• 5 years ago
Die Sister, Die! (1978)
PG | 1h 22min | Horror, Thriller | December 1978 (USA)

A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.

Director: Randall Hood
Writers: William Hersey (story), Tony Sawyer
Stars: Jack Ging, Edith Atwater, Antoinette Bower
00:01:00I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I
00:01:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
00:02:00out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
00:02:30to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to
00:03:00get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
00:03:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
00:04:01out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
00:04:06to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
00:04:13I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
00:04:18out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
00:04:23to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
00:04:28do what the rest of us do, make the best of it.
00:04:58I figured you could use this, Dr. Bourbon, if I remember.
00:05:09Why, doctor?
00:05:12Well, that was precisely the question I was going to ask you.
00:05:19You know, that was quite a hostile display, and you've no idea why.
00:05:27No, I... well, I was never on Amanda's A list.
00:05:35You know, thinking back, though, she used to always set me up against Father.
00:05:44He was quite a man, your father.
00:05:47Well, let's just say that he was a hard act to follow.
00:05:53You know, it's odd.
00:05:55Until he died, Amanda was one of the steadiest women in the world.
00:05:59She was like a rock.
00:06:01Amanda was very attached to your father?
00:06:04Oh, yeah, very.
00:06:07Yeah, she did everything for him.
00:06:09She managed the house, she... everything.
00:06:13Would your sister accept hospitalization?
00:06:16A mental hospital.
00:06:18With her consent, of course.
00:06:20Well, it's a pity.
00:06:22A woman doesn't try to take a life twice in a single year
00:06:25without some deep emotional disturbance.
00:06:28Right now, a therapist might get through very quickly.
00:06:31He might get her to reveal the cause of that inner anxiety.
00:06:36You mean like a confession?
00:06:39Call it that if you wish.
00:06:41Oh, good God, doctor.
00:06:43What could Amanda possibly have to confess?
00:06:46Possibly only a thought, an impulse, a feeling.
00:06:50An impulse she's never acted upon.
00:06:52But anyway, she feels guilty and she represses it.
00:06:55But it's still there, like some sort of monstrous secret.
00:06:59And it frightens her.
00:07:04Well, then maybe a companion in the house.
00:07:07Maybe that would help.
00:07:09What about your younger sister, Nell?
00:07:11I remember her staying here for a short while before your father died.
00:07:15Wouldn't she be willing to come back for a while at least?
00:07:19But not Nell.
00:07:21Nell has never thought about anybody in the world but herself.
00:07:24No, not her.
00:07:27Well, clearly something has to be done.
00:07:29Otherwise there's nothing to prevent your sister from having a third try
00:07:33and succeeding.
00:07:36Now, doctor, what about a professional, an experienced nurse?
00:07:41You think Amanda would agree?
00:07:43Well, her only choice was a mental hospital. She'd have to, wouldn't she?
00:07:47Do it, Edward. Do it now.
00:07:51Meanwhile, you get some rest.
00:07:56You're carrying quite a load yourself.
00:07:59Thank you, doctor.
00:08:02Good night.
00:08:17Good night.
00:08:47Miss Cole, do you want another?
00:08:51Would you have one with you?
00:08:53Sorry, sir, if it's conversation you're looking for, the other girls have left.
00:08:58Maybe later.
00:09:00Look, I'm just the waitress from 62.
00:09:0387.50 a week on tips.
00:09:05Tips good here.
00:09:07Do you want another drink?
00:09:10You know, with your qualifications, I think you could do better, Miss Harper.
00:09:15How do you know my name?
00:09:17I understand you were a pretty good nurse.
00:09:20Nurse? If I were a nurse, what would I be doing here?
00:09:28Maybe these have something to do with it.
00:09:46What are you? You a reporter?
00:09:49Not at all.
00:09:51What do you want from me?
00:09:53I might be able to offer you a job, but I have to know about this.
00:09:57I mean, now, you surely didn't marry a 90-year-old man for love.
00:10:03Now, you listen to me.
00:10:05For years, I looked after that old man. I was his nurse, his friend.
00:10:09The only person in the world that he could talk to.
00:10:12His family never even came to see him. They were just waiting for him to die.
00:10:16And you?
00:10:18He wanted to give me something. The only thing that he could, which was money.
00:10:21So he married me to do it.
00:10:24I see. The family took you to court and cheated you out of it.
00:10:31You know, I guess it's been pretty hard to get a job with all the publicity.
00:10:35I mean, like this place.
00:10:39What kind of a job are you offering?
00:10:43I have a... a secret.
