Am I Magnesium Deficient? Signs of Magnesium Deficiency. Can my skin also be deficient?

  • 4 years ago
Signs of Magnesium Deficiency.

You will find below a list of questions, each checked box may signal a magnesium deficiency. This deficiency affects on average 75 to 90% (depending on age) of the world population.

• Do you suffer from unexplained fatigue during the day?
• Do you often feel stressed and anxious for no particular reason?
• Do you have depressive feelings, even mild?
• Have you noticed any difficulties with concentration and anchoring?
• Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you wake up often at night?
• Do you regularly suffer from cramps?
• Do you have intestinal transit problems? Are your intestines «lazy»?
• Do you have eyelid spasms?
• Do you have dif culty with (slow) wound healing?
• Do you occasionally have heart palpitations or a knot in the throat?
• Is your hair fragile and breaking?
• Do you suffer from metabolic problems?
• Do you eat a daily diet rich in refined starchy foods and sugars (pasta, bread, rice, sweets, sodas, etc.)?
• Is it difficult for you to do without stimulants such as coffee (caffeine), tea (theine), chocolate (theobromine) or other enriched drinks or sodas during the day?
• Are you taking the pill?
• Do you suffer from muscular or joint pains related to regular or intensive sports practice?
• Are you more than 30 years old (magnesium deficiency increases after 30 years)?
• Are you taking blood pressure medication?
• Are you diabetic, or do you suffer from moments of tiredness related to hypoglycemic, blood sugar spiking?