
15:47Lila Lamont, right in that convertible.
15:49Lila Lamont, right in that convertible.
16:06All right, McGraw.
16:08Suppose you tell it to me straight.
16:10I know Lila Lamont sent for you.
16:12Why? What'd she want with you?
16:14She needed protection.
16:16From what I've seen of some of the local police,
16:20Maybe you don't consider that important in this town.
16:22All right, simmer down. Just give me the facts.
16:24Who did the shooting?
16:26Her husband. Who else?
16:28Louie Lamont? Louie Lamont.
16:30Threatened to kill her to keep her from divorcing him.
16:32I know. I didn't believe it at first either.
16:34But those bullets were real.
16:36You should have stuck to your original thought.
16:40If Louie Lamont's the one who fired those shots a few minutes ago,
16:42he must have used a telescopic sight.
16:44What do you mean? He's in jail.
16:46In Texas. El Paso.
16:48On an income tax evasion rap.
16:50He was trying to get out of the country,
16:52but the federal boys picked him up last night at the border.
16:54She told me that he was...
16:56Oh, the duplicity of the female of the species.
16:59You did say it was Lila Lamont they were shooting at.
17:05Keep your head clear, McGraw.
17:16Look, Buster, if we're going to share this room,
17:18you might as well pay your share of the rent.
17:24Get out of town.
17:28Never mind why. Just get out.
17:30What a coincidence. I just decided to stay.
17:32We don't need you.
17:34But Lila does.
17:36I can take care of Lila.
17:38I took care of her before. She don't need you.
17:40You didn't talk like that the last time you were here.
17:42Get out.
17:44You're the one that shot at me.
17:46I don't shoot at nobody.
17:48I don't need a gun. I got these.
17:50A lot of guys found that out.
17:52They say you're going to leave town right now.
17:54I'm not ready, though.
17:56I don't want you around Lila.
17:58You're just like the rest of them. You're no good for her.
18:00You're going to leave her alone.
18:08The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
18:10The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
18:20Send an ice bag up to my room.
18:22Send me something.
18:24Ice bag?
18:32She's not here.
18:34She will be.
18:36Maybe you better come back some other time.
18:38Lila, Mrs. Lamont will be very angry.
18:40I'll try to keep her happy.
18:42Don't go.
18:46Let's you and I get acquainted.
18:48I'm busy.
18:50Yes, you've been real busy tonight, haven't you?
18:52Oh, please.
18:54I understand you're an alumnus of one of our better Bastille's.
18:56Parolee, isn't it?
18:58Look, you got your wallet back.
19:00I didn't keep anything.
19:02Who shot at me?
19:04I don't know.
19:06Well, I guess women prisoners get a lot of privileges.
19:10Oh, please, Mr. McGraw.
19:12I didn't want to take your wallet,
19:14but Lila's been so good to me.
19:16I just had to do it for her.
19:18I've been going straight. Honest, I have.
19:22I don't know very much.
19:24Why did Lila send it for me?
19:26I don't know.
19:28Why would Louis Lamont want to kill his wife?
19:30Louis? Why, he wouldn't want to kill Lila.
19:32He loved her.
19:34They were happy together until he came along.
19:36Hey, who?
19:38Come on, Martha.
19:40You might as well tell me.
19:42I'm easier to talk to than the parole board.
19:44Until who came along?
19:48Sound like you don't like him very much. Why?
19:50You weren't very well together.
19:52Why, I wouldn't with him.
19:54I wouldn't wipe my shoes on him if it wasn't for Lila.
19:56He's no good. Why, he's always been after her.
19:58He'd have done anything to get her,
20:00but she wouldn't look at him.
20:02When I see them together, it makes me sick.
20:04After the way he double-crossed Louis?
20:08Informed on him. Went to the income tax people.
20:10Told them Louis wasn't declaring all his income.
20:12Gave them evidence.
20:14What's that got to do with me?
20:16Mr. McGraw, you're a nice man.
20:18Now, you go away from here and stay away
20:20before something terrible happens.
20:22Nice, wholesome bunch of people.
20:26Maybe you're right, Grandma.
20:48You missed him by a mile.