00:10:47She's going to need very special care.
00:10:50And what would it pay?
00:10:57Here's your check.
00:10:59Here's my, uh, card with my phone number on it.
00:11:02And, uh...
00:11:04Give the change.
00:12:07Mr. Price?
00:12:09It's Miss Harper.
00:12:15I've been expecting you.
00:12:18Since I talked to you yesterday on the phone,
00:12:22I've been thinking. I'm still not sure. I know so little.
00:12:26Would you do me a favor? Sit down. I'll speak to you in a minute.
00:12:29Sit down.
00:12:31Obviously, I couldn't, uh, couldn't discuss everything on the phone.
00:12:34You see, the person involved happens to be my sister, Amanda Price.
00:12:39She's the patient?
00:12:41She had a mental breakdown, and, well, she's still a little erratic.
00:12:46I have to have someone with her.
00:12:48I was hoping that you had had dealings with disturbed people.
00:12:56What would you expect of me?
00:12:59Not much, really.
00:13:01I have a housekeeper that comes in twice a week.
00:13:03Miss Gonzalez, you'll like her. She's been in the family for years.
00:13:06Amanda's alone a lot.
00:13:08She doesn't go out very much, and I want you to stay with her.
00:13:12The main thing I want from you is...
00:13:15I have to know everything that goes on in the house.
00:13:19Amanda's mind, the way it is.
00:13:22There's certain family affairs that I don't really want other people to know about.
00:13:27No other duties.
00:13:31Amanda, in the last two years,
00:13:35has tried to kill herself two different times.
00:13:40She will certainly try a third.
00:13:47And if she does?
00:13:54She mustn't fail.
00:13:58How would I be paid?
00:14:05Well, I...
00:14:07I think it's better at first to pay your regular nurse's salary.
00:14:14But within ten days of my sister's death,
00:14:16I will deliver to you in cash $25,000.
00:14:28Hush. You're lucky I'm here at home.
00:14:37Eat, drink, and be merry,
00:14:40for tomorrow always comes.
00:14:58We're getting old, Jethro.
00:15:01You in your cage,
00:15:04and I in mine.
00:15:09Come, the invaders.
00:15:11Keep a civil tongue, Jethro.
00:15:13We must make a good impression.
00:15:24Amanda, this is Esther Harper.
00:15:27So I see.
00:15:29Edward, you needn't remain.
00:15:31I think Miss Harper and I can best get acquainted by ourselves.
00:15:34As you wish, Amanda dear.
00:15:36Thank you, Mr. Price.
00:15:38I'll be in touch.
00:15:43And now, Miss Harper.
00:15:45Please call me Esther.
00:15:47Very well.
00:15:49First, I'd like to introduce myself.
00:15:51Very well.
00:15:53First, I'd like to introduce you to the oldest occupant of the house, Jethro.
00:15:58I'd like you to say hello to our new housekeeper.
00:16:01Or is it Godness?
00:16:03I'm a registered nurse, Miss Price.
00:16:05Yes, a nurse.
00:16:08Now, why would I need a nurse, Esther?
00:16:12Surely you know that better than I.
00:16:15Perhaps not.
00:16:17Certainly my esteemed brother must have filled you in on all the choice details.
00:16:21My mental instability, my suicidal impulses.
00:16:26Not really, no.
00:16:28I do gather that there isn't much affection between you.
00:16:32Now, that should be an item for your nurse's notebook.
00:16:36I assume you're going to keep one.
00:16:39Madam is cheerful.
00:16:41Madam is moody.
00:16:42Madam had a bad night.
00:16:44Madam ate her porridge.
00:16:47And to whom, pray, do you expect to report all this delectable gossip?
00:16:52My brother, Dr. Thorne?
00:16:55I didn't intend to keep notes.
00:16:57Oh, come now.
00:16:59My brother, with Dr. Thorne's connivance, hired you against my will.
00:17:03You don't expect me to believe that you're not here to spy on me.
00:17:08You're their Trojan horse.
00:17:12Don't play games with me, Esther.
00:17:15I play for keeps.
00:17:20Miss Price, I'm here simply to help you, if you'll let me.
00:17:28I'll show you about.
00:17:30This is an old house, Esther, set in its ways.
00:17:33Nothing is to be moved or changed.
00:17:36I dine in here.
00:17:38I have breakfast and lunch in the parlor.
00:17:43I like things, Esther, not people.
00:17:47Things are far less dangerous.
00:17:49Treat them properly and they do what they're supposed to do.
00:17:52How old are you?
