• 5 years ago
Approved | 57min | Western | January 1953 (USA)

One of a bunch of gangsters trying to push the old protection racket on western ranchers turns out to be Gene's younger brother.

Director: George Archainbaud

Writers: Norman S. Hall

Stars: Gene Autry, Champion, Gail Davis
01:30Loot those wagons! Get their guns and ammunition!
04:15You see what I mean?
04:16Nevertheless, I shall continue to fight Ray Bold and Selby editorially.
04:20Well, I'm gonna stick to the badge, boys. And what's more,
04:23I'm gonna write a letter to the territorial governor and get some more rangers around here.
04:27You see my stick anyplace?
04:29There it is.
04:42Your luck holds out, doesn't it?
04:44Yep. I had them all.
04:54What's the matter, Clint? Randolph take your gun away from you?
04:57Shut up, you.
04:58Just what did happen?
05:01I had Randolph all set up in that fat-headed printer of his spoiled a play.
05:05Art, I told you to send a man who knows how to handle a gun.
05:08Look, I've taken all I'm going to from you.
05:10You're getting a little too far out of line.
05:12You think you're man enough to push me back in line?
05:14I'd have done it the first day you joined the outfit.
05:16Only Art don't like trouble.
05:18So instead of beating your head in,
05:20I've done a little checking on you and I don't like what I find.
05:24He calls himself Jack Austin.
05:26His real name is Jack Autry.
05:28And this man is his brother.
05:35Governor names new territorial ranger.
05:38Gene Autry appointed to the force to aid in war on lawlessness.
05:43If we get to questioning names around here,
05:45a lot of us will have to hunt cover.
05:47Maybe my name was Autry.
05:49Maybe this man is my brother.
05:51If I went his route, I'd be in the Rangers too, wouldn't I?
05:54Raybould's been on the snoop because he knows what I think of him.
05:57I'll tell him to his flat ugly puss, I think he's a coward.
06:00That's enough.
06:02Now's not the time to fight among ourselves.
06:05We've serious trouble to deal with.
06:08Randolph's getting dangerous.
06:10His paper threatens the protective association,
06:12the hook-up with the Indians, everything.
06:16You, Austin, or Autry, whoever you might be,
06:21you're always crowing about how you can throw a six-gun.
06:24All right.
06:26You're gonna take Randolph.
06:28And this time there won't be any alibis for anybody.
06:31I entertain the idea of going to work
06:35I might as well, for I'm too nervous to steal
06:40I got no flair for slick devices
06:43Look for me when you've got a crisis
06:45I'm the last man in
06:48The first man out on a deal
06:52I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
06:55I'm the last man in
06:58I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:01I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:04Though I'm shavin' and slavin', drivin' and connivin'
07:08I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:11Every day the Minty's are printin' up more dough
07:15They print a million in a hurry, don't you know
07:20I'll bet a buck there's nothin' to it
07:23But they'd never let me do it
07:26I'm always printin' up the works
07:29Messin' up the deal, here I go
07:32I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:35I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:38I say everyone can see that Faith's just laughin' at me
07:42I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:45I'm always five minutes late and a dollar short
07:50Tom Hickson! Hello!
07:53Hello, Smiley. Glad to see you.
07:56Glad to see you, Smiley.
07:58Well, glad ain't the word for it.
08:00John, I want you to meet Captain Tom Hickson of the Territorial Rangers.
08:04One of the greatest lawmen from way back.
08:06Glad to know you, Captain.
08:08For a newcomer, you've made quite a reputation for yourself.
08:11Oh, I've made some enemies, too.
08:13So Smiley wrote me.
08:14Well, John can tell you all about our troubles.
08:16I'm tearin' up type over here.
08:18Sit down, Captain.
08:23You care to name those enemies, Mr. Randolph?
08:26The men who were looting this part of the territory, Art Selby and Clint Raybull.
08:30Just how are they looting it?
08:32Well, if you're a miner, you join Raybull's Miners' Protective Association at a fat fee.
