Revenge of the Virgins (1959)
1h 1min | Western | August 1959 (USA)
When white settlers start to move in on their sacred grounds, a tribe of female Indians vow to do anything they can to stop them.
Director: Peter Perry Jr.
Writer: Edward D. Wood Jr. (screenplay) (as Pete La Roche)
Stars: Charles Veltmann Jr., Jodean Lawrence, Stanton Pritchard
1h 1min | Western | August 1959 (USA)
When white settlers start to move in on their sacred grounds, a tribe of female Indians vow to do anything they can to stop them.
Director: Peter Perry Jr.
Writer: Edward D. Wood Jr. (screenplay) (as Pete La Roche)
Stars: Charles Veltmann Jr., Jodean Lawrence, Stanton Pritchard
Short filmTranscript
01:00Out of the early days of our western frontier have come many legends
01:05Some of these stories are based on fact others. No doubt were conceived in the minds of grizzled old prospectors
01:12Too long alone in the hot barren waste
01:15Consumed by their one dream the dream of finding gold each one convinced. They one day hit the biggest bonanza of all
01:23Many of these stories as you know concerned Indian
01:27They were the large tribes or nations in Arizona such as the Apache the Navajo
01:34Hopi Zuni Papago and many more
01:39California's Indians were divided into smaller tribes
01:42There were a good many of these groups that were all but extinct when the first Spaniard landed
01:47Most of them were far more primitive than their brothers in other territories. Their culture was that of the Stone Age
01:56Story deals with the last days of one such tribe
02:00Already small when Spain first claimed, California's her own their numbers steadily dwindled as they waged an unending war against the white man
02:09They refused to be converted to Christianity by the Padres of the missions
02:14The white man was their mortal enemy to be killed on sight
02:19While their number was decreasing the number of their enemy was increasing
02:23The Anglo or Yankee had migrated west and was embarked upon the feverish search for gold
02:31The remnants of this tribe had been driven back into the hills in an area which was thought to be rich in gold
02:38Individual prospectors and parties of men had gone into these hills never to return
02:45There came a time when the only remaining members of this tribe were women
02:49Their men had been all killed in their ceaseless battle with the white men or a died of pestilence
02:56Ironically the leader of these women was herself white
03:00She had been captured as a baby and the only reason she had been spared was the fact that their hair was the color of yellow
03:08To the superstitious minds of these primitive people. This was a symbol
03:14She had been sent to them by the Sun God and they treated her as a goddess as she grew to young womanhood
03:20Since she had known nothing but the ways of these Indians their enemy became her enemy and she fought and killed her own people
03:28This is a story of one party of white men and one white woman who in their search for gold
03:35Encountered these Amazons of the West
03:41Could fill bags with
03:43Weather spots in that Creek where the nuggets just reflect the Sun at you
03:50Why talk on it man? You must be the richest man in this whole territory where you got all the bags of gold here
03:57I had them bags of gold mister, but don't you think for one blame minute them ornery redskins was gonna let me take him out
04:05Lucky to be standing right here
04:07plum lucky
04:09Just cut out with my eye
04:11Never even got out with a price of a drink
04:17When you plan on going back a rat you don't let all that gold just go away
04:22Just as I give me a grub steak and a party of men
04:25What's man and ain't afraid to take on the engines? I'm going back
04:33And we've been believing you for the past five years
05:07Was going on down there. Oh, that's the boy. They have quite a time with Pam
05:13Pam tiger, that's a pan pan for panhandle. I
05:18Don't know what it means
05:20What about this story? He's telling about the gold. I
05:25Don't reckon you've been around here very long. Have you?
05:30Mulvey Potter the wife and I just got in yesterday afternoon. We're staying at the Harley boarding house. Oh, that explains everything
05:38Yeah, pan. He's been telling that story around for years. Why I'm surprised. He hasn't already told you the story
05:45You know strangers are his best customers
05:48He sure tells it like it was a truth
05:51He's been telling that story so long. I think he believes it now. Yeah, I guess it could be that way
05:58Now, what do you have? Oh nothing. Thank you. I'm not a drinking man
06:03Fact is wife doesn't allow it
06:06Huh? I was going to ask you if you knew of some little business a man might get into
06:12You get to hear about everything that goes on in town
06:16So if you've got the right kind of money I happen to know that you can pick this place right up
06:23You put some music out there
06:26And you'll get some nice shapely
06:30Entertainers and then you cut that red-eye in half with you know, cheap alcohol
06:38Of course with me as a partner, you know sort of look keep an eye on things around here for you
06:45Mister you'd be riding high on the horn. Well
06:49How much will it take to happen?