00:17:57I'm 38.
00:17:59I think you could be pretty if you tried.
00:18:01I don't think about it much.
00:18:03I thought all women did.
00:18:05Miss Price, I have worked for a living all my life.
00:18:09Nonsense, there's no excuse.
00:18:11A pretty face brings in treasure, so I've learned.
00:18:15Come on.
00:18:22This is my room.
00:18:24I've chosen to give you the room adjoining mine.
00:18:26It was my sister's until she went away.
00:18:32My sister liked pretty things, including herself.
00:18:35You'll have no trouble in finding mirrors.
00:18:38I'm sure I'll be very comfortable, thank you.
00:18:41In the future, I should like dinner promptly at 7.
00:18:44You may dine with me at the table if you wish.
00:18:56Miss Price, this cupboard still seems to be locked.
00:18:58Indeed it is.
00:19:00About the house, there are other locked cupboards and doors.
00:19:03Please respect it.
00:19:05My experience with the honesty of servants has not always been reassuring.
00:19:10And I detest snooze.
00:19:31Dreams cost money.
00:19:33You'll be able to afford them, won't you?
00:19:35How about a lift?
00:19:37Thanks, I've got your sister's car.
00:19:39Ah, Madeline.
00:19:40How's my dear sister these days?
00:19:43It's difficult to tell.
00:19:44I know one thing, she doesn't trust me.
00:19:47Well, at least she trusts you with her fabulous heirloom.
00:19:51I wasn't sure I could still shift gears.
00:19:56How's your schedule with Amanda?
00:19:58I mean, has she given you a day off yet?
00:20:02What about dinner?
00:20:04Somehow I don't think your sister would like that.
00:20:08She needs it now.
00:20:13All right.
00:20:15You must be Mrs. Gonzales.
00:20:43Oh, I am Mrs. Gonzales.
00:20:47What happened?
00:20:48Oh, the ground, it shakes.
00:20:51You do not feel it?
00:20:53I must have been driving when it happened.
00:20:55Oh, it was a little one, but it throws down the parts.
00:20:59I hope it hasn't broken any crystal.
00:21:02Where's Miss Price?
00:21:04Oh, Miss Price, she takes years, I think.
00:21:08Have you been with the family long?
00:21:11A long time.
00:21:12I am here since they are children, but now everything changed.
00:21:16Changed how?
00:21:18All the time fighting.
00:21:19They fight for money, but also I think for something else.
00:21:24I think maybe for the father.
00:21:32To be father of children, one must be equal.
00:21:36Mr. Price, he have eyes only for one.
00:21:39Miss Nell.
00:21:40Anything she want, she can have.
00:21:43She run away and marry.
00:21:45Miss Amanda stay here, work, work.
00:21:48Then Miss Nell come back.
00:21:50And everything is the same.
00:21:52Mr. Price give her everything.
00:21:56And yet, when Mr. Price die, Miss Nell do not even stay to bury her father.
00:22:06It is sad.
00:22:08Yes, better to be happy.
00:23:43I quite like.
00:23:47What do you want, Esther?
00:23:50I told you I'm an ordinary girl.
00:23:53All I want is everything.
00:23:56Well, we're kind of in the same boat, aren't we?
00:23:59You had a fortune snap out from under you and I got one dangly right in front of my nose.
00:24:05Is that what all the hate is about?
00:24:07That after one son we're dead.
00:24:10I think it is.
00:24:13There is a word for what you want.
00:24:18The word is suicide.
00:24:20The word is murder.
00:24:22Don't be foolish.
00:24:25If Amanda wants to kill herself, let Amanda kill herself.
00:24:38Edward, where's Nell?
00:24:46Nell got her share and went away.
00:24:53And why are all her clothes in my closet?
00:24:58Well, Nell had a lot of clothes in a lot of places.
00:25:01I guess she didn't need them anymore.
00:25:06Didn't need them?
00:25:10Why, what are you thinking?
00:25:13I was thinking that if everything turned out the way you wanted it to, I'd be a danger to you.
00:25:21You'd have to kill me.
00:25:27We're partners, remember?
00:25:33Now I am cold.
00:26:03In my day, an escort did not have to be a man.
00:26:08It was a woman.
00:26:13And a woman was a woman.
00:26:18And a woman was a woman.
00:26:23In my day, an escort didn't drop a lady in the street.
00:26:34He brought her to a door.
00:26:40And you know that I had dinner with Edward.
00:26:42Of course.
00:26:45Are you my enemy, Esther?
00:26:48Is that what you think?