08:37If you run cattle, you join Selby's Cattlemen's Protective Association at an equally fat fee.
08:43And if you don't join?
08:45And if you don't join?
08:47Then bandits rob your oil trains.
08:49And rustlers steal your cattle.
08:51If that isn't enough to bring you to terms, then there are Indian raids and murder.
08:56We'll do the best we can, Mr. Randolph.
08:58I've got one man with me.
09:00He's new, but he seems like a good man.
09:03Brought him along to break him in.
09:05A fellow named Autry.
09:15Come on.
09:16I've been trying to convince John.
09:18But he won't listen to me.
09:20I've been trying to convince John.
09:22But he won't listen to me.
09:24I've been trying to convince John.
09:26But he won't listen to me.
09:28I've been trying to convince John.
09:30But he won't listen to me.
09:32I've been trying to convince John.
09:34But he won't listen to me.
09:36I've been trying to convince John.
09:38But he won't listen to me.
09:40I've been trying to convince John.
09:42But he won't listen to me.
09:44I've been trying to convince John.
09:46But he won't listen to me.
09:51That's my gun.
09:52Well, we'll get the rifle.
10:14Autry, get that man.
10:41Where are the horses?
10:43Where are the horses?
10:45They spooked when the shooting started.
10:47I thought it more important to help you.
10:49Help me?
10:51You let that man shoot Randolph.
10:53I saw it.
10:54Now you stay in my sight.
10:58Get him in the gazelle.
10:59Right away.
11:08We haven't got a thing.
11:09Not a thing.
11:11I can't even get good descriptions of those bandits.
11:14They were masked, Captain.
11:16The man that killed Randolph wasn't.
11:19You saw him, Autry.
11:21What did he look like?
11:23There was a running horse between me and him.
11:26I couldn't give you a good description of him.
11:29That isn't the kind of eyesight we want in the Rangers.
11:32Take off that badge.
11:34I want to talk to those people at the bank again.
11:37You come with me, Hackett.
11:39Autry, you stay here.
11:46Gene, I've sure known you for a long time,
11:49but I never figured nothing like this would ever happen.
11:51Shut up.
11:52Well, I ain't about to shut up.
11:54Here you are, a busted Ranger with...
11:56Shut up, I said.
11:58Now, look, you're not supposed to leave.
12:02You shot at me.
12:04You're batty.
12:05Pick up that rifle.
12:12I saw you shoot at me that time.
12:20It was very thoughtful of you to come to Custer City,
12:23and I'm glad you did.
12:25It was very thoughtful of you
12:27to come to Custer City after me, Mr. Smiley.
12:30What on earth do you have in that paper sack?
12:33Well, you'll see later.
12:35I'll get my ticket.
12:39Well, what do you know?
12:41The fella was right, wasn't he?
12:43What fella?
12:44That fella that said this is a small world.
12:46You working for this stage line now?
12:48It's the best way I know to get back to Sycamore
12:50without causing a lot of talk.
12:52Is Tom Hickson going back on that Randolph case?
12:54I don't think so.
12:55They're having a lot of Indian trouble in the basin.
12:57No rangers to spare.
12:59What are you going back there for?
13:01To finish a job.
13:02Come up here, Audrey.
13:06Here's a shipment of currency for the Sycamore Bank.
13:09Stay with it.
13:10Maybe we ought to have a man we can trust on this job.
13:13That's enough, George.
13:14You'll take Audrey and like him.
13:17I'll take him, but I don't have to like him.
13:21Have a nice trip, miss.
13:24Miss Randolph, this is Gene Autry.
13:27How do you do?
13:30I'm very glad to know you.
13:32Please take good care of us.
13:33I'll do my best.
13:54You know, if you was to sell the Gazette to me,
13:56you wouldn't have anything to worry about.
13:58Sell Dad's paper?
13:59I'm going to run it.
14:00Until the men responsible for his death
14:02are hung for his murder.
14:05A rattlesnake!
14:10That wasn't very funny.
