• 4 years ago
A Pak-Anglican musical cover inspired by Johann's Sebastion Bach - Marcello Adiago

In memory of the legendary 'Johann Sebastion Bach'

Performed by Nadeem Khan
All 'creative works' complies under UK Copyright on fair use for the purpose of creating a pastiche or research - under section 30A Schedule 2(2A) of the copyright, designs
and Patents act - 1988.

Plagiarism Repudiated

Sound Engineering at AT & C

Released by Music Label: AT & C
Education: Amun Tutors - Learn to Play Piano
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2359282164096099/videos/270656224152839/?t=3
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/nadeem-khan-976187328/marcello-adiago-piano-cover
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbYgEBAe0AUbFgHihDOy5LfGYptQQuFsCkvyc0/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nad7860/videos/1808190559305050/?t=6

