10 Craziest Things Found Frozen In Ice

  • 4 years ago
10 Craziest Things Found Frozen In Ice
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10 Craziest Things Found Frozen in Ice
The worlds glaciers are slowly receding due to global warming. While most people think that is a bad
thing, and I’m not arguing with that, receding glaciers have yielded amazing discoveries in recent years,
much to the delight of some scientists. Today, we will look at 10 of the craziest things found frozen in
ice. Watch out for number one, not only is it crazy, but also deadly, literally.

Number 10. Frozen Treasure
This story sounds like it’s been ripped straight right off a story book, but then the BBC reported on it so
it must be legit. Our story starts in 2013, when an anonymous mountain climber walked up to some
French law enforcement officers and turned over a small box containing 100 precious jewels including
rubies, emeralds, and sapphires worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $300,000.
He'd found it in the ice on Mont Blanc, and we know now the box came from an Air India flight that
crashed on the mountain in January 1966. The crash claimed the lives of 117 passengers, and because of
the location and the weather, the entire thing was never recovered. In the years since the crash, bits
and pieces of the wreckage and cargo have been found. After the overwhelmingly honest climber turned
the jewels over the authorities, they began to look for the rightful owner amid a veil of secrecy. Nothing
can be easy, and two different families claimed the box was theirs.
That isn't the only treasure still on the mountain. In 2014, The Telegraph reported that a French treasure
hunter named Daniel Roche found 50 pieces of jewelry that had emerged from the glacier.

Number 9. An Ancient Lake
In 2012, Russian scientists drilled through more than 2 miles of ice into something strange buried deep
beneath the frozen landscape of Antarctica: the exact opposite of ice. Lake Vostok is the continent's
biggest subglacial lake, which sounds like something that shouldn't exist.
Even weirder, the research team that pulled samples from the lake found life. According to the BBC,
Lake Vostok has existed in complete isolation for millions of years, and when scientists analyzed the
samples they found bacteria that was completely unlike the bacteria we're familiar with.
The same team drilled again in 2015 and they found another mysterious, alien-esque sort of bacteria,
and they still weren't done. In 2016, New Scientist announced there's another lake buried under the
Antarctic ic


