Chickens Wear Tiny Backpacks For Science

  • 4 years ago
Chickens recently wore tiny backpacks for science.

Chickens recently wore tiny backpacks for science.
Amy Murillo/UCR
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The University of California, Riverside reports "a team of entomologists, computer scientists, and biologists" looking for a way to track mite infestations among free-range farm poultry developed small computer devices they call "Fitbits for chickens."
Amy Murillo/UCR
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Those devices used motion sensors to track the birds' preening and dustbathing habits, as the team hypothesized that increases in the activities could be indications of infestations.
Testing and observations revealed they were correct. (slow to fit
Amy Murillo/UCR
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The study's lead researcher commented, "These results could let farmers know it's time to examine their birds for parasites. And the tools we developed can also be used to examine the effects of any change in a bird's environment or diet."
Amy Murillo/UCR
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