S. Korea insists on keeping inter-Korean agreement following North's threat of pulling out join liaison office

  • 4 years ago
통일부, 北 통전부 담화에 “남북 합의 준수하겠다”

North Korea threatened last week to close the two sides' joint liaison office if South Korea doesn't stop its people from using balloons to send leaflets over the border.
But Seoul says it remains committed to the inter-Korean agreements made by the leaders of the South and the North.
The unification ministry in Seoul said Sunday... that South Korea will continue to adhere to those, including the agreement reached at the 2018 Panmunjeom Summit... on reducing military tensions and engaging in exchange projects.
It did not mention the threat to close the liaison office, specifically.
The South Korean government, however, has indicated that it is working on measures that would ban the sending of leaflets into the North.


