Britain to draw lessons from S. Korea’s COVID-19 prevention and tracking methods: Official

  • 4 years ago
영국 정부 '한국의 접촉자 추적 방식' 높이 평가해

The UK government says it could learn from South Korea... in terms of Seoul's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is according to the UK's deputy chief scientific adviser Dame Angela McLean on Tuesday,... who said Britain would draw "particular lessons" from South Korea and Germany after praising both for having such large testing capacities.
She said South Korea made "inspiring use of all kinds of different contact tracing" in order to control infections.
Despite the nation's contact tracing efforts, the UK has seen an increasing number of COVID-19 cases.
As of Tuesday, the UK has seen around 250-thousand confirmed cases.
The death toll in Britain has topped 35-thousand.