20:50I had him set up for you like a clay duck.
20:52Why'd you let him kiss you?
20:54What did you expect me to do? I had to keep him interested.
20:56What's the matter with you, anyway?
20:58I don't know.
21:00The more I think about it...
21:02Oh, so that's it.
21:04That's why you missed him. You're afraid.
21:06What if something goes wrong?
21:08What can go wrong?
21:10It's Louis' gun, isn't it?
21:12I told you how Louis was when he was here this morning.
21:14He was wild.
21:16He threatened to kill the man I left him for.
21:18You don't want him to find out it's you, do you?
21:20I've been seeing all over town with McGraw tonight.
21:22I've set him up for it.
21:24All you have to do is shoot him,
21:26and Louis takes the rap for it.
21:28There isn't any danger to you.
21:30They can't tie you into it.
21:32Yeah, yeah, I know, but...
21:34Of course.
21:36If you're not man enough.
21:38I didn't say I wouldn't do it.
21:42Oh, Lila.
21:44I'd do anything for you. You know that.
21:48I love you, Freddy.
21:50When this is over, you and I'll be together.
21:54But we've got to work and work fast, darling.
21:56Now, you've got Louis' gun.
21:58I'll get McGraw back here.
22:00I'll call him.
22:02He'll come.
22:08I got your message.
22:16What happened to you, baby?
22:18I thought we had a date for tonight.
22:20All right, sucker.
22:22I'm sorry this happened, McGraw.
22:24I'm sorry for getting attached to you, too.
22:26Get away from him, Lila!
22:28It's a nice little scheme.
22:30Kill me with Louis' gun, wipe the prints off.
22:32Louis gets the chair and you get the spoils.
22:34You listen good.
22:36You call me a sucker, amigo, you're the prize patsy.
22:38What is that supposed to mean?
22:40I'll give it to you in a capsule so it won't taste so bad.
22:42You kill me and you'll fry for it
22:44because Louis got an ironclad alibi for tonight.
22:46What does he mean by that, Lila?
22:48Don't pay any attention to him.
22:50He's just stalling for time, Freddy.
22:52You couldn't possibly have seen him this morning
22:54because since last night, Louis has been in jail in Texas.
22:58Where did you think he was?
23:00Waiting for you safely across the border as per plan?
23:02Shoot him, Freddy. Kill him.
23:04You told me you saw Louis this morning.
23:06Kill him, shoot him.
23:08Dig your own grave.
23:10They're getting even with you for ratting to the Treasury Department.
23:12She doesn't love you, Freddy. She loves Louis. Ask her.
23:14Why should I devil-cross you, Freddy?
23:16I left Louis for you, didn't I? I love you, Freddy.
23:18You know that. I love you.
23:20Gus. What about Gus?
23:22Gus is in love with her. Didn't you know that?
23:24Gus, that blob, I wouldn't wet my feet on him.
23:26He's of use to me. You know that, Freddy.
23:28Oh, you're kidding, McGraw.
23:30Lila wouldn't go for that muscle-bound dummy.
23:38She loves me.
23:42Keep with me, Gus. I don't want to shoot you.
23:44She loves me.
23:46She loves me.
23:50No, Gus.
24:12It's a nice little package.
24:14One man dead and the other one trussed up for the gas chamber.
24:16I wouldn't really have let him kill you, McGraw.
24:20Just like you wouldn't kill me.
24:24You and I, we get along.
24:26Why don't we go away somewhere? Just you and me.
24:28I like an old-fashioned girl.
24:30You can't blame this on me.
24:32I had nothing to do with it.
24:34Freddy killed Gus. There's nothing they can do.
24:38Ever hear of an accessory?
24:42Get me the police.
24:44You stinker!
24:48Now, don't you get clever and use that bus ticket.
24:50Let me leave, Tom.
24:52Not till somebody pays for this hat.
24:58I met McGraw all right.
25:00He was just a name to me in the beginning.
25:02A guy.
25:04Mr. X.
25:06A plan that didn't come off.
25:08I had it all figured out.
25:12But one thing I didn't figure out.
25:20He rubs off on you.
25:24Don't forget.
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