06:51Five thousand. Oh, no, no. No, you're talking way over my head. I haven't got that kind of money
06:59Well, mister you go out there and see old pan and for a few dollars he'll make you rich
07:14How much would it take?
07:17I'll dang well depends on how many got in the party now to get in and out of Gold Creek
07:22That's the name I gave it, you know, you gotta have upwards to six or seven guns
07:26Oh, what would we need with all of those guns?
07:29They'd only be two or three of us a blasted old man. I'm talking men six or seven us what can handle guns?
07:37Well, isn't that cutting the gold a little fin oh, I'd take a small army to cut that kind of gold in
07:44I've never seen such gold and all your born days
07:49Or all right. All right now plan on six or seven how much for three months?
07:54No, let's say by the time you figure horses
08:09Little liquor
08:15You got a cab to see a thousand dollars
08:19You might be able to see that down a bit
08:23If you was to round up a party what it's your expenses. Yeah
08:28Yeah, that might be the way
08:30I'd hate to pay the whole bill to make somebody else rich
08:34Who is Pam Taggart?
08:37He's that prospector. I told you about the one that knows about the gold. I
08:42Sent you out to try and talk a deal with the owner of the saloon and you come back without talking to him
08:51And have a goal to tell me you wasted your time talking to a stupid old fool
08:56But but Ruby I want that saloon
09:00Do you understand for once in my life? I want to be somebody I want to run that place and be the queen of the beehive
09:09And have all the people come to me for favors I
09:14Want to make money
09:17Big money Ruby Ruby. You've just said it. That's exactly what's been on my mind big money
09:23Wouldn't go out and buy the saloon
09:26Ruby honey forget about that saloon for a minute. That's not what I'm talking about
09:31Besides if if you were to be the queen around a place like that, honey
09:35I just couldn't stand it all those men pawing at you
09:42Ruby honey, listen to me. Hear me out justice once
09:47Now we both want big money, but I'm telling you again. I just haven't got the wherewithal to buy a place like that
09:55Before you married me you sold out a freighting business in, Illinois
10:00What did you do with the money well, I I
10:05Sold out the place because I couldn't make a go of it now
10:08And now if you've got a place it isn't doing very well. You're not going to get very much for it. Are you?
10:13Now Ruby listen this tiger swears up and down that the gold is there and I believe him
10:21Well, it wasn't there say say he made up this whole story just to mooch a bottle in some food
10:28He wouldn't be willing to risk his life now, would he much less three months of hard work and a long trip
10:34Oh, no, no. No, he can get a bottle in food a lot easier than that
10:41Where's this gold supposed to be and a place he calls gold Creek
10:46It's deep in Indian territory
10:49Now honey, it's no picnic to get there
10:51But we can be rich real stinking rich and we won't have to sweat it out in that lousy saloon for the next 15 years
10:59Listen to me. All we have to do is bag it up bags of gold
11:10Look Mike, it's just a matter of time before some joker will drift in from Texas and spot us
11:16When that happens wait on the run or rotten in jail
11:20Now listen Wade, you know, I never had no stomach for battling Indians
11:25Whoever says we're gonna have to get to where we have to battle, huh? You mean what you know
11:29I mean, we're getting 300 a piece cash
11:33We're getting grub and plenty of ammunition
11:36When we decide to cut our own trail you tell me
11:39Who's gonna stop us?
