Actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his residence in Mumbai’s Bandra, his representative and Mumbai Police said on Sunday. The actor was found dead at his sixth floor apartment in Bandra (West). While the police have confirmed that he has died by suicide, no ‘note’ was found from his residence. “Sushant Singh Rajput has committed suicide, Mumbai Police is investigating,” DCP Pranay Ashok, spokesperson Mumbai Police said.
The actor was known for his performances in films such as Chhichhore, MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!. He started his career on television and is still remembered for his performance in Pavitra Rishta.
Sushant’s team shared a message for his fans: “It pains us to share that Sushant Singh Rajput is no longer with us. We request his fans to keep him in their thoughts and celebrate his life, and his work like they have done so far. We request media to help us maintain privacy at this moment of grief.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among those who condoled the actor’s death. “A bright young actor gone too soon. He excelled on TV and in films His rise in the world of entertainment inspired many and leaves behind severable memorable performances. Shocked by his passing away. My thoughts are with his family and fans,” the PM tweeted.
Sushant made his debut with Kai Po Che in 2014 and later starred in films such as PK, Kedarnath, Shuddh Desi Romance and MS Dhoni: The Untold Journey. He was last seen in Netflix’s Drive. He made his acting debut with Zee TV serial Pavitra Rishta.
He garnered applause for almost all his films. MS Dhoni, in which he played the former Indian cricket team captain, was among the most successful film of 2016. He received critical acclaim for his role in Dibakar Banerjee’s 2015 movie, Detective Byomkesh Bakshy.
Sushant as the confused lover boy in Shudh Desi Romance also impressed the audience and proved that he can play the romantic lead with ease. Apart from the mainstream projects, he also worked in films such as Abhishek Chaubey’s Sonchiriya and hold his own against acting stalwarts such as Manoj Bajpayee.
A shocking video from an open park in Jhansi has gone viral on social media where gym equipment can be seen operating on their own. This video went viral on social media within no time after it was uploaded and netizens were amused and baffled at the same time. After the video came to the notice of the cops, a police team reached the spot and took stock of the situation there. Police later clarified through a tweet which said, "Miscreants will be hosted in a 'haunted' lockup soon".
Meanwhile, the Jhansi Police on Saturday (June 13) quashed rumours of the paranormal activity, claiming that the video was shot at Kanshiram Park in Nandanpura, and instead was a mischievous prank by someone.
The actor was known for his performances in films such as Chhichhore, MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!. He started his career on television and is still remembered for his performance in Pavitra Rishta.
Sushant’s team shared a message for his fans: “It pains us to share that Sushant Singh Rajput is no longer with us. We request his fans to keep him in their thoughts and celebrate his life, and his work like they have done so far. We request media to help us maintain privacy at this moment of grief.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among those who condoled the actor’s death. “A bright young actor gone too soon. He excelled on TV and in films His rise in the world of entertainment inspired many and leaves behind severable memorable performances. Shocked by his passing away. My thoughts are with his family and fans,” the PM tweeted.
Sushant made his debut with Kai Po Che in 2014 and later starred in films such as PK, Kedarnath, Shuddh Desi Romance and MS Dhoni: The Untold Journey. He was last seen in Netflix’s Drive. He made his acting debut with Zee TV serial Pavitra Rishta.
He garnered applause for almost all his films. MS Dhoni, in which he played the former Indian cricket team captain, was among the most successful film of 2016. He received critical acclaim for his role in Dibakar Banerjee’s 2015 movie, Detective Byomkesh Bakshy.
Sushant as the confused lover boy in Shudh Desi Romance also impressed the audience and proved that he can play the romantic lead with ease. Apart from the mainstream projects, he also worked in films such as Abhishek Chaubey’s Sonchiriya and hold his own against acting stalwarts such as Manoj Bajpayee.
A shocking video from an open park in Jhansi has gone viral on social media where gym equipment can be seen operating on their own. This video went viral on social media within no time after it was uploaded and netizens were amused and baffled at the same time. After the video came to the notice of the cops, a police team reached the spot and took stock of the situation there. Police later clarified through a tweet which said, "Miscreants will be hosted in a 'haunted' lockup soon".
Meanwhile, the Jhansi Police on Saturday (June 13) quashed rumours of the paranormal activity, claiming that the video was shot at Kanshiram Park in Nandanpura, and instead was a mischievous prank by someone.