00:26:51Well, you've lived in this house for nearly two weeks.
00:26:53It's not hard to know anything about you.
00:26:56It's odd, isn't it?
00:26:58For all I know, you might be an escape murderer.
00:27:02Sit down, tell me about yourself.
00:27:06What is it that you want to know?
00:27:08Where you come from.
00:27:10What you've done.
00:27:12Go on, tell me.
00:27:15There isn't very much to tell.
00:27:19My mother died when I was five.
00:27:21My father drifted away.
00:27:24I was taken in by the county.
00:27:26I went to school.
00:27:27I worked at odd jobs.
00:27:29And finally I went to nursing school.
00:27:32What drove you?
00:27:36I promised myself that I'd never go back to the life I had as a child.
00:27:40I'd do anything.
00:27:48Escape, Esther.
00:27:50Escape while you can.
00:27:54I'm not very good at riddles, Miss Price.
00:27:57Can't you feel the current, Esther?
00:28:00It'll trap you.
00:28:02Take you into deep water.
00:28:05This house is dying.
00:28:07So many locked doors.
00:28:09A pass boarded up room by room.
00:28:14We belong to it, Edward and I.
00:28:18He'll use you, Esther.
00:28:20Or try to.
00:28:23Miss Price, you must be very tired.
00:28:26Why don't you take a pill and have a really good night's rest?
00:28:29Yes, the capsule.
00:28:31Now that's a fair exchange.
00:28:33I offer you escape.
00:28:35You offer me oblivion.
00:28:39Good night, Esther.
00:28:40I can manage.
00:28:53How dare you?
00:28:55How dare you?
00:29:10Oh, never.
00:29:38Miss Price.
00:29:39Miss Price.
00:29:42Oh, my God.
00:29:45What on earth are you doing here?
00:29:48Save me.
00:29:49Save me.
00:29:51From what, Miss Price?
00:29:52From water.
00:29:54Shh, shh, shh.
00:29:55Mass fatigue.
00:30:05But they're not there.
00:30:08They're not there.
00:30:11Only in your mind.
00:30:14Only in your mind, Miss Price.
00:30:18The visitors of the mind.
00:30:21And our most dangerous enemies, aren't they, Esther?
00:30:26Let me help you back to bed.
00:30:32I can manage.
00:30:47I'll bring you a cup of tea to help you relax.
00:31:07Just pour me some brandy, if you will.
00:31:29How do you fight them, Esther?
00:31:31The enemies of the mind.
00:31:34You must have been having nightmares.
00:31:40Don't you remember?
00:31:47But where would you have been going in your sleep, Miss Price?
00:31:51I don't know, Esther.
00:31:54I don't know.
00:31:59I'm very tired.
00:32:01You can sleep now.
00:32:02There's nothing to be afraid of.
00:32:05I'll be here.
00:32:32I'll be here.
00:32:46I'll be here.
00:33:15Come in, Edward.
00:33:37The Tosh 29.
00:33:39What a surprise to our dear father that someone else should drink it.
00:33:43Did you expect to drink it, Edward?
00:33:46No, I inherited his expensive taste, but not the money to afford them.
00:33:51As a matter of fact, that was the last burden that he put upon my shoulders.
00:33:58And you, my dear sister, were his happy accomplice.
00:34:01He saw your fatal weakness.
00:34:03Oh, yeah?
00:34:04Then what is that?
00:34:05Your self-pity.
00:34:06You wear it like a badge, like a beggar's sign.
00:34:08Forgive me.
00:34:09Help me, for I cannot...
00:34:10All right, all right, all right.
00:34:11So sure?
00:34:12Damn, you're sure.
00:34:13For a long time, I used to believe that.
00:34:15But it was all pretense, wasn't it, Amanda?
00:34:17We know that now, don't we?
00:34:19Come on, get off of it.
00:34:21We have the same secrets.
00:34:24And who else knows them?
00:34:28Oh, the dead.
00:34:30And they do keep secrets very well.
00:34:35Well, you invited me here.
00:34:37What do you want?
00:34:41I want to make an arrangement with you.
00:34:44An arrangement?
00:34:45What kind, dear sister?
00:34:47You've always wanted this house.
00:34:49Take it.
00:34:50I hate it anyway.
00:34:52I'll double your allowance.
00:34:54You can live almost as well as you've always fancied.
00:34:58Well, I'm overwhelmed with your sudden outburst of generosity, my dear sister.
00:35:03But what corresponding gesture do you expect in return?
00:35:07Send Esther away.
00:35:13She's an intruder.
00:35:15Intruders are dangerous.
