Considering the original Samsung Galaxy Watch launched all the way back in 2018, anticipation levels are high for its successor – though it seems Samsung is skipping a number and calling the new device the Galaxy Watch 3. We had previously been calling the upcoming wearable the Samsung Galaxy Watch 2, but for whatever reason, that moniker has apparently been ditched, as per new filings made at Thailand's NBTC (Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission) regulatory body. The certification for the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 also mentions the model number, SM-R855F, and that there will also be a 41 mm variant of the smartwatch, which has been previously leaked. The file also states the already known LTE/cellular mobile connectivity feature. Along with other leaks relating to the smartwatch, which is expected to be released in August with other Samsung Galaxy products, we now have a more complete picture of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3. The accessory will apparently have a rotating physical bezel, and there will be 41 mm and 45 mm models. Military standard protection and 5-ATM water-resistance will also be part of the attractive Galaxy Watch 3 package.