• 5 years ago
Original Uploaded on Veoh: https://veoh.com/watch/v142036925j82jgT6t

After I completed my Wyvron W3 Vs. Doomscizor D3, we move onto the next four BeyBattles, where I used the B-00 Long BeyLauncher LR. At first, I want to share my brief story about the pros and cons of cleaning my Luinor L3 energy layer with the green apple dish soup. In the meantime, I could also use my mind to adjust my setting for my Rail Rush BeyStadium. But, it would be the awesomeness of me that I could think about getting the tripod. So, that we would watch the BeyBattles go very well without seeing through the red-colored cover. I also formed my first part of concluding my B-00 Long BeyLauncher LR for 10 Test Beyblade Burst Battles.

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