14:12I thought it was pretty good.
14:21I do believe you are crazy.
14:39Hey, the kids, the kids...
14:42The kids ain't going to like that.
14:44What kids?
14:45Well, the kids in Sycamore.
14:47See, I can't get nothing for them in Sycamore,
14:49so every time I go to Custer City,
14:51I get a whole bunch of these Jim Crigs,
14:53and you throw it away.
14:55Well, save them for the kids in Sycamore.
14:58I had me a gal in Tulsa
15:00And I thought she was my own
15:03But she up and left me
15:05For a waddy from San Antonio
15:08She didn't even tell me
15:10That she was leaving me
15:12Now I'm the lonesomest cowboy
15:15Down in the cow country
15:17Got the cowboy blues
15:19As blue as I can be
15:22That old, old bow
15:24Howling at the moon
15:25Ain't got a thing on me
15:27Got a long gone lonesome feeling
15:29That I just can't seem to lose
15:32I'm just a lonesome cowboy
15:34Singing the cowboy blues
15:36I'll sell my horse and saddle
15:39And catch me a cattle train
15:41Leave my troubles behind me
15:44And I'll never come back again
15:46Tell me more about that man.
15:48I can't tell you nothing. I don't know nothing about him.
15:51Back home, there's some pretty lurid tales about the West.
15:54You suppose he ever killed a man?
15:56Well, I just wouldn't be knowing.
15:58I told you, I don't know nothing about him.
16:00I suppose his work is pretty dangerous.
16:03Yeah, everything's dangerous around here.
16:05I guess it is.
16:07My father certainly found it so.
16:46Is it a real holder?
16:52Yeah, and they're using real bullets.
16:54Get down before you get saturated.
17:16Ooh, that tickles! Stop it!
17:46Oh, let me out of here!
18:16They're getting too close to town.
18:43That was your brother driving. You deliberately missed it.
18:45As usual you're wrong. Why don't you get him yourself?
19:09Get him to a doctor
19:11I'll take this to the bank the whiter at the bank. We'll go see Marshall. Hi
19:20Just like that I'm shooting out the window shooting both ways and up towards the stages
19:24But I just come like this jumps up on the stage get the driver and pulls him up on the stage
19:29Jumps out again gets the ring jump back up on the stage and takes off. How bad's the driver hurt?
19:35Oh, not too bad shot in the back. He's mighty lucky if that guard hadn't grabbed him
19:40He'd have been killed. So would we most likely miss? What's the guards name? Well
19:46Autry gene Autry why he's the one
19:53Yes, he's the one that saved our neck that's right Marshall we've met before
20:00What are you doing in Sigamora Autry? I plan to get a job and stick around here for a while
20:05Well, I'm gonna see that you then we got to find a place for you to live in some eating accommodations
20:10Food's pretty good around here in some places. Then we got to find a place for your horse
20:13That's the first thing we've got to do is find a place for your horse and you well
20:17You've got to learn the ropes over thick as that
20:18I've got to get you folks out of here right away and get you started, right?
20:26No time for questions now, we've all got something to do now
20:29The liver stable is right down there and the office is right over here. We'll see you later
20:55First boss inside
21:07Say ain't he the ombre that brought in the stage?
21:10Yeah, he's the Ranger that was here the day Randolph got plugged the Rangers fired him for being a coward
21:15I don't know why all Rangers are cowards if you ask me
21:23You made that remark about all Rangers being cowards I did
22:38Get out of here
22:42Get out of here I said all of you
22:55Thanks don't mention it I guess I owed you that one I came back here to talk to you Jack
23:00I don't do business with Rangers
23:03I'm not a Ranger anymore. Oh wise enough, huh?
23:07Got thrown out
23:09Thrown out because I let you kill Randolph and why didn't you kill me?
