The most important 6 benefits of pomegranate

  • 4 years ago
Pomegranate is a fruit sourced from Persia, and has been used since ancient times for various purposes, due to the important nutrients it contains that have gained numerous and important benefits for health, so let's get to know them below.

The benefits of pomegranate start from its seeds where pomegranate seeds can be used and added to many dishes and salads or used as a light or concentrated juice, which is used in many dishes of the Mediterranean basin.

Its peel has long been used in leather and silk tanning in black.

1- Rich in vitamins and minerals

Pomegranate contains many important vitamins and minerals, such as:

Vitamin B, K, A and C.

Potassium, sodium, calcium and even phosphorous.

Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, to form an effective weapon in reducing the risk of various diseases and even treatment.

2- Promote oral and dental health

An American scientific study conducted by researchers at the University of Ohio and published in the journal Phytotherapy Research demonstrated that:

Pomegranate helps promote oral and dental health and reduces the risk of gingivitis.

Using mouthwash that contains pomegranate daily for four weeks, reduces oral pathogens and reduces the level of protein that causes plaque formation, because increased antioxidant activity in pomegranate has helped prevent bacteria sticking to the mouth.

3- Good for heart health

Another study indicated that pomegranate contributed to lowering high cholesterol and preventing oxidation of harmful cholesterol, thus protecting against vascular obstruction, heart disease and atherosclerosis.
It protects against cancer

It has been shown to be rich in chemical compounds (such as polyphenols). Laboratory studies have shown that many of the components of pomegranate have the ability to reduce the spread of cancer cells.

This is due to its richness in antioxidants that contribute to strengthening the immune system and preventing cancers.

5- Rich in iron, which contributes to the prevention of many diseases

Not only this, but the iron mineral found in the pomegranate in abundance helps to overcome Anemia, in addition to its various benefits, which are:

Reducing the incidence of arthritis.

Help treat eye infections.

Prevention of osteoporosis.

6- Aesthetic benefits

Despite the many benefits of pomegranate in the medical field, it has also proven its effective role in the cosmetic field, as it contributes to slowing the aging process, thanks to the unique components of antioxidants, which protect the skin and cells from the aging process