00:35:16They learn things.
00:35:26It's too late, Amanda.
00:35:29It's too late.
00:35:31What do you want?
00:35:35I want it all.
00:35:41We'd be paupers in a year.
00:35:44Not until I'm dead, Eddie.
00:35:46Not until I'm dead.
00:35:54Of course.
00:35:57That could be arranged, couldn't it?
00:36:01I would say that basically it's only a matter of who does it.
00:36:04You or I.
00:36:06You're really preparing to kill me?
00:36:09Of course.
00:36:14If you wanted me dead, why didn't you let me go peaceably when I tried?
00:36:20Well, Amanda, as you tell me so very well, one must keep up appearances, mustn't one?
00:36:26So, when someone alerted the doctor, what could I do but act like a loving brother that, of course, I am?
00:36:35And there is one mistake advantage.
00:36:38I mean, Amanda, just think.
00:36:40What safer victim could there ever be than someone who has a record of suicide attempts?
00:37:02Edward's here.
00:37:03Thanks, Lydia.
00:37:04Hi, Doctor.
00:37:05Thought I'd just save a dime and come over and get Amanda's sleeping pill prescription.
00:37:09How is she?
00:37:11Pretty good.
00:37:13How's that nurse working you out?
00:37:14Oh, she's doing fine.
00:37:16But I'm staying away.
00:37:17I think it's better that way.
00:37:23Here you are.
00:37:28Doctor, wouldn't it save a lot of time and trouble just to double this thing?
00:37:33Well, in view of your sister's history, it would hardly be wise.
00:37:36You know, if someone's really intent on destroying themselves, there's very little you can do to stop it but one doesn't place a loaded weapon into hands.
00:37:43Of course.
00:37:45Well, I'll be particularly careful.
00:37:47Thanks again, Doc.
00:37:49See you.
00:37:54Miss Robinson, please bring in the file on Amanda Price.
00:37:58Yes, Doctor.
00:38:07When was Miss Price's last prescription for sedatives?
00:38:12Ten days ago, 25 seconal, one and a half grains.
00:38:19Is that all, Doctor?
00:38:21Yes, yes.
00:38:22Just make a similar entry for today.
00:38:36What a surprise to find you in the garden.
00:38:39I seldom feel the inclination.
00:38:42It's a pity.
00:38:43Beautiful roses, wasting away with no one to enjoy them.
00:38:47Most of life is a waste, I've found.
00:38:50Isn't it enough that it's a beautiful day?
00:38:53Perhaps it once was.
00:38:57When I was very small, before my mother died, I used to live in this garden.
00:39:04I used to lie on the path, my eyes half closed, and watch the colors of the roses blur and dance.
00:39:13I helped my father plant these roses.
00:39:18He was a god to me then.
00:39:22Why did it change?
00:39:24My sister stole him from me.
00:39:28So I took the pruning shears one night and I cut down all the roses, every one.
00:39:37They grew back again, but it was never the same.
00:39:42It was a sad garden, full of brambles.
00:39:46Is that why you never visited?
00:39:48Or take roses into the house?
00:39:53Until today.
00:40:07Still trying to make peace with him?
00:40:13Too late.
00:40:16I think you must have loved him very much.
00:40:20He was so surprised to die.
00:40:23Forgotten that life is the one disease that's always fatal.
00:40:29One just never knows how it'll come.
00:40:32Or when.
00:40:35I waited and waited, never showed up.
00:40:57I had errands to do.
00:40:59I don't believe that.
00:41:00All right, I thought it was a bad idea.
00:41:03Edward, how's the wife?
00:41:05Relax, will you, and smile.
00:41:07I thought you hired me to do a job, not to be an easy afternoon in bed.
00:41:13Are you losing your nerve?
00:41:15The difference is that I've met Amanda.
00:41:17I know her now.
00:41:20I've saved her all of her life.
00:41:23If she wants to die, let her.
00:41:25You make it almost sound right.
00:41:28It is, Esther, it is.
00:41:31It's almost like an act of mercy.
00:41:33Sometimes I feel as if I'm becoming another person, someone I don't know.
00:41:39Esther, there's nothing to worry about, believe me.
00:41:45I've got to go.
00:42:01You know what you're looking for?
00:42:09I know.
00:42:10I want some kind of poison to get rid of some pests.
00:42:13Oh, what are we talking about here?
00:42:15Rats, bugs, moles, big, medium, small.
00:42:18I got all kinds.
00:42:21Oh, hell, what you want is sodium cyanide.
