S. Korea sees more COVID-19 cases from Russian ship crews; possible clusters in Jeju and post-natal unit in Seoul

  • 4 years ago
해외 유입 지속적으로 늘어... 지역감염도 전날대비 늘어

We begin with the COVID-19 situation here in South Korea.
A cluster of cases from crew members of Russian ships docked in Busan... is adding to South Korea's number of COVID-19 cases from overseas.
And there's a worry that new local clusters could emerge... after several cases on Jeju island... and a case at a post-natal care unit in Seoul.
Arirang's Kim Do-yeon starts us off.
South Korea continues to report more imported cases than local cases as 39 of the 60 new cases on Friday were from overseas.
Of those, 19 were from three Russian ships docked at the southeastern port of Busan.
The government said that it will continue to work with Russia, and that the number could rise further as more test results are yet to come.
"Regarding ships coming from Russia, we continue to cooperate with the country for solutions such as imposing quarantine measures or testing the crewmen before ships leave Russia, but even if we do impose quarantine measures before leaving, this has limited capacity in finding the confirmed cases."
In the past few days, a large number of cases have come from construction workers returning from Iraq.
As the situation in Iraq is putting some 800 Koreans in the country at risk, the government has decided to send a chartered plane to safely bring some of those citizens home.
The operation could come as early as next week.
Local cases rose slightly as well with alarming signs of a potential uptick in cases.
There were three cases reported on the island of Jeju.
The cases came after a woman from Seoul who had visited the island was found to have COVID-19. She had taken fever reducers to lower her body temperature and didn't wear a mask in some places.
In addition, a case was found in a post-natal care unit in Seoul... the facility has been closed and a total of 73 people including the mothers, babies, and employees were tested.
The total number of cases in the country now stands at 13,672 with two additional deaths, putting the death toll at 293.
Kim Do-yeon, Arirang News


