20 Dollar Chef - Surf n Turf

  • 4 years ago
Today on 20 Dollar Chef, we're going a little bigger than normal. Sometimes you have to step it up. So I picked up 4 lobster tails and a 17 oz. New York Strip. This isn’t in the normal budget. We went a little bigger this time.

I really enjoy cutting the tails in half, giving them a brush with the garlic butter and letting them do their thing. Mixed with a nice piece of steak this meal really is one of my favs to make on a weekend. This was around $55/60 bucks. Not bad for 2 people. Would be much more in a restaurant. Throw in a 20 dollar bottle of vodka and you are gonna be hammered, full and all for 75 bucks. Strong celebration meal here. I also like serving on one big plate. I like picking form the big dish and only having to dirty a couple small plates.