• 4 years ago
From December 2019, an illness started to spread through China. Fast forward to 4 months later, the world has now come to a standstill. There’s panic and chaos everywhere, because of a minuscule virus, Coronavirus. It causes a disease called COVID-19, symptoms of which are – fever, cough, sore throat, breathlessness etc. WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic which emphasizes how fast it’s spreading and infecting people. To fight this pandemic, we need to know how Coronavirus spreads. Coronavirus spreads by air droplets formed by sneezing or coughing of an infected person. To prevent this, we must isolate ourselves from affected people, disinfect surfaces around us, wash hands frequently, use face mask and avoid public gathering. Suspected and confirmed patients must be isolated to prevent further spread. With these steps, we must stand together with government, healthcare workers and police to win against this deadly disease, COVID-19


