• 5 years ago
Our Freedom of Speech is in DANGER, and the only way to keep our freedoms and liberty intact in these politically turbulent times is to takes risks and not give in to the authoritarian directives, especially if they are funded agents who sympathize for foreign powers like China. As a nation we must also be AWARE of what is really transpiring and not be so easily consumed by the mainstream propaganda. There is an INFORMATION warfare happening right now, and it would be in the best interest of ALL Americans to be tuned as to whom it is that is funding the rationalization of the US, including Black LIves Matter "burn it down" directives and the ANTIFA organization, as well as the Washington-lead orders that allowed the demoralization of ALL police officers, racist or not. As much as police reformations is necessary, if all police are defunded, and they are unable to properly enforce the laws, or emotionally willing to take risks, the only ones left with defending themselves are the ones who can hire private security that is not beholden to your constitutional rights. And as much as Black Lives Matter movement should be embraced in concept and manifestation to enhance opportunities to disenfranchised communities, the means to how you actualize it does matter. If you would like to SUPPORT this DEMONETIZED channel, we sure could use the boost.www.Patreon.com/2ndEarth - www.PayPal.com/2ndEarth