11:42300 much of a stake
11:44Not unless you're planning on going in for that gold by yourself cotton. No, I'm not
11:50But I figure friend Potter for the rest of a real good steak
11:54But it's the only fool. I know the belief attack. Oh
11:59How do mr. Potter
12:01It's a friend of mine Mike Horton that he's uh, he's in on the deal. Howdy. Well good. Oh
12:09Those other two men you told me about they don't want to come in
12:12Looks like we'll have to spend some more time getting the party up to full force Hunter. I gave you two days
12:19You're up either we go now, it's
12:22Gonna cost you two thousand dollars for me and Horton. I just haven't got that kind of money Condon
12:29Party's up to five
12:31Either we go now we don't go
12:35Maybe we should just forget the whole thing
12:38But well, thank you. You're not going to like going in shorthanded
12:41Well, you just tell target then condom me make up for men
12:45Yeah, could be
12:48Could be
13:35We gain the top of the pass I couldn't help but take a last look at the town
13:40There was a feeling of security down there
13:43Well ahead of us
13:46But Ruby but Ruby it was different all she wanted to know was whether I was coming or not
13:52When I told her that it might be a long time before we saw the town again. She looked off a moment
13:58Then said we'll see it again. I
14:19When do you plan on stopping for the night
14:21Ruby and I aren't up to this type of travel. We're beginning to hurt you city. People ain't quite up to pan-taggered. Are you?
14:29Well reckon I should take it fairly easy on you cause when we hit engine country
14:34You're gonna need all the fish you can muster. There's water a couple miles ahead. We'll make camp when we hit it
14:53We got to take over this outfit tonight
14:56I've only been a day out too risky
14:59Besides I
15:01Have to look into something. I've been seeing you getting cozy with the potter's wife
15:06You ain't planning on anything with her. Are you look Mike?
15:10You let me decide what's best and you better do some faster side because I ain't getting my scalp lifted for nobody
15:17All right, all right, we'll we'll do it tomorrow night be a lot safer all around but it's got to be tomorrow night
15:34Don't even a few days on the trail, but it was long enough to overhang the party with the smell of trouble
15:40From the way Taggart was watching the trail. I figured he was expecting trouble any time
15:45And from watching Condon and Horton. I had a feeling something was brewing there. Also, I
15:50Didn't like their little secret powwows. I
15:52I got to worrying that if it all exploded at once nobody would ever get to see Gold Creek
16:43What is it Tiger
16:46We are getting Indians this quick, are we no
16:50Don't reckon so. I just caught a twinkle or something back in the hills
16:55What do you think it was?
16:57Sun hit a bit of Micah most likely
17:00Could also be the Sun hitting on a rifle barrel up
17:03Could be
17:06Move out
17:25Can't understand why it's so cold
17:27You're roasting all day
17:30We've climbed about a couple of thousand feet since yesterday Ruby a higher altitude makes it colder. Oh, shut up
17:37I don't need an explanation from you
17:49That's another thing you better keep a closer watch on your investment a
17:55Couple of more days and you won't know what direction is going in
18:01Hmm I think I'll go to sleep
18:34Don't know tag it ain't putting on this Indian scare just to keep us in line
18:38As far as he knows he got nothing to worry about us
18:41And I thought I'm giving the hill some pretty sharp lurks where he thought no one was looking at and that's all the more reason
18:46For us to get it over with now before somebody moves Don's
18:50something that Potter's wife said
18:52Makes it doubtful who's got the money. What difference does it make who's got the money?
18:55We get everything don't we could be in town, you know, who with a bartender what?
19:01You've heard of a bank, huh?
19:07Well, it's a chance. We'll have to take that's all because I ain't going another step into no engine country
19:11I just a chance of more money
19:14What about Ruby Potter same as the rest what you don't think we're gonna take her along do you I
19:20Don't see shooting a woman like well, if it'll spoil your breakfast condom
19:24Leave it to me because I got an idea that money-grabbing which is planning on coming out of this alone
19:32Let's get it over with quick
20:05We saw your fire and thought you might be able to spare us a little grub
20:11Doesn't the United States Army feed its cavalryman anymore?
20:14Well, we got separated from my outfit in an engine ambush a day or so ago and there's garrison is for the factory. That's
20:22It's about a hundred miles away
20:24How'd you get here so quick?
