• 5 years ago
I can't stop laughing. I'm loving the ShutDown. AND, I will actually come out of it AHEAD. Being Quarantined away from people also allows for a "High Volume LifeStyle"

I know the quarantine is easing up. But you still shouldn't be going back to how it was before. And I think you shouldn't go all the way back at all. And I'll explain my reasoning. But first...

lets see some of the Tweets, video and offline-audio I have collected over the last 2 months.

I was on Twitter, posting about the benefits of my lifestyle, when I got a notification from Anna
,,,2016 drama with cheetah, well I've kept up with her cause she posts on TW. She recently became a Dr. PhD - Doctor of History
She lecturers and teaches

Take advantage of the Quara
turn it around and make it a PLUS in your life

This qur is an op to redefine what good living is.
^ redifining

Take advantage of this #Shutdown of restaurants to get healthier. As you're prepping your own food, get into healthier ways of eating.

Learn how to achieve real health that makes you feel good, never feel depressed, gives you normal weight, and safeguards you from viruses