23:14My own brother, you know, I couldn't do that. I would have winged you but that horse got in the way I
23:21Came back to get you to surrender to Marshal Hackett. I don't like anything heavier than a scarf around my neck
23:28If you cooperate with the law, you might get off with manslaughter
23:31Spent 20 years with the prison guards Winchester at my back
23:34If you stick with the Red Bull and sell be you'll wind up in boot hill and send me some flowers
23:39Ever since we were kids you've been telling me what to do. You were always right
23:42I was always wrong. Well, I'm getting sick and tired of it. Ray Bolton sell me run a cow outfit
23:47I'm a cowboy. There's no harm in my working for the outfit. Is there remember this? I'm Jack Austin
23:52I do what I please you're Gene Autry a Ranger at heart and I don't like Rangers. So stay out of my way
24:06I'm not saying it's easy for a man to turn in his own brother, but that's what I do
24:10The Randolph killing was all there was to it. I'd do it too. Smiley. You mean that Indian trouble?
24:14I mean the whole Selby Ray Bull criminal setup
24:18Turning Jack over to him is not gonna break it up
24:20Well, somebody better break it up or they're gonna break up the whole territory and you can't do anything if you can't prove it
24:27I think I got a way to get
24:32Did my package arrive in the state station, oh, please open it for me Jean
24:40Bring my licorice. Oh smile. Oh be careful Jean. It's a surprise
24:49Well, when did you start chowing tobacco, what do you like best long green or burly Oh smiley Burnett
24:55I hate these cuspid doors, but I've learned that with so many men coming in. You certainly have to have one
25:00You're right or wear rubber boots
25:02What are you catching this thing?
25:05It's a gramophone. We don't care about grandma. What does it do?
25:09It's a talking machine talking machine. Well, if it talks to me, I'm gonna quit drinking even milk. It plays the most wonderful music
25:26Now listen
26:01Used to call my cows with a whistle I used to call my dog with a horn
26:08Our monarchy is the thing to wake the chickens
26:12Let the roosters do too late at morn
26:15Fetch me down my shooting iron. I'm going hot
26:19Fetch me down my trusty 45
26:22See the fire in my eye. What's the smoke when I go by fetch me down my trusty 45
26:29They had a guy who played the old bazooka
26:32Another fella played the saxophone
26:36Never in all my days seen the gadget
26:39Jim hillbilly fellers played for me
26:42Fetch me down my shooting iron. I'm going
26:46Fetch me down my trusty 45
26:49See the fire in my eye. What's the smoke when I go by fetch me down my trusty 45
27:25Hello little wolf how shall be
27:28Everything all right with the chief. Sure. Everything good chief say plenty gold dusted Prince now
27:33They wait for cavalry to take their fort.
27:35The chief want to know if he take go now.
27:37Certainly, before the cavalry get there.
27:40Does he want us to help?
27:43We'll leave in about three hours.
27:45Braybolt will be back by then.
27:47Braybolt, that's all you hear.
27:49What do we need him for?
27:50Because he's my partner, that's why.
27:52Now shut up and get ready to ride.
27:55You better get word to the chief.
27:57Little Wolf, go now.
28:19That's Pete Little Wolf.
28:21I don't know the gentleman.
28:22You're lucky he's no gentleman.
28:24You couldn't trust him as far as you could kick an anvil barefoot.
28:27What do you reckon he's cooking up with a Selby outfit?
28:30Let's head him off and find out.
28:46Hey, wait a minute.
29:49That's no way to treat a man looking for directions.
29:52Behave yourself and tell me how to get to Selby's ranch.
29:54What do you want with Selby?
29:56He hired me several days ago.
29:58Said he had a big job coming up.
30:00You hit plenty hard.
30:02Me on big job too.
30:04We gonna take plenty gold at Brant.
30:06Oh, Selby ranch over there.
30:08More better you hurry fast.
30:09Him leave soon.
30:11See you on the big job.
30:13Yeah, we make plenty money.
30:29I heard that about Brant.
30:31That would be Brant's trading post.
30:33There's a lot of rich gold mines around there.
30:35And ever so often the cavalry sends out a patrol to pick up the gold and take it to Fort Ballard.
