Antebellum Film Trailer - Plot synopsis: Successful author Veronica Henley (Janelle Monae) finds herself trapped in a horrifying reality and must uncover the mind-bending mystery before it's too late. ANTEBELLUM is a terrifying new thriller from the producer of the acclaimed films GET OUT and US, and groundbreaking directors Gerard Bush and Christoper Renz (Bush+Renz) -- an exciting new voice in filmmaking.
directed by Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz (aka Bush+Renz)
starring Janelle Monae, Marque Richardson II, Eric Lange, Jack Huston, Kiersey Clemons, Tongayi Chirisa, Gabourey Sidibe, Rob Aramayo, Lily Cowles, Jena Malone
release date September 18, 2020 (in theaters)
directed by Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz (aka Bush+Renz)
starring Janelle Monae, Marque Richardson II, Eric Lange, Jack Huston, Kiersey Clemons, Tongayi Chirisa, Gabourey Sidibe, Rob Aramayo, Lily Cowles, Jena Malone
release date September 18, 2020 (in theaters)
Short film