00:42:24That's about the strongest thing you can get.
00:42:26All Coyote needs is one taste and he's dead right now.
00:42:29This stuff don't fool around.
00:42:31That powerful, huh?
00:42:33Maybe I shouldn't take it.
00:42:34I mean, if it'll kill a coyote, it might kill a person.
00:42:37Oh, hell, yes.
00:42:39If you got kids, you got to keep this under lock and key.
00:42:41You don't take no chances.
00:42:43Remember them Nazis?
00:42:45That's what they took if they got captured.
00:42:47Yes, is that right?
00:42:48One little capsule in the mouth.
00:42:51Save the expense of a hanging.
00:42:55You want it?
00:42:58Yeah, I'll try.
00:43:12I'm Dr. Thorne.
00:43:14Come in.
00:43:15You must be the nurse that Mr. Price engaged.
00:43:17Yes, I am.
00:43:19Is Miss Price about?
00:43:21I believe she's taking a nap.
00:43:23And how is Miss Price these days?
00:43:26In your own judgment.
00:43:28She's been having nightmares.
00:43:31A couple of nights ago, I found her on the stairs.
00:43:33She had no idea of where she was.
00:43:37Absolutely terrified.
00:43:39I should think so.
00:43:41Well, I gave Mr. Price a new prescription for sleeping capsules.
00:43:46Keep them in your possession.
00:43:48I understand.
00:43:50Leaving so soon, Doctor?
00:43:53I was just about to have some tea.
00:43:55Won't you join me?
00:43:58I'm sorry, Amanda, but I'm due at the hospital.
00:44:02I just dropped in on my way.
00:44:04Dropped in?
00:44:06For what?
00:44:07To take my pulse?
00:44:09To see how you were getting along.
00:44:12Would you mind if I went and made tea?
00:44:14That would be nice.
00:44:18And how am I getting along, Doctor?
00:44:21I presume Miss Harper has kept you up on my coming and going?
00:44:25My rages, my fears?
00:44:28Nothing nearly so dramatic.
00:44:31What, then?
00:44:34No more than the fact that, occasionally, you were a little moody.
00:44:41I sing and dance all day long.
00:44:44Good God, Doctor, only idiots are not moody.
00:44:47Amanda, it's really not healthy for anyone to stay in so much.
00:44:51And what's so healthy about the outside, pray?
00:44:53Don't you read the papers?
00:44:55What else is out there but rape and robbery and deceit?
00:44:59And murder and greed and war.
00:45:01It just depends on what you see.
00:45:03Really, Amanda, why don't you give some thought to a trip?
00:45:07Change of scene. Get out of yourself for a bit.
00:45:10Where's your sister, Nell?
00:45:12Why do you ask?
00:45:14Well, didn't she go back abroad?
00:45:16Perhaps she might enjoy a visit from you.
00:45:23I'm glad you find it so amusing.
00:45:27I'm sorry, Doctor. It struck me hardly.
00:45:30But by all means, you're right.
00:45:33I shall give it some thought.
00:45:36Perhaps I shall visit Nell.
00:45:39All right.
00:45:41All right. I have to go.
00:46:46How silent tonight.
00:46:50The house is always quiet.
00:46:55Tonight it's particularly quiet.
00:47:02Odd, isn't it?
00:47:04We've been thrown together, you, Edward, and I.
00:47:08Like strangers in a lifeboat.
00:47:12And who will survive?
00:47:14And who will die?
00:47:20And what did he promise you, Esther?
00:47:27To be my executioner.
00:47:30And how will it be done?
00:47:33A gun? An axe?
00:47:36How will it be done?
00:47:39A gun? An axe?
00:47:42Or in some subtler way?
00:47:47If it were true, would I admit it?
00:47:55I suppose I want to trust you.
00:47:58And you don't.
00:48:02Is that why you haven't touched the wine?
00:48:06The Borgias use poison.
00:48:09Usually quick, effective, and without unseemly violence.
00:48:31Well done, Esther.
00:48:36Now prepare the table. I'll go to my room.
00:49:32Where are you?
00:49:39Where are you?
00:49:47Where are you?
00:49:49Where are you, father?
00:49:52I'm frightened.
00:49:54What frightened you, my child?
00:49:57Where are you?
