Entire job hunting process becomes online in S. Korea over COVID-19

  • 4 years ago
"방구석에서 합격까지"…중견기업 온라인 일자리 박람회 개막

The COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea has made it impossible to get employers and jobseekers under one roof... due to fears about the potential of cluster infections.
So instead of inviting their potential employees to bustling job fairs, companies have opted to hold their events and interviews virtually.
Kim Dami has the details.
From uploading job applications to getting that acceptance letter,... the entire job hunting process in South Korea has gone virtual for the first time.
Instead of jobseekers going to booths at a convention center, they're going to an online platform set up by around 30 local SMEs.
"We provide all workers with educational expenses for their children every month as soon as their kids are born."
Jobseekers can freely ask their potential employers questions, and vice versa, from a convenient location of their choice.
"I think it's efficient, time-wise, for both companies and jobseekers in that we can skip unnecessary meetings. But it's also limiting, and it's unfortunate that I can't show them directly... my qualities as a person."
Though talking through a screen could have drawbacks, some feel they can communicate just as effectively as if they were meeting face to face.
"These casual, online interactions enabled job seekers to ask questions freely and we were able to give honest answers which is more meaningful and realistic."
After uploading their resumes and self-introduction clips, job hunters will get a one-on-one final interview, virtually.
"We've decided to host the fair online this year because hiring and job hunting must go on, despite this COVID-19 crisis. No-contact hiring is very much needed, just like how the pandemic has changed work cultures."
"Over the next three weeks, around 300 people will be newly employed. This virtual hiring process could be a fresh, approachable opportunity,... especially for young jobseekers who are used to mobile technology and to filming themselves.
Kim Dami, Arirang News."


