Answer Bank- Am I an asymptomatic COVID-19 patient- - CGTN

  • 4 years ago
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop in nearly every country, the risk of asymptomatic patients has been brought into sharp focus.

Put simply, asymptomatic patients of COVID-19 are people who tested positive in nucleic acid or antibody tests but have not developed any symptoms, such as a fever, coughing and fatigue. This type of case is most likely to arise from close contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients, such family members. They will not appear out of nowhere in areas that have never been hit by the pandemic.

The most important question about asymptomatic patients is, are they contagious? According to current monitoring and research, asymptomatic patients of COVID-19 are contagious.

Generally, there are two types of asymptomatic carriers: people who don't develop any clinically recognizable symptoms after 14 days of medical observation and those who have tested positive with no symptoms but later develop them.

Now, you may ask since there are no symptoms, how do I know if I am an asymptomatic COVID-19 carrier?

Although nucleic acid testing is currently the main way to identify asymptomatic patients of COVID-19, you can self-check if there is a lack of test kits in your area.

You don't have to worry too much if you don't meet the following conditions:

1. Traveled to epidemic areas in the past two weeks

2. Contacted confirmed or suspected patients in the past two weeks

3. Have infected patients in your family

But if you do, you should report to nearby medical facilities at once and self-quarantine for 14 days even if you don't have any symptoms. Be aware that close contacts of asymptomatic patients also need 14 days of isolation.