00:49:59That's right
00:50:04Why should you be frightened my child I'm so sorry father why
00:50:29Last will and testament I James Linden price being of sound mind to hereby amend all earlier wills and testaments
00:50:36Whatever to my weakling son Edward and my faithless daughter
00:50:41Amanda I leave nothing
00:50:45To my beloved daughter now I took the queen control of all my estate's monies in earthly possessions
00:50:52First to enjoy so long as she may live
00:50:58Linden price
00:51:03There's nothing happen Amanda you seem dreadfully sure so you've won I
00:51:13Must say as sick as father may be he writes a beautiful hand and expresses himself so clearly
00:51:21Don't you agree I nursed my
00:51:24God for over two years. I I nursed him day and night choice is to dear
00:51:29I'm hardly responsible and you had yours until your lover ran out
00:51:33How dare you come back here and take everything I sleep for?
00:51:38If you'll be good children you and Edward I shan't let you say I
00:51:44Won't beg for it. No
00:51:48You may have to
00:51:49Cry go before so they say give it to me. I certainly will not I said
00:52:49Now we have only each other to hate what do we do about now?
00:54:26Think nightmares and sleepwalking
00:54:34She always seems to be going somewhere in a sleep
00:54:38The first time I found her on the stairs
00:54:42Tonight I found her shaking the cellar door
00:54:49You've got to tell me what's down there
00:54:53How should I know, you know, I know, you know, I
00:54:57Think it's the reason that you wanted it. I don't think it's simply money. You're afraid that she's
00:55:02There you question me. We are partners. Remember I
00:55:07Haven't forgotten. Well, that's good. I mean it's not like I asked you to commit a crime
00:55:12Just ask you to let nature take its course
00:55:17Easy yes, let her own demons kill her whoever they may be
00:55:31Almost forgot dr. Thorne sent over a new batch of sleeping capsules
00:55:36Not enough for a lethal dose, unfortunately, but perhaps it'll keep
00:56:02That was Edward I
00:56:05Didn't know what to do cycle. It's trash
00:56:12This price called me Amanda I preferred
00:56:18Amanda I'm so sorry that I frightened you
00:56:23Wasn't you that frightened me
00:56:27Anyway, it doesn't matter
00:56:30Dr. Thorne sent over some new sleeping tablets. Do you want to take a cup set them on the table first? I'll try some brandy
00:56:52Will you drink it?
00:57:01You're not afraid
00:57:12Just leave the pills I may need them
00:57:38There's nothing to worry about just a mild allergy meanwhile this will help
00:57:46Put a lovely crucifix. She must be very proud of it. Miss price. Give it to me. Oh
00:57:51I had no idea that mr. Bandit was so devout. Oh, no, it belonged to miss Nell before she go away
00:57:57You know her. Well miss Nell, I mean. Oh, yes, and she was little girl
00:58:03She left rather suddenly didn't you? Oh very one day. I come to house and everything is changed. Mr
00:58:10Price's dead and miss Nell has gone away. Miss Amanda say she fly away and big plane
00:58:17But not to stay for her father's funeral. I do not understand
00:58:22Yes. Well, there's nothing more we can do for you today. So now if you get a severe attack come back
00:58:44Want to check the date on his death certificate
00:58:50Here it is June 13th last year
00:58:55massive coronary
00:58:57Get me Charlie Wyndham on the phone Donna travel agency
00:59:08Hello Charlie, I
00:59:11Want a favor?
00:59:12May be important. I
00:59:14Want to know if Nell price made any air travel arrangements through your agency?
00:59:20Nell price old man price's youngest daughter
00:59:23Leaving Los Angeles, June 12th for June 13th of last year
00:59:27Now if you have no record of it, she may have made the arrangements directly with the airline. I want to know that too
00:59:35No, I haven't gone into the private eye business it's a personal matter
00:59:41Okay, Charlie. Thank you. Oh
00:59:49Excuse I'm late. I got the doctor. Don't you feel well? Oh, no doctor say I'm okay. Okay. It's miss price up here
00:59:57I do not see her. Well, perhaps she's still asleep. She had a late night
01:00:07Surprise Amanda
01:00:31Edward it's Esther. Listen, something's wrong. Amanda's gone
01:00:41Well, that's rather obvious isn't it Esther the point is when she could be a hundred miles in here by now, where would she go?
01:00:48That's something we better find out. Come on, you know, it's so strange because she was panicked by something in the dream
01:00:53So when you left she was perfectly calm. Why didn't you just give her the pills? I
01:00:58Left them on her night table. She had brandy instead. I thought she was going to
01:01:05What's in those pills, I don't know whatever they put in pills
01:01:10You change goddammit after just like Amanda
01:04:06So many little
01:04:16Stealing even
01:04:19Small things from my father
01:04:27Pieces my father
01:04:52Committed a sin too great to be
01:04:59I'm pretty father. What's wrong?
