President Moon unveils blueprint for Korean New Deal

  • 4 years ago
문대통령 "한국판 뉴딜은 대한민국 대전환 선언"

Overcoming the COVID-19 crisis and making the transition to become a world power that LEADS, not follows.
That's the aim South Korean President Moon Jae-in announced today,... unveiling the government's grand initiative, the Korean New Deal.
Seoul plans to create some 1-point-9 million jobs by 2025... to better meet the needs of the future.
Our presidential office correspondent Kim Min-ji starts us off.
President Moon Jae-in says the Korean New Deal amounts to a transformation of the country into a global pace-setter.
Unveiling the blueprint Tuesday,... the president said South Korea is going to invest over 130 billion U.S. dollars by 2025 to create 1-point-9 million jobs that better meet the country's future needs and that embrace two main pillars "digital" and "green."
The Korean New Deal is a declaration that we are transforming South Korea into a leading country. From an economy that chases to an economy that leads, from a carbon-dependent economy to a low-carbon economy, from an unequal society to an inclusive society it's the strong determination of the government to fundamentally change South Korea.
Moon introduced 10 main projects that will be part of the grand plan,... including a digital dam, AI government, smart medical infrastructure, green remodeling, green energy and eco-friendly future mobility.
Particularly in the digital sector,... the president said that the aim is to become number one in the world through bold and preemptive investments in various areas, such as education and medical.
In regards to the Green New Deal,... he stressed that it will entail responding to climate crises and will include ways to protect the environment while at the same time boosting industrial competitiveness.
Moon noted that an underlying condition is that, in the process, South Korea is able to reduce inequality and become an inclusive society.
We will expand fiscal spending and aggressively invest for the future. The government will be active at the forefront of creating new jobs. We will also muster national efforts to reduce inequality and boost the safety net.
The grand plan comes about 80 days since the president first introduced the idea as a means of preparing for the post COVID-19 era.
Moon said that people will be able to feel these changes before the end of his term in 2022.
The administration has its eyes on the New Deal to revive the economy and get state affairs rolling during the latter half of the president's term. Moon stressed the Korean New Deal should continue to evolve even under the next administration.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.