This Is the Right Way To Peel Shrimp

  • 4 years ago
Imagine you’re home from the store with a couple pounds of shrimp, ready to assemble your favorite shrimp dish.The only thing standing in your way is that you’ve got to peel them.There’s no need to regret not buying the pre-peeled variety; we’ve got peeling and deveining shrimp down to four easy steps:.Step 1. Pull or chop off the head and pull off the legs.Step 2. Slide your thumb under the shell from the bottom and pull the shell off in one piece.Step 3. If you’re prepping for a handheld appetizer, like coconut shrimp, keep the tail on; otherwise, pull it off.Step 4. Skim a knife along the dark vein on the shrimp’s back, making a cut. Remove the vein with the knife or your fingers.Now you are ready to eat or cook. Just remember to save those shells for a seafood stock
