Origin-of-English Drama

  • 4 years ago
The origin of English Drama is rooted in the religious rites performed in the Church. The language of the Church by that time was Latin and French. The plays were performed inside the church and the clergies used to enact different scenes from the Holy Bible. With the passage of time, people started participating in the plays. gradually the developed to such an extent that it became very difficult to contain the public inside the church. So the drama came out of the church and then into the premises of the church. After that the nature of drama became more secular as people started playing roles in the plays. The scenes were taken form the Bible - the birth of Jesus Christ, his passion, crucifixion and, Ressurection. Later on, the drama went into the hands of the trade guilds and a certain number of plays were alloted to them. There are called as Cycles - York Cycle, Townley Cycle, Wakefield etc .
