Becky Red Band Trailer - Plot synopsis: Spunky and rebellious, Becky (Lulu Wilson) is brought to a weekend getaway at a lake house by her father Jeff (Joel McHale) in an effort to try to reconnect. The trip immediately takes a turn for the worse when a group of convicts on the run, led by the merciless Dominick (Kevin James), suddenly invade the lake house.
Cast: Lulu Wilson, Kevin James, Joel McHale, Amanda Brugel, Robert Maillet
Available in THEATERS, DRIVE-INS, on DIGITAL and ON DEMAND, June 5th.
Cast: Lulu Wilson, Kevin James, Joel McHale, Amanda Brugel, Robert Maillet
Available in THEATERS, DRIVE-INS, on DIGITAL and ON DEMAND, June 5th.
Short film