Two Guys Try to Skim Across Pond on Skis and Snowboard

  • 4 years ago
These two guys tried to do the challenging task of skimming across the water in a pond on their skis and snowboard. The two of them started sliding from the top of a snowy mountain and successfully crossed the pond. They also had a few failed attempts trying to do various stunts.
00:00 oh my god this is so scary
00:04 all right let's do this come on
00:11 I'm so slow
00:26 I nearly lost that. So we've just hiked up here out towards the lake and the plan
00:35 is to ride down this little patch of snow and hopefully make it across the
00:40 lake we shall see. First step just have a quick speed check
00:54 oh due to the rain the snow has got really bumpy so I think we're gonna have
01:00 to side slip down a couple of times and smooth it out and the lake itself is
01:06 looking pretty mingin
01:20 how's the water Indy? Bit cold? Most likely it's gonna be cold.
01:26 all right let's do this
01:31 I'm so slow
01:34 how's yours? Good. That's the first one done I thought I was a goner
01:59 really thought I was going in there the board started turning luckily I pulled
02:03 it back just hiking up and we'll give it another go
02:08 speed seems all right the dodgiest part is when you hit the water that's like
02:14 real difficult to try and keep the board level you put too much weight on the
02:18 back foot you're just gonna slow yourself right down you won't make it
02:21 across but you definitely don't want to go over the nose because you're gonna
02:25 slap that water I guess it's a bit like riding powder just you do not want to
02:33 fall over here Maddy you got any advice for me you got any tips go fast
02:38 all righty let's go fast
02:59 we got a man overboard
03:12 Indy go and rescue Alex. Go get him. Got a bit wet. A little bit wet. Back on up
03:28 let's give it another go. Go on Indy. So Alex was too close to me on that one and
03:39 because he hit my wake that's what knocked him off that's what we're saying
03:45 that's what happens I guess it's probably my turn to follow and see if I
03:50 can ride the wake. Indy get out of the way. So it's only fair I try and follow Alex and ride out his wake
03:59 Thank you Cece. Whenever you're ready.
04:08 Oh man. Out of the way. Up here. Go on. Up there.
04:34 Whoa. Woo. Woo hoo hoo hoo. Yeah. Oh I lost my track. Woo hoo hoo. Ha. I nearly had it. Ha ha ha.
05:03 Woo hoo hoo. That was a good effort. Guess it's my turn now.
05:15 Woo. Woo. Woo. That's so hard.
05:37 I'm going to have to dive in for a bit. Oh dear. Smells good in here.
05:47 Now covered in swamp water. Going to smell good later. Alex is just setting up. He's going to try and do a little butter again
06:03 which I'm sure isn't going to work it's pretty difficult
06:08 That wasn't good. Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha. Oh. Ha ha ha. Ha ha.
06:37 That slows you down a lot. Right. One more. Straight across.
06:44 Is that water a bit cold? Okay. I don't know. Just go round me. This way.
06:49 Are you ready? Yeah. Oh my balls. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha. Oh that's so cold. Ha ha ha. Woo. Woo. Ha ha. Ha ha.
07:08 Yew. Hope you enjoyed that guys. We're going to leave it there for today. Both me and Alex are freezing our nuts off right now.
07:16 Also actually the running was starting to get a little bit slow. The sun's been on it for a few hours now.
07:21 It's got real slushy, real soft and it's getting difficult to get enough speed to get across the lake.
07:26 First one definitely the scariest but once you've done it once it's really not that bad.
07:31 Like I said when I tried to spin around and do a 180 or even the time when I tried to turn it didn't go too well.
07:37 I think we'll stick to just going straight in the future. Oh man. I'm knackered.
07:43 How are your feet Alex? Very wet. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha. Lovely.
08:03 Indy. Come on boy. We're going. Come on. Come here. Come here. Come here. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Ha ha. He's more stinky than me.
08:18 Now we've just got the long wet walk home. You see the lake behind? But I live that way.
08:33 You can see the lifts of Alpe d'Huez in the distance.
08:39 And we've just got to walk back across to that lift station there where I've left my van.
08:48 Can't beat a bit of bum boarding sometimes. Woo Hoo. Woo. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. Sweet. Ha ha.
09:11 Nice.
09:18 (engine rumbling)