20:27We were on a scouting mission. Yeah about two days out when it happened. Oh
20:31take it we
20:32Got some company seems like they want to buy the grub
20:43You two been trailing us during the day why no
20:46We just spotted your fire about half an hour ago
20:49Why you have an engine trouble? Not that we know of what can you tell us?
20:54You got ambushed by a strong party at anvil rock reckon curtain and me. Here's the only two that got away
20:59We've been running from a member senator
21:02Sure could use some grub
21:04Well, come on. I'll poke up the fire
21:18Yeah, I don't like the looks of this
21:20There are two men that have been on the run for a few days. They and their horses look pretty doggone good
21:27But but they're cavalrymen yes
21:32What do you mean? They're gears army regulation, but part of what they're wearing has been picked up elsewhere
21:41Well, we better go tell Connor now don't go flying off the handle how we know they ain't in together
21:47It seems to me Condon and Horton accepted these two pretty easy
21:52How will we find out?
21:57Tomorrow morning
21:59We'll tell Condon and Horton that we're aiming on asking the cavalrymen to stick with us to Gold Creek
22:06That'll smoke them out in the open
22:10How so well if they're in cahoots they'll agree if they ain't
22:14They won't want to share grub and gold
22:21Yeah, yeah
22:40Think keeping you two from riding
22:45We figured on going your way
22:48The wrong direction for Fort Apache we didn't know
22:52You know now
22:55We ain't exactly no hurry to get back to Fort Apache your court-martial for desert
23:05Harsh words, here's some more to go with him. You ain't riding our way because we don't need you
23:13Now let's get all our cards up on the table
23:16The drunken old fool you got leading you talks a lot when he's drunk and asleep
23:19Now we know what you're out after and we want in
23:22You ain't got a chance in hell after we overheard you two planning last night
23:30I think you'd better count us in I
23:34Look fine up soldier boys
23:38Now let's start riding nice and easy
23:51Couldn't may seem to think there might be something what them two were saying about the engines
23:55So we decided we'd do a bit of scouting around
23:58That's a good idea. We'll catch up later
24:38Here they come
24:55Like a couple of prairie dogs just waiting to be picked off
25:02Here's where general Horton passes sentence on a couple of deserters
25:44What give me a sign if you're still alive
26:32Ain't putting a thing past them two
27:00Who got him the arrow just came out of nowhere
27:18What happened
27:22What happened, I don't know
27:25An arrow came out of nowhere. I didn't see a thing before I didn't see a thing after that
27:29See a patchy's idea a fair play. Then you don't know if there was one or a hundred
27:33There was only one else condon wouldn't be I knew we should have hung on to those two army men
27:39What chance have we got now?
27:42Stop your whining Potter still with us. How do you know? Yeah, they are
27:55Seems like they're tagged here talking in their sleep about the gold
27:59You're doing well making that up cotton cuz I got a notion you're in cahoots with him
28:06Better save your fighting for the Indians
28:17Can't get us down you need us now
28:21He's right condon. He's right. We've got to take them on
28:25From here on in I call all the bets Potter. So don't tell me what to do
28:28Could be the party doesn't need you condon. You've been trying to run this show ever since we left
28:33Maybe I'll let you find gold creeps. Stop it. We're ever gonna reach that gold
28:38We're going to need all the guns and and wits we can muster any of you want to argue against that
29:09Whose side are you on mrs. Potter?
29:12Why the side that offers the most?
29:15Would you care to make a bed? I?
29:19Have to write it out or I bring it in person
29:23Try it
29:58Cheap grip
30:01This money belongs to me he didn't earn it, you know of a harder way to earn it Potter
30:07Well, if it's not any good to him now anyway and what are you acting so righteous about you were coming here to get this
30:13money yourself
30:22What have you been up to nothing that concerns you
30:26What do you do
30:32Taking this money back from Horton seems like your husband doesn't like people getting killed before they have their pay
31:26Think I heard he don't want engines gonna tackle a party
31:56Like this when I have your scalp lifted by a bunch of braids
31:59Tigers, right if it's run we run you run anyway
32:04If anybody's getting ideas, I'm going back. They're going back without me. I'm moving ahead fast as I can
32:31Reckon we've reached it
32:33Well checked all my bearings and listen, I'm plum mistaken. We've come to the goal
32:41Let's get unpacked
32:58Think your friend tagger had a few too many to drink along the way
33:02What do you mean Ruby? Well, I'll explain it to you. Have you found any gold yet?