30:40Can you locate that cavalry patrol?
30:42Well, it ought to be easy.
30:43There's only one road out of the trading post in the direction they're coming from.
30:46Then get started.
30:47I try to get to Brent's before Selby and the Indians.
30:50And when you reach that patrol, tell them to knock on it.
30:58I'll just order them to.
31:08Quit moving around.
32:16Easy, boy, easy.
32:18I won't be an Indian long.
32:20Him Selby, man.
32:49Hold it!
32:51I said, hold it. I'm a white man.
32:53That don't prove nothing.
32:54There's white men out there fighting with them Indians.
32:56Well, I'm not one of them.
32:57Where's Brent?
32:58Well, by the strong room, I guess.
33:06Bob, Brent, who are you?
33:07Never mind that now.
33:09White men are behind this attack to rob the strong room.
33:11Well, I didn't need you to tell me that.
33:13I've sent for a cavalry detail.
33:14We'll try to hold them off till they get here.
33:46The strong room's over there.
34:26Come on!
35:18If that cavalry had of got here five minutes ago,
35:20they could have saved $100,000 in gold.
35:23Was it all in dust?
35:24Frankly, none of it.
35:25I've got a crude smelter in here,
35:27and the gold is melted down into bars for easier handling.
35:30Any identification marks on those bars?
35:32Why, yes.
35:33The lettering BTP for Brent's trading post is stamped on each bar.
35:38Before too long, you may be glad that gold was stolen, Mr. Brent.
35:42My partner should be with that cavalry outfit.
35:45I'll try to find him.
35:56I tell you that Jack was responsible for Audrey being at Brent's place.
35:59Oh, how could he be?
36:00He was right here when Little Wolf brought the information.
36:03That's right, and he stayed here until we started for Brent's.
36:16Something wrong?
36:18You ought to know.
36:19Shut up, Clint.
36:22We were just trying to figure out how that ex-ranger brother of yours
36:25horned into the play out of Brent's trading post.
36:28Now what do I know?
36:29I was here when Little Wolf brought the information,
36:31and I didn't leave your sight until we got to Brent's.
36:33I told you that, Clint.
36:35Sure you did.
36:36And I told you that doesn't mean a thing.
36:38There's a dozen ways that he could have crossed us up.
36:41I don't think he did.
36:43But I don't like the idea of this ex-ranger being here either.
36:48You told me once that you didn't have much use for this brother of yours.
36:52That's right.
36:53He goes his way, and I go mine.
36:55That's not quite far enough apart, Jack.
36:58I want him killed, and I'll tell you how.
37:02You'll tell me nothing, Raybould.
37:04This is my job.
37:05I do it my way.
37:06Is that clear?
37:07Is that clear?
37:10Clear enough.
37:11Austin was right, Clint.
37:13You are a coward.
37:17Now, I want some thought given to this.
37:19I don't want you just to ride into town and gun this man down.
37:23Anyhow, there isn't too much time.
37:25I want Autry accounted for before we move the oil train.
37:30I know what you want.
37:54Let's go.
38:18Maybe you were right about some things the other day.
38:22I'll be there at three o'clock this afternoon if you want to talk things out.
38:26I'll be there.
38:27Don't try to sneak up on me.
38:30Don't worry, you'll know I'm coming.
38:44I'm a cowpoke, poke, poke, poking along, and I live a peaceful life of ease.
38:51I do my living where I please.
38:54I'm a cowpoke, poking along, got a pin toe, toe, toe, toe in the ground.
39:01There's a hill ahead he'll have to climb, but we won't rush, we'll take our time.
39:07I'm a cowpoke, poking along.
39:10I don't need money, my clothes are all new.
39:13That's why I'm wearing this grin.
39:17The day is sunny, there's nothing to do, and plenty of time to do it in.
39:23I'm a cowpoke, poke, poke, poking along, got a gal in Utah on my mind.
39:30The only gal I left behind.
39:32I'm a cowpoke, poking along.
