At least 14 COVID-19 infections confirmed at e-commerce logistics center in Gyeonggi-do Province

  • 4 years ago
쿠팡 부천 물류센터 관련 확진자 잇따라…나흘 만에 최소 14명

Now to the latest on the coronavirus situation in the nation
At least 14 COVID-19 infections have been confirmed at a local logistics center in South Korea... particularly in Seoul and its surrounding Gyeonggi-do Province.
Since the first case at a e-commerce logistics center in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do Province,... eleven people have been confirmed as of Tuesday.
However, the actual number could be as high as 14,... when including suspected secondary infections related to the site.
Incheon city also says it has confirmed that over 14-hundred workers at the logistics center live in the city.
It's asking those who have worked or visited there to be tested regardless of whether they are showing symptoms or not.