01:05:05My life my sister
01:05:11He had everything I ever wanted
01:05:28She's still here
01:05:31Every night my dream she visits
01:05:51I'll believe you
01:06:00What else
01:06:08Thank you
01:07:41I'm sorry. I just got back from the hospital
01:07:44What did you find out on L price?
01:07:46Zero international flights domestic carriers. Hell, I even checked the town cabbie no record anywhere
01:07:57Listen doc. I sure hope it's all that important. I could have shot 18 holes this afternoon
01:08:05Well, I can give it to you right now don't eat so much you're getting fat
01:08:10Thank You Charlie I do appreciate all your effort bye-bye
01:08:39I'm going in
01:08:41I'll go with you. No, don't you come?
01:08:45If I go in alone, you know, it'll seem more innocent there's no need for you to get involved. I'll take the risk
01:08:58All right, but you must give her the pills tonight what if she refuses and call me it has to be tonight we're through waiting
01:09:07And by the way, how will I be paid will it be in cash
01:10:57Admin doctor you need any time just coffee, please
01:11:14Thank you
01:11:23Got something on your mind doctor
01:11:26Yes, I've got a problem I don't know what to do with it. Oh, yeah
01:11:30All I have is a guess
01:11:35But I'd like you to come to the price home with me I
01:11:40Think Amanda price is in great danger and what grounds?
01:11:46Said all I have is a guess
01:11:48But I think it's because she has knowledge of a crime. It's already been committed
01:11:53What kind of a crime?
01:12:07You wouldn't want to be left behind
01:12:14It's lonely
01:12:16You've been together so long
01:12:20She wouldn't like to eat he was
01:13:00Know you're in there. Please answer me
01:13:08Amanda answer me
01:13:14Where have you been I've been looking for you everywhere
01:13:22Amanda please let me in I have to talk to you
01:13:33If you insist
01:13:50What's wrong Amanda you seem so strange
01:13:56No, I'm not frightened anymore
01:14:00If you leave me I'm going to take a pill and go to bed
01:14:08You mustn't
01:14:11Why mustn't I?
01:14:14They're poisoned. I'm sure of it
01:14:24I'm sure of it
01:14:29Thought surprised
01:14:32He hired you to kill me didn't he? Yes, and you couldn't
01:14:42We could have been such good friends
01:15:26Love me
01:16:13Think you'd better come to the house right away to the man to come back
01:16:56Will be facing just about mr. Price
01:17:27Where's my sister the ambulance just left the body
01:17:35She was determined to kill herself I tried to stop
01:17:54The best plans don't always succeed Edward
01:17:57You did your best
01:18:02It's all on my shoulders now
01:18:08It's state the lawyers I
01:18:11Began oh, I don't think you have to carry that burden
01:18:17Just before she died Amanda made a will
01:18:21She provided for mr. Gonzalez of course, but she left the bulk of her estate including this house
01:18:27Who was Hopper?
01:18:34You're lying, let me see that will I have it
01:18:38Oh, I see miss Harper gave it to you miss Harper gave it to you. Well, let me tell you about miss Harper doctor
01:18:45Miss Harper plays for very nice. Thanks. Don't you? Oh
01:18:48First it was the senile old millionaire, but you got caught didn't you she got caught but now she's trying to do it again
01:18:54Could you make yourself clear I'll make it very clear very clear
01:18:57You say she wormed her way in here and then seduced my sister into changing her will and then you killed her and tried to
01:19:02Make it look like suicide. That's what she did. And I want to know what's in those pills
01:19:05I demand a laboratory analysis of exactly what's in those pills what she gave my sister it would be done
01:19:10Oh, you're so smart what you staged up there
01:19:13You were trying to stop Amanda
01:19:17You were forcing her to take the poison weren't you
01:19:21She didn't take poison
01:19:24She jumped
01:19:33I'm so confused. I did so much has happened. Maybe a drink will help steady your nerves
01:19:42Some of that brandy your sister stored in the cellar
01:19:47No, whiskey the cellar doors locked. I think you'll find it open
01:21:38Think we have quite a lot to talk about
01:21:53See Edward Amanda left two letters a
01:21:57Will and a full confession. She finally said what she had to say. I
01:22:05Couldn't do it. I had to tell them all I know
01:22:11I'm sorry
01:22:38Well, mrs. Gonzalez
01:22:41So many years
01:22:43Once they were little children
01:22:47And now they are all gone
01:22:52Only he is still here let him stay in the silence. I
01:23:03Hope you come back sometime