39:36I'm a cowpoke, poking along.
39:39I'm a cowpoke, poking along.
39:50Over here, Gene.
39:57Better get down.
39:58I'd hate to hurt a good horse.
40:01Better get out of range, champ.
40:02He always was a bad shot.
40:08That's far enough.
40:10I won't miss from here.
40:11Why didn't you let me have it while I was riding in?
40:14Because I wanted to show you that I've got enough nerve to do it while you're looking
40:17at me.
40:18Go ahead and shoot.
40:19That's what I'm here for.
40:20You hung around too long, Gene.
40:23Some people got tired of you.
40:25Let's have it.
40:28That ought to add to your reputation as a killer.
40:29That's enough of that kind of talk, Gene.
40:31You want me to reach?
40:34So you could always say I tried to draw on you?
40:36Stop it, I tell you.
40:38Couldn't you ever shoot a man this close before?
40:40What's the matter, Jack?
40:44Move again and I'll draw you.
40:45Sure you will.
40:47That's what you're here for.
40:49I admire a man who does what he's paid for, even if it is murder.
40:54Go ahead and shoot.
41:08Look out, Gene!
41:24Have a look at that arm.
41:30That's a long ways from your heart.
41:33Let's have a look at your friend.
41:38Come on.
41:52We'll send the marshal out here to pick him up.
41:55Let's go.
42:00So you brought your boss along just in case you missed.
42:03It's not true, Gene.
42:04Raybould was out to get me.
42:06He's hated me since the day I joined their outfit.
42:08That could be true.
42:10And the whole thing was spoiled on the count of champ.
42:13I've got to do something about that horse.
42:15Something like gold-plated grain, maybe.
42:18Get on your horse.
42:19Where are you taking me?
42:21I'm going to surrender you to the marshal for the shooting of John Randolph.
42:24Wait a minute, Gene.
42:25This time I really mean it.
42:27The other day in town you said something about getting me a break
42:30if I stopped fighting the law and worked with it.
42:32That's right.
42:33There's a canteen on my saddle.
42:36I think we'll talk this out.
42:37Go ahead.
42:45Well, here's the exchanges.
42:47Late as usual.
42:48That stage line just carries them when they feel like it.
42:51And while we're on the subject of being late,
42:53just where on earth have you been?
42:55Where have I been?
42:56Right where you told me to go, of course.
42:58I went to the bank and I paid the hardware bill
43:01and I went to the post office and I went to the bank.
43:03Oh, you went to the bank twice.
43:04I did not.
43:05What do I want to go to the bank twice for?
43:07You said so yourself, you goose.
43:08Oh, I never said no such a thing.
43:15Read that.
43:17Governor requests Gene Autry resign from Ranger Force.
43:21Authorities not satisfied with explanation of Randolph killing.
43:25Governor Traynor has asked for the resignation of Gene Autry
43:29from the Territorial Rangers.
43:32Autry would not or could not satisfactorily explain his actions
43:36the day John Randolph, prominent Sycamore publisher,
43:39was shot and killed.
43:41You knew Gene was a ranger.
43:43But I thought he left the force honorably.
43:45Well, don't say here he didn't.
43:47Stop quibbling.
43:48Just what did happen the day my father was killed
43:50and what did Gene Autry have to do with his death?
43:52Well, I don't rightly know.
43:54You see, I wasn't exactly, I didn't actually see nothing.
43:57Of course, some folks say that Gene might have shot the fellow
44:00and killed him, but I don't believe that.
44:02Only Gene can answer that.
44:04Answer what?
44:06Why were you forced to resign from the Rangers?
44:09I'd rather not answer that, Ann.
44:12Well, then it's true.
44:14You were involved in my father's murder.
44:16Not the way you think.
44:18You don't understand.
44:19Oh, don't I?
44:21You and Captain Hickson were sent here to protect Dad.
44:23When you failed when a Selby's killer shot him
44:25while the others were holding up the bank.
44:28Just what is your price for protecting a murderer, Mr. Autry?
