How to improve focus on work, study & every task

  • 4 years ago
How to improve focus on work, study & every task

When we need to concentrate and focus if we want to take challenge in our career. When we can focus intensely on our work, you get to do more. And, when we put our whole attention and energy into the said task, it often means that we're doing our very best work. The good news is that there are lots of things that we can improve our focus and concentration. In this video, we discuss about every work/task its need focus and concentration for enjoy that task.

When we target to do a task it means we made it already half. Our focus drives everything in our lives. It almost single-handedly determines whether or not we’ll experience a high quality of life and accomplish things that are meaningful to us.
Here are three counter-intuitive ways to stay focused:
 Make fewer decisions. The more and more decisions we prepare the easily fatigue our brain then we fail to effective for long time. So, first, stop browsing so much! Mindlessly browsing consumes incredible amounts of brainpower; every new link and every new piece of information to pay attention to eats up your mental energy and reserves. It costs you not only your focus, but your willpower and future focal power as well. If you’re looking for something, search for few thing, find it… and then stop. Limit your browsing and get back your brain.
 Define your mission. Most people show up without any intention and, as a result, they end up doing too many things that aren’t important. Ask yourself, “What do I desire in life? What should I be doing with my time at this moment to further my life and mission?” Figure out the steps ahead, take focused action, and be ruthless in minimizing time spent on anything else.
 Say NO to everything immediately, as a first response, from now on. Don’t immediately commit to projects anymore. Check them against your mission and passions. Ask, “Should I focus on this right now in my life? Yes or no? Is this good for me or bad for me? Is this the right time or wrong time?” Learn to say no to anything that doesn’t fire your heart with full commitment and enthusiasm. Staying focused is one of the most important skills in life. It’s time to commit to getting back to a simple approach to life, to focusing on only one-to-three major things at a time. Day by day, moment by moment, move your life toward only those things that truly engage and energize you. Soon, you will start to experience what we call The Charged Life! Watch the video and download
