Jamie Foxx Finds It Crazy That He’s The First African American Lead In A Pixar Film

  • 4 years ago
Actor Jamie Foxx didn’t know that he is the first-ever African American lead in a Pixar film, and finds it crazy. Jamie Foxx has voiced the protagonist in an animated film Soul, which has been postponed amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Asked about creating history with the casting, Jamie said, “You know what was crazy? It is.” “You know what was crazy? I didn’t know that,” ew.com quoted Jamie Foxx as saying. Talking about his daughter’s reaction on doing the animated film, he said, “She was like, ‘Dad, you finally made it. You’re in a Pixar film!'” Asked about his animated alter ego, he said: “Oh, man! That’s kind of me, in a sense; the pot belly and the skinny legs. My daughter was like, ‘They got you’.”