44:30Gee, my knee, Miss Ann.
44:31Don't say things like that.
44:33Then why not?
44:34Everything this man has done convicts him
44:36of working with the outlaws.
44:37Well, he put up a whale of a good fight
44:39when the stagecoach was attacked.
44:41Of course he did to gain my confidence.
44:43Now, wait a minute.
44:44No, you wait.
44:45My father was killed because he would have run
44:47every bandit out of this territory.
44:49They didn't know what was going to happen
44:51to the Gazette Crusade after I inherited the paper.
44:53They thought if they could convince me
44:55that I owed a man my life that I'd trust him.
44:57They wanted me out of the way
44:59they'd have a killer handy to do it.
45:01You don't really believe that, Ann.
45:03I'm so certain of it.
45:05I'm going to Marshal Hackett's office right now
45:07and have him swear out a warrant for your arrest.
45:09She'll do it, too.
45:11If she swears out that warrant,
45:13Hackett will have to serve it and he'll enjoy it.
45:15Why enjoy it?
45:17Well, he's not convinced that you're
45:19the greatest citizen that ever hit this town.
45:21He'll throw you in jail and you'll stay there
45:23till the circuit court convenes in two months.
45:25In the meantime, Selby and Raybould
45:27will have you shot 17 times or maybe 18.
45:29Smiley, I learned that Art Selby
45:31is responsible for John Randolph being killed.
45:33It's true my brother fired the shot.
45:35But he planned it.
45:37And he's the man I want.
45:39If I can't bring him back, I might as well be shot.
45:41Well, you will be shot if you hang around here.
45:43Oh, no I won't.
45:45You find out what Hackett's going to do.
45:47Meet me tonight at Signal Rock.
45:49And be sure nobody follows you.
45:51Well, I won't even bring my shadow along with me.
46:15Land certainly signed your life away.
46:17They got a warrant for your arrest that long.
46:19They'll just have to wait a while.
46:21Longer than that, I reckon, Gene.
46:23Ooh, I'm getting out of here.
46:35Art Selby wants to see you.
46:57Well, well, well.
46:59Mr. Gene Autry.
47:01Sit down, sit down.
47:03Will you have a drink?
47:07No, thanks. Don't use either one of them.
47:09Oh, a man of exemplary habits, I say.
47:11Where'd you get the printer?
47:13I found him with Autry.
47:15You've completely vindicated yourself, Jack.
47:17You have an unfortunate choice in associates.
47:19I have to include you in my plans for Autry.
47:21May I ask what are those plans?
47:25You're going on a little trip.
47:27To the nearest abandoned mine shaft, I suppose.
47:29Oh, farther than that.
47:31And you should be interested to know
47:33that you're riding with the richest train of loot
47:35that was ever taken out of the West
47:37since the days of the Conquistadors.
47:39That's ridiculous.
47:41Where could you get that much loot in one holdup?
47:43Oh, many holdups, Autry.
47:45The gold from the Brent trading post,
47:47two full wagon loads of ore
47:49taken from the Lucky Clover mine
47:51that has saved the purest silver,
47:53the take from the Sycamore Bank
47:55and a half a dozen others,
47:57a dozen stagecoach robberies.
47:59As a matter of fact,
48:01a whole wagon train of riches.
48:03You changing your headquarters?
48:05Oh, no, no.
48:07I'm taking it across the border
48:09where I found a ready market
48:11for the ore in Bouillon.
48:13We're meeting the wagon trains early.
48:15You've got a long day's ride ahead of you.
48:17You'd better get some rest.
48:19Take him away, boys.
48:21All right, let's go.
48:23Keep an eye on him, Red.
48:25That brother of mine's tricky.
48:27So is this Winchester.
48:54We got it, Smiley.
48:56Yeah, we got it.
48:58We're gonna get it,
49:00a bad case of bullet fever
49:02before tomorrow night.
49:04We got the evidence to convict Selby
49:06of Randolph's murder.
