Satya director Ram Gopal Varma, also called RGV has joined palms with American adult film actor Mia Malkova for but another film. RGV launched a teaser of his upcoming movie Climax which stars Mia Malkova inside the lead role. The teaser was released a few on Thursday, whilst the trailer of the film may even be launched soon as well.
RGV took to his Twitter account and shared the teaser of his upcoming movie together with his fanatics. While sharing the teaser he informed his fanatics that the movie is a ‘horrifying action-packed mystery’. He mentioned, ‘Here is the TEASER of CLIMAX starring @MiaMalkova.It is a frightening action-packed mystery set in a desert. An RSR manufacturing A @shreyaset presentation.’
The teaser capabilities Mia Malkova and her meant love interest in a desert. However, matters turn downhill while the couple enters an area marked ‘Do not enter’. In one part of the teaser, a few masked men are visible chasing the couple in a dessert. It has been reported that the trailer of the movie will be released on May 18, 2020, at 9:30 AM.
The teaser of Climax is supposedly a present from Mia Malkova and RGV in the terrible time of the lockdown. Mia Malkova additionally commented at the teaser of the movie announcing that she is excited about the movie. Fans of the director have complimented him for the teaser of the new Climax Movie.
RGV took to his Twitter account and shared the teaser of his upcoming movie together with his fanatics. While sharing the teaser he informed his fanatics that the movie is a ‘horrifying action-packed mystery’. He mentioned, ‘Here is the TEASER of CLIMAX starring @MiaMalkova.It is a frightening action-packed mystery set in a desert. An RSR manufacturing A @shreyaset presentation.’
The teaser capabilities Mia Malkova and her meant love interest in a desert. However, matters turn downhill while the couple enters an area marked ‘Do not enter’. In one part of the teaser, a few masked men are visible chasing the couple in a dessert. It has been reported that the trailer of the movie will be released on May 18, 2020, at 9:30 AM.
The teaser of Climax is supposedly a present from Mia Malkova and RGV in the terrible time of the lockdown. Mia Malkova additionally commented at the teaser of the movie announcing that she is excited about the movie. Fans of the director have complimented him for the teaser of the new Climax Movie.
Short film