33:08No, none
33:12That's right, what where is all this gold he was talking about and where is he out in the bush dead drunk
33:32Knew it
33:56Oh your fire, let's move his body to the brush
34:15Ruby you stay here. We'll go search the brush. Come on
35:06Well, did you find something
35:09Nothing, they don't
35:10There must be somebody out there. It doesn't make any sense
35:14Don't be waiting around for an engine to make sense, especially when he's out to kill you
35:20Who tries for 10 years to convince somebody there's gold up here
35:24When he finally makes it back he gets one minute to feel it between his fingers
35:29And he collects himself a tombstone
35:34I'm sorry. It had to be him. I could use a drink. I'll join you
37:56Hey don't wake up
38:02Why'd you wake me up for there ain't nothing about what do you make him?
38:10Well, one thing for sure they have an old square dance
38:14Will they attack I don't think so. How can you be sure I ain't
38:18I'm just going on the superstition that they believe if they're killed at night
38:23They'll never find their way to the happy hunting ground. It's a lot of consolation. Mr. Jones. Well, take it or leave it
38:30I'm going back to sleep
40:01Did you ever see anything like this we're rich Ruby rich we will be if you'll shut up and keep working
40:13Look at this nugget Ruby look at the size of it. I look good on your finger wouldn't it?
41:03He did
41:13Let's get a body out of here no use in making targets of ourselves
41:37Don't you think we ought to put up some kind of marker what for
41:43Because it's usually done I guess great seems kind of lonesome without a touch of somebody cared. Oh, you do it then
41:51I'll go look for Jones girl, huh?
41:55Are you planning on getting out tonight?
41:57I'm planning on getting out as quick as I can. How quick is that?
42:02As quick as I can round up all the sacks of gold, mr. Potter
43:09What are you doing there watching me
43:14I I wasn't watching you. I just came over to have a little talk. Are you talk?
43:23Well, it looks like we're the only two left we've got all the gold in the gear so
43:31But you've got to admit we're a long way from out of here
43:33I think we're going to need each other to get out of here with our scouts
43:38well, maybe so and
43:40And maybe not
43:43Just kidding here cost us two men in the face of a party of seven. That's why we were coming in
43:48Now we're going out. I
43:50Have a strong feeling those Indians aren't going to let anybody out of here that easy not with this go they're not
43:55What use have they got for this girl? Huh?
43:58Well, it might be sort of a god or a spirit or an omen to them
44:03You're a superstitious fool Potter and a coward besides
44:09Condon, you know, we'll never make it out of here if we try to go it alone. Yeah
44:15Now look condon you promised me that I go out of here with you and I'll pay you a thousand
44:21Make it fifteen hundred
44:24Two thousand
44:27Condon you're not leaving me out here to die. I'm getting out with my gold. I'm getting out. Do you hear me?
44:32Mr. Potter hold on now and relax
44:35Easy putter sit yourself down
44:39That travel light. We're gonna travel fast, but we're still gonna need some handy guns and for good. I
44:51You know what I'm going to do when we hit town, huh, I don't me about yourself I'm going to buy that saloon
44:57Had to like drinking that much huh? Oh, no, no, no. No, I did. I'm going to buy it because of Ruby
45:03She wanted to buy that place real bad before we came out for the gold
45:09Yeah, I can just sit around and
45:12Imagine Ruby all dressed up in a silk dress
45:15Walking over to my table and sitting by me
45:18And I can see all those men just standing there
45:22Walking over to my table and sitting by me
45:25And I can see all those men just staring at her with envy in their eyes
45:30Yeah, hey, yeah, I'm going to buy that saloon
45:44I'm gonna go to your saloon. Mr. Potter. I'm gonna have that drink for old times sake, huh?
50:21I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.
50:51I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.
51:21I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.
51:51I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you
52:21Beware the savage guardians of the Golden Horde.