45 mil. more people to drop into poverty in Latin America, Caribbean due to COVID-19: UN

  • 4 years ago
유엔 "코로나19로 올해 중남미 빈곤층 4천500만명 늘어날 것"

The UN forecasts the COVID-19 pandemic could push 45 million more people into poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean.
It says a sharp economic contraction and soaring unemployment will translate to a seven percentage point increase in poverty levels compared to 2019.
This will leave some 230 million people,...more than one third of the region's population, in poverty.
The UN also said the region could see a 9-point-1 percent drop in GDP, which would be its worst in a century.
South America has seen over three million COVID-19 cases, more than half of them in Brazil,...followed by Mexico, Peru and Chile.