49:08And when we capture that wagon train,
49:10we'll get all the loot from those robberies.
49:12All we got to do is get out of here,
49:14and then we can go capture the wagon train.
49:16Yeah, maybe we should.
49:18Ain't bad enough to get locked up.
49:20I gotta get locked up with a fella
49:22who sells bumblebees.
49:34Everything okay?
49:36They haven't peeped.
49:38I told Selby everything was all right,
49:40but he can't sleep for worrying about them.
49:42Tell him to get his shut-eye.
49:44You sure they're still in there?
49:46Oh, we can look through the window.
49:52Gene! Gene!
49:55See, I told you Jack and I'd set the whole thing up
49:57so we could get the evidence.
50:02Follow me.
50:22Go on, Gene!
50:53Go on, Gene!
50:55It'll be daylight soon, and you've got work to do.
50:57Get out of here! This is my personal payoff!
51:23Come on!
51:35Is Marshal Hackett?
51:39Hey, Marshal!
51:41What's the idea of breaking into my...
51:43Autry, you're under arrest.
51:45I got a warrant for you.
51:47Serve it on the road, Marshal.
51:49We got to get a posse together.
51:51It's been raiding the country in the loot, all in one bottle.
51:53Come on, get some clothes on.
51:57While he's getting dressed,
51:59we can save a lot of time if you get that posse together.
52:01You're thinking pretty straight
52:03for a fella that ain't had no sleep.
52:06We're ready.
52:08I got Colby to open up the store
52:10and get us some cartridges.
52:12You're thinking pretty straight yourself, Smiley.
52:19What do you think you're doing, young lady?
52:21I'm riding with your posse, Marshal.
52:23What made you think I was forming a gang?
52:25I don't know.
52:27I just thought it would be a good idea
52:29to get a little help from you.
52:31I don't know what you're talking about.
52:33You're lucky, Marshal.
52:35What made you think I was forming one?
52:37I heard all the commotion and grabbed Smiley.
52:39He tells me everything.
52:41Well, she should know,
52:43especially because of the way she's felt about Gene.
52:45That's right, Gene.
52:47But she shouldn't ride with us.
52:49Oh, but I should, Gene.
52:51I'm no stranger to a horse,
52:53and I can handle a six-shooter if I have to.
52:55Say, you sound just like your dad,
52:57from what I've been told.
52:59I'm sorry about that, Gene, all of it.
53:01Well, he's paid for it.
53:03Let's start from here, shall we?
53:05This is a good place for a beginning.
53:07I'm riding with this posse.
53:09Then I'll have to make you a deputy.
53:11Thank you, Marshal Hacker.
53:13And I'll have to deputize you, too, Gene.
53:15I'll ride out to Baker's Ranch and pick up his cowboys.
53:17We can use them.
53:19And you bring these men along, and we'll meet on Lookout Ridge.
53:21Yes, sir.
53:31Let's go.
54:01Let's go.
54:31Come on.
54:43Here they come!
55:57I took this from you, Gene,
55:59and I'm mighty proud to be the one
56:01to pin it back on by special order of the governor.
56:03Thank you, sir.
56:05You know, Gene, your brother Jack would have made a good ranger
56:07if he'd only gone the right way.
56:09I guess courage runs in the Autry family.
56:11I'm glad to hear you say that
56:13about Jack, Captain.
56:15The governor wants a detailed report from you, too, Marshal.
56:17You'll have to give me a hand with that, Gene.
56:19I'd be glad to right now.
56:21Come on over to the office. You'd better come along, Tom.
56:23All right. I won't be long.
56:29Gene certainly makes a handsome ranger.
56:31Well, I don't know about that,
56:33but I got a sneaking feeling he's gonna be in the newspaper business
56:35before very long.
56:37He'll make a handsome editor, too.
56:39Yeah, and I got a good job for him on the women's page
56:41all picked out, too.
56:43Oh, yeah.
56:45Help! Gene!
56:47Trying to kill me? Help!
56:51That's all.
56:53Help! Gene!
